Title: Sinners’ Opera
Author: Linda Nightingale
Genre: Paranormal Romance
Book Blurb:
Morgan D'Arcy is an English lord, a classical pianist, and a vampire. He has everything except what he desires most—Isabeau. As the Angel Gabriel he's steered her life and career choice, preparing her to become Lady D'Arcy.
Many forces oppose Morgan's daring plan—not the least of which is Vampyre law.
Isabeau Gervase is a brilliant geneticist. Though she no longer believes in angels, she sees a ticket to a Nobel Prize in Gabriel's secrets—secrets that have led her to a startling conclusion. Gabriel isn't human, and she fully intends to identify the species she named the Angel Genome. Morgan is ready to come back into Isabeau's life, but this time as a man not an angel. Will he outsmart his enemies, protect his beloved and escape death himself? For the first time in eternity, the clock is ticking.
Isabeau halted inches from Morgan, and a wonderful sense of release flooded her. Against a backdrop of stone and fragrant flower, he stood alone. People moved but they were outside the sphere of power he radiated.
“Isabeau.” His voice still enchanted, but his expression twisted her heart.
A band tightened around her chest. Why was he frowning?
Morgan didn’t touch her with his hands. His gaze touched her like a physical caress. “You needn’t go home with him.”
She shook her head. “I can’t just leave him.”
His voice dropped an octave, eyes dark, stormy. “Will you sleep with him?”
The question was too personal for strangers. Yet she wasn’t offended. He took her hands, and he took her breath away. She longed to counter with, “Will you sleep with the brunette tonight?” but, gazing into his eyes, she couldn’t speak.
“You hesitate. Is it such a difficult question? Are you going to bed with him?” He trapped his lower lip between sharp-looking incisors.
She glanced at his hands—cool, strong, elegant—and his grip tightened. “No, not tonight. Nor ever again I think.”
How could total strangers speak vows, ignore polite banter to dive to the heart? But they weren’t strangers, were they? She didn’t know when, but her belief that Morgan was Gabriel had solidified. Too many similarities teased her; coincidence not a word in her vocabulary.
The anger faded from his eyes, again luminescent blue. “Good.”
People scattered to a staccato of rain. A hand at her waist, he guided her into the shadow of an eave, shielding her from the storm. Sheet lightning flashed across the sky. Thunder crashed as the storm gathered momentum. Even in darkness, she could see his eyes. He seemed to have stopped breathing, seemed on the verge of a confession. She waited, trembling inside.
“I don’t quite know what to say.” His gaze drifted to her deep-cut bodice. His eyebrows flickered mischievously. “I like your dress.”
The boyish compliment surprised a laugh from her. “Thanks. You look pretty good in a tux.”
His expression sobered. He stared at her lips. “I want to kiss you.”
Isabeau’s limbs felt heavy. She yearned to lie down. In his arms.
Her hand found his smooth cheek. “Not a very good idea. People are gawking at us already.”
“Let’s give them something to talk about.”
He cradled her chin in beautiful fingers, his eyes passionate indigo. She watched his mouth coming to claim hers, and anticipation melted in her core. His full lips parted on hers, his hair cloaking their faces. Her willful hand caressed the blond tide. She leaned into him, craving more, yearning for his hands on her body. Her heart drummed desire through her veins. The gentle pressure of his mouth disappeared. Fear snapped her eyes open, but Morgan hadn’t vanished. He smiled, dotted a fingertip to her lips, and she drowned in the sensuality he exuded.
Morgan caressed each of her fingers. “Would you join me for dinner tomorrow evening? I’d love for you to be my first guest.”
Feeling deliciously wicked, she tucked his hair behind his ears. “A dinner party?”
“For two.” Reverently, he fondled a strand of her hair.
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What’s the first binge-worthy book you read and why was it a must-read?
The book dates back a long time. It is called The Fire and the Hammer. The book is about the Doan Boys, Quarter outlaws during the American Revolution, but it is a romance. I could read it again if I could get a copy but that was many years ago.
What makes your book a binge-worthy read?
Morgan, the hero. He has been called a ‘tour de force’ by reviewers. His character and personality actually make the book. Sinners’ Opera is about obsession—and a love most people never get the chance to experience. Obsession and love, sometimes it’s difficult to tell the difference. Morgan is a concert pianist, an English lord, and a vampire. He has everything except what he most desires…Isabeau.
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Author Biography:
After 14 years in Texas, Linda just returned home to her roots. She has seven published novels, four of which are available from Audible.com in audio. For many years, she bred, trained and showed Andalusian horses. So, she’s seen a lot of this country from the windshield of a truck pulling a horse trailer. Linda has won several writing awards, including the Georgia Romance Writers’ Magnolia Award and the SARA Merritt. She retired from a career as a legal assistant at MD Anderson Cancer Center to write full time.
She has 2 wonderful sons—one in Texas; one in England—and 4 equally marvelous grandchildren.
She loves horses, sports cars, music, and piano, and enjoys dressing up and hosting formal dinner parties.
Social Media Links:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/LNightingale
Website: http://www.lindanightingale.com
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/lbnightingale1/