Everywhere you turn, it's back to school time. Sales on everything from crayons to designer shoes are hitting our inbox. Why not take advantage of this time of the year by promoting one or more titles of your books?
We're launching the Fall Into These Great Reads Bookathon next month.
We have 31 spots and you can take part for the discounted rate of $7 ($2 processing fee and $5 to the grand prize of an Amazon gift card). All genres (kids to adult but no erotica or erotic romance) welcome and it's first come, first serve.
We're also opening a few more promotional opportunities for added social media followers.
Add your Website/Blog handle to the Rafflecopter for additional followers, the price is $5.
Add your Twitter handle to the Rafflecopter for additional followers, the price is $5.
Add your Facebook handle to the Rafflecopter for additional followers, the price is $5.
Add your Pinterest handle to the Rafflecopter for additional followers, the price is $5.
Add your Instagram handle to the Rafflecopter for additional followers, the price is $5.
Add your Google+ handle to the Rafflecopter for additional followers, the price is $5.
Add your Goodreads handle to the Rafflecopter for additional followers, the price is $5.
Add your Amazon Author handle to the Rafflecopter for additional followers, the price is $5.
Add your Bookbub handle to the Rafflecopter for additional followers, the price is $5.
** All pricing is in U.S. Dollars. **
If you're interested, please email to reserve a spot with the following information:
- Name
- Book Title
- Paypal email so we can invoice you
- Additional social media promotional add-ons, if you're interested
- Anything else you'd like to share.
We'll be in touch within 48 hours to confirm. This is first come, first serve so don't delay.
Note: this special event will be advertised across our social media platforms with the potential reach of over 30 million.
We'd love to have you be a part of our Autumn Promo!