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The Queen of Paradise Valley by @CatDubie is a Binge-Worthy Book Festival Pick #historicalromance #w

Title: The Queen of Paradise Valley

Author: Cat Dubie

Genre: Historical Western Romance

Book Blurb:

Diana Rennie, daughter of a wealthy rancher, attempts to persuade mystery man Del Russell to leave his grievances behind and forgive her father for past mistakes. Her careful plan goes awry and results in a shotgun wedding and a prison sentence for Del.

Four years later, Del is back in her life with a vengeance—back for his rightful share of Diana's ranch, back to prove he isn't the criminal she thought he was, back to finish what the two of them started years ago in a passionate daze. And he isn’t going anywhere, no matter what beautiful, treacherous Diana does or says to try to get rid of him.


How silent the area had become! Before, the air had been alive with bird sounds, the hum of insects, the rustling of leaves and grasses. Now even the splash of the stream seemed muted. Uneasy, she moved to shore but stopped when low bushes on the bank shook, leaves rattled. Something crept toward the water. A weasel? Something bigger. A cougar?

She stifled a cry when Ebony's black head surged through the leaves. "Damn, you startled me. Go away. He's your master now."

Head down, ears flattened, the hound slunk away. She was not going to feel sorry for him, but after she finished dressing she heard him barking in a wild agitated manner and her heart jumped. She dashed through the trees, now aware of too many sounds: horses whinnying, a mule braying, birds screeching, their rapid wing beats churning the air.

Del, still barefoot and shirtless, his knife in hand, crouched beside the campfire, staring hard into the dark woods surrounding the clearing. Diana paused. "What--"

He lifted a hand to halt her progress. "Get the rifle. Bullets are by the saddles."

She took a cautious sidestep and froze when a mass of shaggy red-brown fur lumbered through the trees, slapping saplings from its path. "Baldface--" The word lodged in her throat. Ebony, teeth bared, stormed into the clearing behind the grizzly.

"The rifle, Diana. Now."

Galvanized, she raced to the saddles. Baldface sniffed the air and gazed about with his one eye. Ebony leapt at the monster. With a swing of his paw, Baldface flipped the dog into a patch of shrubbery. He wheeled, ears back, looking for other prey. The horses and the mule screamed, pulled at their tethers.

Del waved his arms. "You’re here to kill, aren’t you? I’m here."

Diana grabbed Del's Remington rifle and fumbled for the box of ammunition. It fell, spilling the cartridges. Dammit! She blinked sweat from her eyes, dropped the rifle and snatched the loaded shotgun. Del circled the grizzly, jumping to evade snapping jaws and swinging paws. Diana clenched her teeth. She couldn’t shoot with Del in the way.

The grizzly stood. Jaws wide, he lunged for Del’s head. Del dodged to the side but the bear’s teeth nicked his shoulder. With a savage cry, Del thrust his knife into the beast's neck. Roaring, Baldface swiped at Del's chest, knocked him to the ground. Diana fired a shell at the grizzly's rump. He whirled. She fired the second shell. Buckshot sprayed his face. It wasn't enough to fell him, but it took his attention off Del. Focusing his one eye on Diana, he pawed the ground, woofed, and prowled toward her.

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What’s the first binge-worthy book you read and why was it a must-read?

Gone With the Wind. I was in my mid-twenties when I finally read this. Once I started reading, there was no stopping until I reached the end and closed the book. Had a love-hate relationship with scheming Scarlett, but I adored Rhett Butler and needed to find out if he could possibly have a future with her.

What makes this a binge-worthy book?

Will they or won’t they? Enemies to lovers: attractive characters at odds with each other through much of the book give in to their passions several times. A beautiful, successful Colorado cattle ranch, natural and personal disasters, wildfires, blizzards, grizzly bear attacks, and a land baron who wants the ranch, and Diana, for himself all keep things jumping.


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Open internationally

Runs August 1 – 31

Drawing will be held on September 1.

Author Biography:

Cat Dubie was the girl who always had her nose in a book, the one who read with a flashlight under the covers or, when the moon was full, sat by a window for hours laughing, crying, loving characters whose adventurous lives wouldn’t let her sleep.

She has traveled the world in books. She has traveled back to the dawn of time and far into the future in books. Her keen interest in history determined the nature of her books, and the first Historical romance novel she read, settled the genre.

After working for various levels of government, she retired and now lives in the beautiful province of British Columbia, where she indulges in her need for creating stories about romance, adventure, passion, mystery, love ...

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