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Celebrate romance with Silverhawk by @BarbaraBettis #romance #giveaway #medievalromance

Title: Silverhawk

Author: Barbara Bettis

Genre: Medieval Romance

Book Blurb:

He’s everything a proper lady should never want; she’s everything a bastard mercenary can never have.

Sir Giles has come to England to kill his father, who seduced and betrayed his mother. First, however, he’ll seek sweet revenge—kidnap the old lord’s new betrothed. But when Giles uncovers a plot against King Richard, he faces a dilemma: take the lady or track the traitors. What’s a good mercenary to do? Both, of course.

Lady Emelin has had enough. Abandoned in a convent by her brother, she finally has a chance for home and family. Yet now she’s been abducted. Her kidnapper may be the image of her dream knight, but she won’t allow him to spoil this betrothal. Her only solution: escape

Rescuing the intrepid lady—while hunting traitors—is a challenge Giles couldn’t anticipate. But the greatest challenge to Giles and Emelin is the fire blazing between them. For he’s everything a proper lady should never want, and she’s everything a bastard mercenary can never have.


Lady Emelin tucked her heavy brown wimple beneath her chin and watched the wounded knight.

Swollen eyelids, a puffy cheek, and bloody scrapes couldn't hide his handsome features. Waves of midnight hair fell across his wide forehead to brush one side of his square, stubble-darkened jaw. Grit clustered on the high bridge of his nose. What shame such a strong, rugged man should be cut down. Her pulse fluttered, and she sucked in a sharp breath. Ashamed of such reaction, she squeezed shut her eyes.

Would Stephen have been so handsome, had he lived? She hardly recalled what her youthful first betrothed looked like when he joined his foster father on King Richard's crusade. If only he'd returned, she'd be wed now, with the family she craved.

She sighed, reached for a leaf on her patient's cheek—and found herself staring into the palest gray eyes she'd ever seen. His mouth moved; she leaned forward.

“What is it?” she murmured.

“Before...I...die,” came the hoarse whisper.

“Yes? What would you like before you die?” If it were in her power, she would provide the poor man with his wish. Drink? Food?

A strong hand gripped the back of her head, pulled her forward. That close, she saw his eyes weren't gray, but layered like a winter pond winking with ice. They were silver.

“To...kiss...a nun,” came the outrageous reply before his lips met hers.

His warm mouth robbed her of breath for an instant. Then she snapped back with a gasp. And, with inborn reflex, slapped him. His head jerked, his eyes closed, and he lay motionless.

“Oh, Sweet Mary,” Emelin whispered, “I've killed him.” Leaning close, she saw his narrow, beautifully molded lips relax. His mouth curved at the corner.

At least he died with a smile on his face.

What’s your favorite part about being a romance author?

I love creating strong, appealing heroines and fierce, handsome heroes in exciting stories that will bring them together—at last. I’m a pushover over for a Happily Ever After.

Here’s my tip to add romance to your love life:

Listen to your partner. Truly listen to what he/she has to say (or doesn’t say) and respond. One cold, autumn evening, when my husband and I were dating, I’d had a particularly hard day at work but was trying to cheerful. We were out for a drive along a country road we liked when he stopped at a small convenience store and dashed inside. He returned carrying one of those silk-ish rose buds that used to be offered for sale at C-store counters. Just to cheer me up, he said, for whatever was wrong. His sensitivity to what I was feeling, but hadn’t mentioned, meant the world to me.

Buy Links:

Love and Romance Book Festival Giveaway:

Enter to win a $50 Amazon (US) or Barnes and Noble Gift Card

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Enter to win a $10 Amazon (US) or Barnes and Noble Gift Card

Open internationally

Runs February 1 – 28

Drawing will be held on March 1.

Author Biography:

A former health insurance claims adjuster, a former journalist, a former English and journalism professor, Barbara Bettis plans never to be a “former” author. Now retired from teaching, she lives in Southwest Missouri where she writes, edits freelance, and spends time with her family and friends.

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