Title A Love to Die Kill For
Author Stephen B King
Genre Thriller/Suspense
Publisher The Wild Rose Press
Book Blurb
When Susan is diagnosed with a fatal skin disorder, her world collapses. Wracked with despair, she sits on the ledge of a Manhattan building, waiting to jump. Police negotiator Dave, driven by his own trauma, saves her life.
Pledging to help one another, Susan offers advice about Dave’s marriage, which is in shambles due to Lynne’s suspected infidelity. Dave helps Susan, who has always been beautiful, to understand that her life isn’t over while there is hope.
Dave discovers his wife is the victim of a controlling, obsessive, and insane man. Lynne, Dave, and Susan become close. But Dave and Lynne’s children are abducted, and Dave must confront a man who terrorizes innocent people to further his own obsession, including murder.
Dave tried to read the tone of her voice to decide just how serious she was about killing herself, and with a sinking heart, recognized the hopelessness in the way she had uttered those few words. “It’s okay, Susan, no need to panic. Oh, sorry, you don’t mind if I call you Susan, do you? I’m Dave. Dave Margolis. Don’t worry; I’m not coming too close, and I’m not going to talk you out of whatever you decide to do. I do this for a living, and I have a wife and two children at home waiting for me. So I won’t do anything rash, I promise. But as you might be aware, in situations like this, there are some formalities we need to get out of the way before...well, you know, before you decide to end things.” He turned so he was sitting as she was, back thrust firmly against the rough concrete wall, hoping the ledge would take his weight, scared but somehow exhilarated to be in such a magnificent woman’s company forty floors above the sidewalk. The danger of his predicament only seemed to add to his minor sense of euphoria, and suddenly, he realized he had stopped feeling as much rage about Lynne’s affair as he had ten minutes earlier.
“What formalities?” she asked, and Dave felt gladdened that there was a subtle change in her voice. Interest or annoyance, he wasn’t sure which, but it was at least a change, and any change was for the better.
“Oh, you know. Things like why you’re doing this and any family members you want me to talk to after you’ve gone. Sometimes, for the loved ones left behind, the worst thing for them is not knowing why. Wow, that’s some view. Is this your office?” He deliberately changed the subject mid-conversation because he felt it would help put the woman at ease.
She nodded cautiously, only six feet away, but too far to grab, not that he would usually, as that would ensure they both tumbled into the void. But she was so incredibly beautiful. He could be tempted, if only for the chance to touch her. Then Dave instantly regretted the thought. His married life as he knew it was likely to end once he got home and confronted Lynne, yet he was mesmerized by another woman he had only just met and who was intent on killing herself. He shook himself mentally and told himself to get back to work. “Well, you know what? If I had a view like this out of my office, it would constantly remind me how beautiful the world can be. Me? I work out of a basement with no view, and let me tell you, we are fed the worst coffee in the world, bar none. Maybe you and I should swap offices.” Dave grinned and watched for a reaction that didn’t come. “So, who would you like me to talk to after? Well, you know...” he nodded toward the setting sun.
She raised her hands to cover her face, and her shoulders shook as she cried in a soul-wrenching and pitiful way. For no reason he could understand later when he remembered, Dave was suddenly overcome with his marital problems. Before he could think or stop himself, he recalled that he was about to lose his wife, children, and home, and he felt a wave of sadness as tears sprang from his eyes. Dave sobbed loudly. He couldn’t stop himself. For days, he had kept his suspicions, rage, and hurt inside, waiting for the proof that had arrived that afternoon. He’d had no one to confide in because he was just too embarrassed to admit to family or friends that he was so inadequate his beloved wife had felt the need to find sex with her boss.
“I thought you were here to help and talk me out of jumping. It seems to me we should both go together.” She murmured, and Dave thought her voice had a wry touch of humor.
Dave wiped tears away using the thumb of his right hand and took a deep, cleansing breath. “I’m sorry. That wife at home I mentioned earlier. I just found out she’s been having an affair with her boss. While I minded our two children on Monday nights, she saw him at a motel. Then, of course, because he’s her boss, they’ve probably been at it in his office too during lunch breaks.”
“What will you do?” Susan asked, and through his pain, he thought her voice had changed again; she seemed genuinely interested.
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Author Biography
I was born in the UK, what seems like an epoch ago, and moved to Australia at age 16. I was a long-haired rock guitarist and poet/songwriter before real life got in the way, and I gave it all up for love.
I've always felt I had tales to tell. I won short story competitions and wrote poetry in my wilder, younger days, but always wanted to write novels. I've now published nineteen books. While some are Police procedural and psychological thrillers, mainly focusing on Serial killers, all my stories have a love theme running through them.
I believe love and family are everything. Anything else you gain in life is a bonus.
I live in Perth, Western Australia, and am fiercely patriotic. My wife is amazing in that she not only puts up with living with a writer but encourages it. I've been blessed with five children, and I adore them all.
Social Media Links
Website: www.stephen-b-king.com
Facebook: @stephenbkingauthor
Twitter: @stephenBKing1