Title The Maidservant in Cabin Number One: The Beginning (The Guest Book Trilogy 4)
Author Chrysteen Braun
Genre Historical Fiction, Literary Fiction
Book Trailer created by Jody Vitek
Book Blurb
"Braun uses the mountainous area and cabins to her advantage in telling the stories of her characters. An exceptional plot. Her character development is outstanding."—Readers' Favorite
After her father’s death in 1923, when Ruth Ann Landry is just ten, she joins her mother as a maidservant for a wealthy Seattle family. The hours are long, the rules are strict, but she and her mother desperately need her wages to survive.
By the time she’s seventeen, they’ve moved into the house, and she’s become a mistress to her employer. While accompanying the family on vacation, she sees an opportunity to start a new life, and leaves. Ruth eventually finds solace in the mountain town of Lake Arrowhead, California, where she stays in one of the cabins owned by a man who becomes part of her future.
The Maidservant in Cabin Number One is the beginning of the story of The Guest Book Trilogy, and of Annie Parker who eventually comes to own the cabins where Ruth Landry stayed.
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Buy Links
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B&N Paperback: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/the-maidservant-in-cabin-number-one-chrysteen-braun/1145157824
B&N Hardcover: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/the-maidservant-in-cabin-number-one-chrysteen-braun/1145157824?ean=9781647048099
Amazon eBook: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CYS2BCVZ
Google Play eBook: https://play.google.com/store/books/details?id=Z8r8EAAAQBAJ
iTunes eBook: http://books.apple.com/us/book/id6479916433
Author Biography
Chrysteen Braun is a California native, born and raised in Long Beach.
The mountains, where she and her husband had a second home, were the inspiration for her first three books, The Guest Book Trilogy. These fictional restored cabins from the late 1920s all had their own stories to tell.
Her writing crosses genres of Women’s Fiction with relationships, and a little mystery and intrigue. She’s published articles about her field of interior design and remodeling, both for trade publications and her local newspaper.
She lives in Coto de Caza, with her husband Larry and two Siamese cats.
Contact her at chrysteenbraun@gmail.com, or www.chrysteenbraun.com
Social Media Links
Website: www.chrysteenbraun.com
Newsletter: https://chrysteenbraun.com/newsletter/
Thank you, Chrysteen, for sharing your book trailer with us!