My name is Amy--I go by A. L. Slade--and I am a 17-year-old avid writer and reader. As cliche as it sounds, I’ve been reading and writing for as long as I can remember, and I’ve always seemed to have a gift for writing; it’s always come so naturally to me, and it’s genuinely my biggest passion in this world. I’m a young Canadian author and one of my main influences for writing is to spread awareness towards marginalized communities and minorities so people may become more familiar with their existence. I love writing about POC and LGBTQ+ members and do everything in my power to represent the underrepresented in a respectful and accurate way. I’ve been working for the past 4 years on my debut book, “The Bloodshed Of The Betrayed” (the first book in my anticipated series called ‘The Mercy Chronicles’) and I’m thrilled to have the opportunity to have self-published it! I designed the cover myself and customized every aspect of my book in the exact way I knew it needed to be from the very beginning. Right now, I’m working hard on trying to make a name for myself and build traction on my career so I can support myself as an author. I spend most of my time procrastinating, reading, watching Youtube/Netflix, listening to music and playing video games. My biggest literary inspirations are Rick Riordan, Casey McQuiston, Margaret Atwood and J. R. R. Tolkien. As you may be able to guess, fantasy/fiction LGBTQ+ YA books are my favourite genres, and I’m always ready to take on a new book, no matter how long it takes me to start reading. to symbolize my love of writing and reading, I got my first (and only) tattoo a few months ago of a calligraphy pen. Despite how much of an antisocial-stay-at-home kind of introvert I am, my friends are my lifeline and, while to a stranger I may seem extremely shy and reserved, they bring out the weirdo in me, the same weirdo who makes dumb jokes when they’re alone and dances like Pennywise in the mirror when no one’s looking. That’s me.
I hope to anyone and everyone who reads my book, they feel understood and a part of something, that they see themselves in my writing when they’ve never seen themselves in anything outside of the mirror. I write for myself but I also write for you all, too. If you’re at all interested in me or my work, I urge you to, at the very least, check out my stuff. I hope you find interest in it and appreciate any kind of feedback I can receive - whether that’s as a review on Amazon or on Goodreads, or a dm on Instagram or Twitter or even a comment on my website/an email sent personally to me. The smallest things mean the absolute world to me, and I hope you enjoy my work just as much as I’ve enjoyed making it for you.
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Title: The Bloodshed Of The Betrayed
Author: A. L. Slade
Genre: Fantasy/fiction, LGBTQ+, YA
Book Blurb:
Unable to feel emotions, angels are God’s devoted soldiers, who are tasked with carrying out God’s will. One of which is to answer the question: can angels handle the gift of emotions without it interfering with their loyalty to God?
Enter Laramie.
Angel Laramie is given emotions as a trial to decide once and for all if angels are ready to feel again. However, she soon becomes sidetracked by an infatuation with a human called Maggie, prompting her to neglect her orders and allow her mission to fail. She returns to her superiors in hopes of helping the human only to learn her feelings were a test. Her failure means her banishment to Earth until she fades away forever.
Magda Mercy is a twenty-three-year-old college student with dreams of becoming a doctor. Her life changes forever when her brother returns on leave from the military with devastating family news.
In exile, Laramie is confronted by Lucifer with a confounding revelation that changes everything Laramie has ever known as an angel. Lucifer presents an offer of eventual immortality in exchange for Laramie’s ceaseless fidelity. When Laramie declines, Lucifer lashes out by tormenting the innocent Maggie as punishment for Laramie’s refusal. Laramie must now do everything in her power to save Maggie and prevent Lucifer from realizing his goals, even if it means reaching oblivion sooner.
Laramie shuffles into the Fulfillment Room once the angel ahead ducks out and leaves. She strides forward and stops in the center of the room, her body language reserved and submissive. A circular halo protrudes from the top of her scalp into a vertical ring of blazing light that binds all angels as God’s followers by forcing them to rely on God for their sight.
‘There is a task awaiting your… prowess which pertains to the happenings of Earth.’ Laramie’s designated Authoritarian Razael barks, one of many granted the responsibility to regulate the inner workings of Heaven and dole out consequences.
When Razael speaks, Laramie raises her head ever so slightly, and the tawny amber wings protruding from her back flutter behind her, resting carefully around her shoulders. ‘Something is amiss at 43.013000, -81.218900.’ Laramie immediately recognizes the coordinates relayed as one of her frequent stopovers, Lauder Ontario. ‘You have been enlisted to go there and record any irregular behaviour. A disturbance has been sensed and requires surveillance. You will be issued a Conversion Clock. Record your findings and meet with Scribe Batair to ensure they are transcribed properly.’
Laramie lifts her head, inky black hair parting around her face, to find a familiar gold stopwatch, a furled parchment strip, and an ornate quill-like pen placed atop the cardinal pedestal sat in the center of the room. She nods her head solemnly. “I will not disappoint.”
The air thins, and Laramie can feel Razael glowering. ‘I should expect not. Go now.’
Buy Links (including Goodreads):
Amazon US https://www.amazon.com/Bloodshed-Betrayed-Mercy-Chronicles-Book-ebook/dp/B09FH3PRWG
Amazon CA https://www.amazon.ca/Bloodshed-Betrayed-Mercy-Chronicles-Book-ebook/dp/B09FH3PRWG
Author Biography:
A. L. Slade is the 17-year-old author of “The Bloodshed Of The Betrayed”, the first book in the anticipated series, “The Mercy Chronicles”. Slade brings this skillfully adapted tale to life with her endless creativity and descriptive story-telling as her hopes to enlighten readers and portray young authors in a bright and intelligent way is the backbone of her writing career. Slade has spent the past 4 years cultivating her first book, "The Bloodshed Of The Betrayed" to be able to share it with the world. Slade has been writing for as long as she can remember, as her craft has always come very naturally to her, and is undoubtedly her greatest passion in this world.
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