Title: The Gorgon Bride
Author: Galen Surlak-Ramsey
Genre: Fantasy, Mythology
Book Blurb:
Except when you piss them off.
Then they suck.
They really, really suck.
Alexander Weiss discovers this tidbit when he inadvertently insults Athena, Goddess of Wisdom, and she casts him away on a forgotten isle filled with statues.
Being marooned is bad enough, but the fact that the island is also the home of Euryale, elder sister to Medusa, makes the situation a touch worse. The only thing keeping Alex from being petrified is the fact that Euryale has taken a liking to the blundering mortal.
For now.
What follows next is a wild, adventurous tale filled with heroes, gods, monsters, love, and war that is nothing short of legendary.
My Review:
A unique approach to a book to have the mythic Greek Gods and Goddesses take part in the 21st century. The author takes the reader on an intellectual journey that covers more ground than simply Earth, Mount Olympus and Hades. The story about Alex and Euryvale and Jessica is difficult to sum up. This is more than a love story and it is more than a story about Mythology.
This book is hard to put down as the reader just wants to know what is going to happen next. Having Athena, Ares and Aphrodite taking such a large role makes this book extremely exciting.
For me the questions raised by this book center around the eternal questions...what is love and what is a hero?
By the time you reach the conclusion of this book the author doesn't answer either question. The author provides a lot of perspective that will help the reader work on their own definition. A brilliantly crafted book that doesn't provide an easy solution to any of the questions raised here.
My Rating: 5 stars
Buy it now:
Nook https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/the-gorgon-bride-galen-surlak-ramsey/1127880197?ean=2940162151623
Author Biography:
When Galen’s not obsessing over his latest text, he’s likely throwing himself out of an airplane, teaching others how to throw themselves out of an airplane, playing something online, taking pictures of the heavens with his telescope, or wrangling his four children somewhere in Southwest Florida.
He also manages to pay the bills as a chaplain for a local hospice.
Drop by his website galensurlak.com to check out what else he has and be sure to sign up for his newsletter for exclusive content, giveaways, and goodies.
Social Media Links:
Website https://galensurlak.com/
Twitter https://twitter.com/gsurlak
Reviewed by: Mr. N