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  • N. N. Light

Kindness is the One Commodity of Which You Should Spend More Than You Earn! #MondayMotivation #Monda

Did you know kindness is a universal currency where there is no exchange rate and one which you should spend more than you earn?

I first heard this quote a year or so ago and it's one of my favorites. Why? It's a simple truth about kindness and it applies to any circumstance.

The world needs more kindness and it all starts with you and me. If we visualize kindness like a commodity like precious metals and remember to spend more than we earn, the world would be a better place. Hatred and greed would shrink to the dark corners of society while the masses would revel in the Light.

Today, find ways to spend tokens pf kindness without praise or recognition. Be grateful for every kind work, deed and action. If you receive kindness in return, it's a bonus. If not, keep spending kindness. You'll not only change your little corner of the world, you'll be transformed.


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