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  • N. N. Light

Without the Odds Stacked Against You, Success Won't Be Within Your Grasp! #MondayBlogs #motivati

"Success is not measured by what you accomplish, but by the opposition you have encountered, and the courage with which you have maintained the struggle against overwhelming odds." ~ Orison Swett Marden

Success is hard to accomplish and along the way you'll face huge opposition but the key is to keep going, no matter the odds.

This past weekend, we watched college football. There were a lot of cupcake games (top 25 teams against smaller schools) on the schedule and it was assumed the top 25 teams were a shoe-in to win.

One game I was really interested in was the Michigan State versus Arizona State match. Michigan State is a powerhouse in college football and with the hiring of Herm Edwards as coach for Arizona State, everyone assumed Michigan State would crush them. Edwards hasn't been coaching college since 1990. The so-called experts said he'd lost touch and Arizona State would rue the hiring.

Did that stop Herm Edwards and the Sun Devils?

No way! They beat Michigan State and are 2-0 on the season. They stuck to the plan Edwards laid out for them and played their hearts out. They ignored the odds stacked against them and did their best. The result? Success!

No matter your line of work or where you live, the journey to success is going to be tough. The odds will be stacked against you and you'll have to push through to be victorious. Use Herm Edwards and the Sun Devils team as inspiration.


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