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Today is a Fresh Start so Make the Most of it! #TuesdayMotivation #inspiration #motivation

It is the first of May and I, for one, am happy to close the book on April. While April was filled with horrific events, crazy weather and obstacles, it was also emotionally exhausting. Work kicked me in the teeth and my only refuge was being wrapped in MR N's embrace. But that was then and this is now.

It's a brand new month, a brand new day and many opportunities are waiting for us. All we have to do is grab ahold and get started. Whether it's a new job, new friends, a side hustle we've been contemplating or a new hobby, go for it!

Every day you're given a fresh start and the only thing holding you back is you. So stuff down your fears and/or insecurities and take on the world. You can do it!


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