Title: Blame it on the Moon
Author: Livia Quinn
Genre: Paranormal Romance, Urban Fantasy
Book Blurb:
It’s the height of the Para-moon and Sheriff Jack Lang is up to his ‘6’ in alligators. Defending those weaker than himself is in his DNA which is what drove him to become a Navy pilot. Who is he kidding? Alligators he could handle! But supernatural bad guys… and ragtag doesn’t begin to describe his band of temporary ’heroes’. If he has to go to war with the group that showed up at dawn, he might as well start cutting up white sheets and attaching them to garden stakes.
With Tempe and the other Paramortals ill or incapacitated and the sudden appearance of beings he’s never heard of, will Jack be able to keep Destiny out of the hands of their enemies for the rest of the power down? It’s only twenty-four hours.
If worse comes to worse, he has a dragon on his side and a few surprises up his sleeve. “Yippe, ki, yi…” But a lot can happen in twenty-four hours and things don’t always go as planned.
My Review:
It’s the middle of the Para-moon and all of Destiny’s Paramortals have not only lost their powers but some appear to be dying. Jack has never been more scared in his life because his girlfriend, Tempe, is severely ill and there’s nothing he can do about it. Just when things look bleak, Tempe’s mother comes back and no one seems happy to see her, least of all Jack.
But Jack’s got bigger fish to fry and bad guys are appearing out of the woodwork (giant spiders anyone?). Sure, he has the help of Conor (dragon), Montana (vampire) and a ragtag group of local pets/animals but he needs a few good men. He calls in a favor and maybe, if everyone makes it through the next 24 hours, Destiny won’t be burned to the ground.
This is, by far, my favorite book by Livia Quinn. Filled with unsung heroes and more bad guys than you can shake a stick at, Blame it on the Moon is everything I love in a paranormal romance: big bad guys, unsurmountable odds for the good guys, a few surprises, romance and a death of an annoying character. *smiles*
There’s some creative active scenes and I was gripping my tablet while reading with bated breath. The author does an amazing job describing everything that is going on.
I must admit I’m hooked to this addictive series!
Favorite Character:
Jack. This is the book where we get to see Jack for the man he is. When his back is up against the wall and the odds are stacked against him, his true character shines through. He’s the definite hero in this book and I enjoyed him fighting for the Paramortals he knew nothing about two months ago. I’ve got his ‘6’ anytime, anyplace.
My Rating: 5+ stars
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Author Biography:
Livia Quinn is a D.C. native living on the bayou in Louisiana. She began pursuing her dream of publication the summer of Katrina. With several interruptions in her career, all involving weather, it’s only natural that storms would be at the center of many of her stories. She has written ten books based in the communities surrounding Storm Lake—an infamous, though fictional lake in Southern Louisiana. She’s been a business owner and professional entertainer, salesperson, plant manager, computer trainer, and mail lady and loves to share her stories with her readers.
Interview with Livia Quinn –
What makes this series special? It’s a fun emotional and quirky ride with twists and turns that will keep you guessing and relationships that make you want to come back for more. Think of it as a paranormal soap opera. One of my readers said, “Come to Destiny, you won’t want to leave.”
Book one is free, why should I keep reading the series? Here’s what fans say after reading the whole series. “WOW…just wow!” “Ok, I’m hooked, Give me, give me, give me some more!!! “Run don’t walk to the buy button. The Destiny Paramortals series is like a mini vacation away from the real world.” “Tempest is one of the best paranormal romance heroines I’ve ever read. She’s funny, sarcastic, hard-working and has the power to wield storms with her fingertips.” “This is my new favorite series!”
How would you describe the Paramortals? Destiny is a southern small town community; it’s an urban fantasy paranormal cozy, a world of vampires, fae, dragons, and other supernaturals whose mission is to protect those weaker than themselves. Books 1-5 follow the transformation of Tempest Pomeroy as she comes into her power and Sheriff Jack Lang’s acceptance of his new world. But the series doesn’t end here – still to come Dylan and Kat, River, Aurora and probably more.
Are these books standalones? Destiny is a community much like yours and mine (just add magic) with recurring characters who experience challenges and growth throughout the series so the books should be read in order. Storm Crazy Cry Me a River Eve of Chaos Blame it on the Moon Broken Wings
Do you have any box sets? Yes, and you money by getting the Destiny Box set, books 1-3. And a new set, the Storm Crazy Bonus Edition out soon has Storm Crazy and Cry Me a River for the price of one. Both give extra value for your buck. After book 6 comes out I’ll put out another box set.
Social Media Links:
Sign up for my newsletter at http://liviaquinn.com to be included in prizes and news and see the Storm Lake pages to view a map of Storm Lake as well as a Glossary of terms, Character list and Paramortal language.
Email liviaquinnwrites@gmail.com
Website: http://liviaquinn.com
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Independent Author Network http://www.independentauthornetwork.com/livia-quinn.html
Reviewed by: Mrs. N