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N. N. Light

What brings you joy? If it doesn't bring you joy, maybe it's time to declutter your life! #i

“I have drunken deep of joy, And I will taste no other wine tonight.” ― Percy Bysshe Shelley

What brings you joy?

There's a very popular show and on it is a woman who helps declutter people's lives. While I haven't seen it yet, most of my friends have and they rave about it. She was interviewed on a talk show and I came away with one of her mottos.

"Does this collection of ______ (fill in the blank) bring your joy? If not, get rid of it. But if it brings you joy, keep it."

I thought about my life and what I have in my home. My book and music collections bring me such happiness, I'd be lost without them.

What brings you joy?

If something or someone doesn't bring you joy, maybe it's time to declutter your life.


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