Title: Will o’ the Wisp
Author: P.L. Parker
Genre: Science Fiction Romance
Book Blurb:
Stalked across the vast reaches of the universe, Tannis, the last fecund female of the clan Light Bringers, takes refuge on Earth, veiling herself within the dying form of a human female. Her energy forces are flagging and to rejuvenate, she must seek the healing properties of the sun’s rays, but by doing so, she risks discovery by the hunter. Time is short and Kadin—the most feared assassin of all—draws near!
Her teacher and mentor Shobath had warned her of Kadin’s pursuit before he’d dissolved, fleeing into the vastness of space. With none to guide or offer assistance, she’d also fled, gripped by burgeoning terror as she left behind all that she knew.
Shobath should have taken me with him! But the scholarly shapeshifter thought only to save himself, not a lowly pupil who drew Kadin’s unwanted interest.
Shobath! What am I to do?
She drew herself in, the strands of vapor wrapping around her core in a soothing cocoon. Small comfort against the terrors lurking in the blackness. Self-pity washed over her in a wave of aching despair. Had she been in physical form, she would have wept.
I am Tannis! A harbinger of light! Some say I’m the catalyst to lead my kind back from the brink of annihilation.
With Kadin in pursuit, such a fanciful hope dissolved into nothingness.
The wind moaned, whistling through the trees, growing in force as the darkness advanced. Eerie and unsettling. The temperature dropped. Frost formed on the strands of grass, transforming the landscape with glittery gems of ice. He is coming, she thought, shuddering. A tree limb wove wraithlike in front of her vision, the long silvery leaves snapping in the strong breeze. Other than the wind, silence stilled the forest. Even the wild creatures sensed his coming.
She wondered how the others at Sanctuary had fared. The clan families would have bonded together to face him, cleaving to each other in a show of strength. I had none to offer that protection! I suspect I’m lucky Shobath took the time to warn me before he escaped.
She sensed rather than heard the grinding of metal against solid rock. Pounding agony emanated from the source, fading as the entity’s essence drifted away. Drawn by the diminishing energy, curiosity overcame her fear. She floated along the ground, careful not to disturb her surroundings and draw the seeker’s attention.
There! Across the way! A vehicle used for transport was crushed against a rock wall. Floating above, the occupant’s soul hovered as if undecided whether to stay or go. She murmured an invocation easing the entity’s confusion. It drifted for a moment and then disappeared into space. She only had moments before the body would begin to decompose. Was the vessel too badly damaged?
Whatever the consequences, this was the one! She had no other choice. Focusing on the form, she entered the nervous system, spreading out as she took control. A moment of sorrow for its passing. If I’d gotten here sooner… Crushing agony overwhelmed her. The form had suffered terrible damage before its essence departed.
The unbearable pain ripped at her mind with a thousand shards of pulsating torture. I can’t endure this much longer! But what other choice do I have?
This body needed medical attention beyond the aid she could provide. But I have to try! Disconnecting the thrumming pain signals, she centered herself, emitting waves of healing energy, focusing on the worst of the injuries and attempting to forestall the form’s complete collapse of the major organs. The kidneys could wait but the liver and pancreas had been pierced in the accident. Blood clots formed in the venal system, working their way towards the heart and certain death. She had little time. Molecule by molecule she labored, repairing as she could, enough to stave off total meltdown while she prayed for help.
She accessed the kaleidoscopic memory banks, weaving through the morass of convoluted and disjointed thoughts. The entity was female, Jenn she called herself, young and full of hope before her untimely death. Fragments whirled in the darkness. Laughter, sadness, family, friends. Too much data to assimilate or to integrate together. She drew on the language memory, absorbing as much as she could before the data could corrode. Did the form have a contact device? What was the term? Cell phone—that was it! A cell phone! I could call for help.
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Why is your featured book a must-read?
“…This is a most interesting story which involves finding a host body and "taking it over" in order to survive. The ending is spectacular and one I didn't see coming. Most highly recommended.” Serenity (Amazon).
Will o’ the Wisp is a combination of science fiction and paranormal. It is a love story taking place in the vast reaches of the Universe. If you love science fiction, paranormal and romance, I think you’ll love Will o’ the Wisp!
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Author Biography:
I write stories with alpha males and strong, determined women. My genres include science fiction romance, time travel and paranormal. I am a dreamer, an avid reader of fiction, a sometimes gardener and an inept crafter. I live in Idaho. I have a husband, three sons, two daughters-in-law, a granddaughter and little grandson. Over the years, I taught and performed dance but as time passed, I decided to try my hand at a new endeavor - writing. I enjoy life and all its promises.
Social Media Links:
Website: https://www.plparker.net/
Blogspot: http://plparker.blogspot.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/PLParker