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Wrong Line, Right Connection by @KarinaBartow is a BHW pick #historicalromance #romance #bookboost

Title Wrong Line, Right Connection

Author Karina Bartow

Genre Historical Romance

Publisher The Wild Rose Press

Book Blurb

Could a mortifying day on the job end up netting you true love? When switchboard operator Mabel Jennings reports to work in the summer of 1964, she doesn’t have any interest in finding love again. Out-of-towner Roy Stentz rings up her station, however, and makes her reconsider. Mabel’s intrigued by his deep yet kind voice, but she endeavors to remain professional. Her attraction frazzles her mind, causing her to transfer Roy to the wrong line. When he calls back to give her another try, she repeats the mistake, humiliating herself. The haphazard introduction sets an unexpected romance into motion. Though she falls quickly for him, Mabel's bittersweet past refrains her from giving Roy her full devotion. Can she overcome her memories of love lost to embrace the new one calling out to her?


When the motel lit up a third time, she dropped the preamble. “I’m sorry, Mr. Stentz. I’ll get it right this time.”

“No problem, but now that I think about it, you can give me the number, anyhow. That way, I won’t have to trouble you if I need to make another call during my stay.”

She did her best to conceal her humiliation while she recited it. She didn’t cry often, but to her alarm, a tear traced down her cheek. With him living out of the state, they probably would never cross paths, but discouragement washed over her. She blew her chance, if she had one to blow in the first place.

“Thank you, miss.” His chivalry didn’t crack, a sign of what a nice fellow he must be, given what she put him through. “Since I have you again, I wanted to ask if you’d like to go to dinner with me tonight? I was hoping someone could show me the sights before I head north. Plus, I’d like to find out if you’re a better date than you are an operator.”

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Author Biography

Karina Bartow grew up and still lives in Northern Ohio. Though born with Cerebral Palsy, she’s never allowed her disability to define her. Rather, she’s used her experiences to breathe life into characters who have physical limitations, but like her, are determined not to let them stand in the way of the life they want. Her works include Husband in Hiding, Forgetting My Way Back to You, and Brother of Interest. She may only be able to type with one hand, but she writes with her whole heart!

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