Author: Gary Orleck
Genre: Memoir, Coming of Age, Friendship, Travel and History of the 60’s
Book Blurb:
A simple “thank you” led to the trip of a lifetime, along with an unbreakable friendship of two opposites. See them come of age while rubbing elbows with the rich and famous like the Shah and Queen of Iran, The Who, Paul McCartney, Brigitte Bardot, and even Shirley Temple Black. An unbelievable story, yet it’s true because nobody could make this story up. Find out things the rich and famous do not want you to know. -----------------------------------------
"I was pleasantly surprised by this warm-hearted, broken-hearted book, and found myself genuinely quite touched by it. The geo-political study and dark undertone of religious persecution added another dimension to its quality. In fact, I’d go as far to say that, put simply, I believe there is something in this wonderful book which might appeal to all readers, for numerous reasons." —Matt McAvoy 5-Star Book Review
Find out how I, a nobody from the state of Rhode Island, was invited to travel Europe with the son of the richest man in the world at the time. We drove 19,965 miles through 12 different European countries in 10 weeks. We dined with Kings and Queens in Denmark, we gambled with the Shah of Iran in Monte Carlo, we had high tea with her Imperial Highness of Iran Princess Farah in Paris, we were rescued out of handcuffs by Shirley Temple Black during the Russian Invasion of Czechoslovakia, and Brigitte Bardot - The sexiest women in the world at the time - "Would you please dance with me? And that doesn't even scratch the surface of this mind-blowing adventure of 10 lifetimes that took me an additional ten years just to process. How did my companion turn a ship around in the middle of the ocean just because we missed its departure? Within 8 hours of sending his dad to Iran, how did 30-$100 bills get hand delivered to our hotel room in Switzerland even though no banks or wiring offices were open? After being told by the telephone company in Nice, France, to put my call through to the USA, how did my companion from the first payphone have me talking to my dad in the USA in 30seconds flat? How did Israel in 1948 get the oil needed to survive when no country in the world could or would sell the oil? Is it true that his father had permission from the Israeli government to build an entire city in Israel to move the total Jewish population from Tehran, Iran, to Israel at his own expense?
I was one of only eight people in the world who knew about this history-changing plan as I saw the actual blueprint of the city, which cost more than I would earn in my lifetime. Wait till you hear of the story of the 100 suitcases or the one about the prisoner who returned voluntarily to Dachau, a German concentration camp after escaping and being free.
If "Nothing Boggles the Mind of Simple Men like The Truth, " I promise that you will be glad that you read it because as you do, you will come to realize it must be true because nobody could make this story up."
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What makes your featured book a must-read?
It’s genre is A Memoir, Coming of Age, Friendship and History of the 60’s which makes it quite unique but even more startling is the fact that as you read the story you come to realize that this story must be true because nobody could possibly make this story up.
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Author Biography:
In 1965, Gary Orleck graduated from Babson College—a small but outstanding business college with students from around the world—in Wellesley, Massachusetts, and set out along Route 66, working his way around the US for four months. Most helpful was an agreement he had with the Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company that he could work in any store during his travels, but he could not be paid locally. Instead, his pay was sent to his home later. Gary was well-versed in the tire business because his father owned the largest Goodyear Tire and Service store in New England.
For a young boy from Rhode Island, this was a life-changing experience. Gary was present for the Watts Riots and the world premiere of Fantastic Voyage with Raquel Welch and Fernando Lamas at Grauman’s Chinese Theater. He arrived in San Francisco the day topless was approved. The four-month trip wet Gary’s appetite for more traveling. While driving home from California, he made a promise to himself: to drive around all of Europe the next year.
Gary bumped into a college student who graduated with him. The student was from Iran, a country most Americans had never heard of. Gary didn’t know it at the time, but his friend was from the wealthiest family in the world. His friend had lived in Switzerland for four years of boarding school, four years of college in London, and seven summers in the South of France for summer school. He asked Gary to join him that following summer to drive through Europe—his friend offering to be his tour guide since he knew Europe like the back of his hand.
At first, Gary was hesitant because of his friend’s perceived reputation, but he was very persuasive, promising to be the best tour guide ever. Reluctantly, Gary agreed, which led to the most mind-blowing experience—a ten-week trip through 12 countries and 19,920 miles of earth-shattering adventures that included turning a ship around in the middle of an ocean, dining with the King and Queen of Denmark, and the King and Queen of Belgium, meeting The Who backstage, being entertained by the Empress of Iran Empress Farah in Paris, gambling with the Shah of Iran in Monte Carlo, and even being rescued by Shirley Temple Black after being arrested during the Czechoslovakian Revolution in the summer of 1968.
Gary says, “It took ten years for me to process that trip—five years of research plus five years of writing—because I wished to share the greatest adventure a young naïve boy from Rhode Island could ever imagine happening. So, fasten your seat belts for a ride inside the elite world of the rich and famous and join me on the trip of my lifetime. A trip you will never forget. I promise you that!”
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