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  • N. N. Light

#PromotionWithPride Proudly Presents Lavender Fields by Natalina Reis @TichaB #FridayReads #PrideMo

It's Pride Month and every day, N. N. Light's Book Heaven will feature a book and/or an author from the LGBTQ+ community. Today is the final spotlight and what an amazing book to end on. Lavender Fields is a beautiful M/M Paranormal Romance where the Angel of Death saves the man he's supposed to take to the afterlife and falls in love. Enjoy!

Title: Lavender Fields

Author: Natalina Reis

Genre: M/M Paranormal Romance

Book Blurb:

One angel to bind you, one angel to save you.

Sky Heavensent, an angel of death, is charged with the collection of souls of the recently departed. Known to his peers and immediate supervisor, the archangel Gabriel, as the liability, Sky puts his heart and soul into everything he does.

When he meets Caleb Pierce, Sky is immediately smitten. The problem is Caleb is the soul he came to earth to harvest, and saving him means breaking one of the most sacred angelic directives.

Already in too deep, Sky pushes aside the consequences and follows his heart. Danger and mayhem follow, but he will do everything in his power to protect his lavender-eyed man.


At the end of the walk of shame my desk awaited. I had always liked my little corner; it was humble and out of the way, overlooking the great expanse of the sky below. On days when I was feeling particularly wistful, I would sit at my desk, looking out through my non-walls and imagining how fast I could fly through the fluffy, cold clouds beneath me. Today I dreamed of lavender fields and how those eyes had made me feel inside. I didn’t even know you could feel like that. Angels are creatures raised to think of others rather than themselves, their mission above all else. It didn’t normally leave much space or time for questioning their own feelings, their own dreams and wishes. Caleb had changed all that for me. His face was etched into my memory, and I knew that no matter what I did or what happened I would forever carry him in my heart.

I’m not sure how long I sat there, staring into the blue skies, going over each inch of his handsome face; every nuance of his dark, short hair; the promise beyond his unusual eyes. Warmth boiled to the surface inside me, and I was both happy and sad at the same time. It was a wonderful feeling, but it was scary as well. It had already gotten me in a heap of trouble.

When I read Caleb’s name on my mission note, my heart had taken control over my brain. I flew the fastest I ever had to the site where he was to meet his demise, not quite sure of what I was about to do. In the end I didn’t hesitate. I saw his bike as it careened around the curve, heading straight for a semi truck driving the wrong way. Before I even realized what I was doing, I plunged down in front of the truck and swept Caleb off his bike just as it fell and slid sideways under the giant tires.

“What did you do that for?” Caleb asked, surprised. I pointed to where his bike was nothing but a pile of mangled metal. “Fuck! You…. I…. Was I the soul you came to harvest? Am I dead?”

I laughed. A nervous chuckle as reality began to sink in. I had just saved the soul I came to take away. “You’re not dead. I saved you.”

Afraid of being spotted, I flew us into the first sheltered spot I could find and put him down gently.

“Are you supposed to do that?” His eyes were mesmerizing, and I found I couldn’t take mine off them. I nodded, incapable of uttering a sound. “I thought you were supposed to take my soul to—well, hopefully Heaven. Why did you save me?”

I should’ve just flown away and hoped for the best. Instead, I grabbed his T-shirt, pulled him closer to me, and kissed him. This had to be some kind of seraphic madness for which I was in no hurry to find the cure. Caleb didn’t fight me, raising his hands and threading his fingers through my curls while his tongue explored my mouth. Ambrosia. Pure, intoxicating ambrosia.

“This is madness.” His breath caressed my lips, and I had to refrain from crushing him between my craving body and the wall behind him. “Am I dreaming, Sky? Hallucinating, maybe? You’re an angel. A real, honest-to-God angel.”

In the back of my mind there was a foggy idea of his earlier statement about having met another angel before, but the slow burning in my gut quickly convinced my brain to ignore it and focus on the task at hand. My hands had become a force to be reckoned with, moving of their own accord beneath his T-shirt, eager to explore every detail of his body.

It was indeed madness. I had just saved my charge. There would be hell to pay.

With that last thought I came to an abrupt realization. I stopped my hands and detached my lips from his, breathless and suddenly anxious. I was in so much trouble. “As much as it pains me to say and do this, I have to go.” I wanted to stay so badly. “I have to tell Gabriel what just happened. He’s not going to be happy.”

My eyes locked with his and I was flying over those sweet-scented fields again. My lips stretched into an uncontrollable smile.

“I don’t know why you did it, but thank you for saving me,” he said, sunshine taking over his face. I may be the angel, but he shone as if enveloped in a halo. “When will I see you again?”

Could I stay and ignore the call of responsibility? I wanted to. God, did I want it. But I knew I couldn’t. Being an angel meant I wasn’t free to do as I pleased. My life was not my own, and if I stayed, the Corps would find me one way or another. Easier to just go and face the music. At least Gabriel wouldn’t be able to accuse me of being a coward.

“Soon.” I hope. I touched my lips briefly to his and then, unfurling my wings, I took off, heading upwards toward the clouds and the wrath of the angels.

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Author’s thoughts on Pride Month and/or Diversity in Books:

I keep hoping that one day people won’t mind whether the characters in the books they read are different from them, that writers won’t have to place their books into the tiny, limiting boxes of labels (M/M, F/F, multicultural, African-American, etc.) because their books feature characters from diverse groups. One day I hope that characters in every book, no matter how diverse they are, will be viewed simply as people, members of one amazingly diverse species that no longer requires labels.

Author Biography:

Natalina wrote her first romance at the age of 13 in collaboration with her best friend, Susana. Since then she has ventured into other genres, but romance is first and foremost in almost everything she writes. She’s the author of seven romance novels that reflect the amazing diversity of humankind and the universal power of love.

After earning a degree in tourism and foreign languages, she worked as a tourist guide in her native Portugal for a short time before moving to the United States. She lived in three continents and a few islands, and her knack for languages and linguistics led her to a master’s degree in education. She lives in Virginia where she’s taught English as a Second Language to elementary school children for more years than she cares to admit.

Natalina doesn’t believe you can have too many books or too much coffee. Art and dance make her happy and she is pretty sure she could survive on lobster and bananas alone. When she is not writing or stressing over lesson plans, she shares her life with her husband and two adult sons.

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