“Do not wait; the time will never be ‘just right.’ Start where you stand, and work with whatever tools you may have at your command, and better tools will be found as you go along.” —George Herbert
Are you waiting for the right time to pursue your dreams?
The time is now!
I spent most of my twenties telling myself I wasn't ready to be a full-time writer. I needed to pay off my student loans, save money, take more classes, etc. The truth is that I was frightened to take the leap. When the opportunity came along, I had a choice: take it or keep shuffling my feet with more excuses.
We have all the tools we need to get started on our dreams. We only need to strap on our tool belt and get to work.
Stop making excuses by saying, "it's not the right time" or "I'm not ready yet". Those are just excuses brought about by fear. There isn't a "right" time when you're on the road to success. So strap on your toolbelt and get to work!