Title: Alyce – Through the Lycan Glass
Author: Lynda Bailey
Genre: Paranormal with Romantic Elements
Book Blurb:
My name is Alyce Thomason; I used to be a normal kid.
That is, if being “normal” means burying your mom on your sixteenth birthday – cuz that’s what I got to do. Now, I live with my aunt who hates me. I miss my mom so much. She used to tell me I was meant for greatness. Too bad she won’t ever see that.
When I turn eighteen, I’ll be out of my aunt’s house and on my own, except that doesn’t happen. My dumbass twin cousins stumble down a rabbit hole into alternate universe – and take me with them. That’s not the weird part, though. The weird part is I’m some kind of idol to the occupants of this new world.
All I care about is getting me and the twins back home, or so I tell myself. I think I want to stay here, not because I’m The One – who needs that pressure – but because I’ve found something I haven’t had since my mom died…a place where I belong.
I step over to Sean and even with the bad lighting, there’s a noticeable dark spot on his forehead. I step over Derek’s legs then squat beside him and place my fingers on his neck for his pulse. It’s a little weak, but steady. I lightly slap his cheek. He doesn’t budge. In remember something from health class we were told not to about how you shouldn’t move someone who’s banged their head and is unconscious.
Awesome. J … just f*cking awesome. …
“What are we gonna do, Alyce?” Gabby sounds scared.
I shove to my feet. “I dunno. Sean’s unconscious. If we try to carry him outta here, we might make his injuries worse.”
“Are you saying we should leave him?” Derek’s voice rises.
Gabby peers at Sean’s body. “How are we gonna get him out if we can’t carry him?”
“Yeah,” Derek echoes. “How we gonna do that?”
I grind my molars together. “Why is it I hafta come up with a solution?”
“Cuz you’re the oldest,” Will responds.
“Oh, sure. Now I’m the oldest and now you’ll listen to me. Had you listened to me before, none of this would’ve happened.”
“Maybe Derek should stay with Sean while we go get help,” Will offers.
“Why do I hafta stay?”
“Cuz he’s your friend. I’d stay if Gabby got hurt. ‘Sides, you hurt your ankle. ”
“I am not staying here.”
“But you hurt your ankle,” Will states. “You probably can’t even walk.”
“I can walk. I can walk.”
To prove his point, Derek hefts himself up, but can’t get his balance. He stumbles forward, grabbing my arm and yanking grabs my arm and yanks me forwardinto the perfectly aligned stalagmite and stalactite formation. I try to avoid it, but still smash my palm into a sharp rock protrusion while he plops back to the ground.. I wish the damn thing would crumble. P
Pain rips across my nerve endings.
“Motherf*cker.” I drop the flashlight to cradle my wounded hand as s. Something warm trickles between my fingers. and I lose my grip on the flashlight. Luckily, the light doesn’t click off when it hits the ground.“Motherfucker.”
“Uh… … sorry,” Derek mumbles, plopping back onto his butt.
“What happened?” Gabby asks. “You okay, Alyce?”
“Do I f*ckin’ fuckin’ sound okay?”
“Alyce, you really shouldn’t use that word.”
Before I can tell Gabby to shut the f*ck up, a wave of vertigo hits me. I stagger back then drop to one knee and wrap both hands around the spikey end of the stalactite..
Will picks up the light and shines it on me. “Alyce, you don’t look so good.”
“That’s because I don’t feel so good.” Blood from my palm runs down the rock and onto the puddle on the cave floor. I manage to stand, though my legs are wobbly. I press my palm to my middle, feeling the sticky moisture seep into my shirt.
Gabby pats my shoulder. “You gonna be okay?”
“I dunno. I was fine before I smashed my hand – for the third time – but now I’m dizzy as hell.” My stomach lurches again. “And I think I’m gonna be sick.”
“What’s that on your chest?”
I look down. A weird glow is coming from beneath my t-shirt. I pull out the leather necklace Calder gave my mom. The stone is radiating a deep lavender amethyst color. How strange. And beautiful. I touch it with a bloodied finger – and it’s like electricity surges through my body. I’m momentarily paralyzed. Then the cave tilts.
Everyone pitched from one side of the tunnel cavern to the other, but somehow remain standing.
“What the hell’s goin’ on?” It sounds like Derek’s at the bottom of a well.
“I … I don’t know,” I answer.
“Make it stop, Alyce.” It sounds like Will must be in that well with Derek.
“I don’t think I can.”
“I’m scared, Alyce. Really scared.”
Gabby’s voice barely makes it over the terrified thundering in my ears. My vision blurs. “It’ll be okay.”
“Yeah…sure. Let’s get outta here. We’ll come back later for Sean.”
“No, we won’t,” Derek states.
“Look, it’s either go without him or not go at all and I ain’t sticking around.” I reach down, haul Derek up with my uninjured hand then put a death grip on his upper arm. “Gabs, grab my shirt like you did before. Will, you go first.”
“Why me?”
“Because you have the flashlight.”
“Just do it, okay?”
“Okay, okay. You don’t hafta yell.”
We don’t even take one step before a whirling cloud emerges from between the pointed tips of the stalagmite and stalactite.
“I see it, Gabs.”
“What is it?”
“Hell if I know. C’mon, let’s go.”
But after only a few shuffling steps, the cloud floats in front of us. Correction, it floats all around us.
The eddying mist feels wispy and cool on my skin. The cloud’s My neck has no heat at all.
a kaleidoscope of rainbow colors with tiny lightning bolts zinging along the fuzzy borders. Staring at it is hypnotic and rather soothing, in a weird way. AA gentle breeze caresses my face. Gone is my panic, replaced by a calmness I used to only feel with my mom. It’s like coming home….
A sudden blinding light scorches my eyeballs. My panic comes back in spades as Gabby squeals and tucks her face into my side. With a curse, Derek jerks his arms up to block the light, dislodging my hold on him. Will drops the flashlight.
The gentle breeze becomes a deafening gale force wind, stealing the air from my lungs. I try to move forward. It pushes me back. It pushes us all back. I’m knocked into the stalagmite, stalactite configuration as the twins and Derek plow into me.
“Sit down,” I shout over the loud whistling.
As one, we drop to the cold ground and huddle together. Someone’s crying, maybe more than one someone. I know they’re all terrified. I can feel their terror. Smell it. Taste it. Yet I don’t share itI feel exactly the same, but there’s nothing I can do..
The wind picks up speed, tearing my hair from its braids. Small stones pummel my skin. It’s like being trapped in a tornado. I duck my head and squeeze my eyes shut and pray to God that whatever is going to happen, happens soon.
It does, because in the next moment, there’s nothing.
Buy Links (including Goodreads and BookBub):
Please note! Alyce is listed at 99 cents on all digital outlets.
What’s your favorite thing about autumn:
I love the cooler temperature autumn brings. I also love the changing colors of the leaves, but putting on a cozy, comfy sweatshirt to walk the dog on the crisp morning is my most favorite feeling. The air might be chilly, but I’m dressed warm enough to go on a two-mile hike without hesitation.
What inspired you to write this story:
In 2010, I went the Romance Writers of America conference in Orlando. It was during one of the panels discussions when someone mentioned werewolves and Alice in Wonderland in the same sentence, and my muse was off to the races. On the flight home, I sketched out the basic premise of the story. Oh, and you read that correctly…I was inspired to write Alyce – Through the Lycan Glass in 2010. It was thirteen years later, in 2023, when she was finally ready for primetime.
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Author Biography:
I’ve always loved stories. For me the only thing better than reading a story is writing one. That and drinking red wine while eating dark chocolate. I’m proud to have been a 2010 finalist in the prestigious Golden Heart®.
While Alyce – Through the Lycan Glass is a drastic departure from the steamy-hot, contemporary romances I usually write, it’s still full of passion and emotion. Please join me for laughter and love, and where the good guys win in the end – eventually.
You can visit my website www.authorlyndabailey.com or drop me an email at Lynda.r.bailey@gmail.com.
Happy Reading!
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