Arid Sea
Norm Harris
Mystery/Thriller, Psychological/Legal
Book Blurb:
She would not condemn Jon for what he had done in his past and what he had become. After all, who was she to express disapproval? Although his body had never been found, she believed her alias Faye King had killed him. Was she no better than Jon? Like Jon, her participation in the grim and dangerous op had served as her attempt to set her heart and soul straight with her country, her maker, and herself. She had not fully recovered from her assault. While the headaches seemed less intense and less frequent, she claimed her heart was still heavy. She forgot things from time to time...like time. She was forever losing track of the day or the year. She seemed to have forgotten much, but she had not forgotten the man who had not only saved her life but had also stolen her heart. Yet, now and again, she would catch a glimpse of the tall, dark gentlemen for a split second. He would smile and vanish. She took comfort in knowing she and he would cross paths again one day. Yet, every year on her birthday, she would receive twenty-four sterling silver roses - no card.
Fay stood to meet Sheriff Gus and was at once struck by his good looks. She had seen her fair share of handsome men, but this man was gorgeous.
She could often tell a man’s disposition by how he dressed. Sheriff Virgil Gus had come from a fishing expedition, so she would excuse him for his fashion faux pas. Had Fay spotted him, say, at the mall, for example, dressed as he was, she would have been duty-bound to call the fashion police.
His faded blue jeans, black motorcycle boots, a T-shirt, sunglasses, and a motorcycle brand ball cap suggested: redneck. Faydra could not help but notice the round, silver dollar-sized, worn spot on his jeans’ right front pocket. Created, perhaps, by a chewing tobacco can resting therein?
“Sheriff Gus, this is Commander Faydra Green,” Mrs. Joe said.
Fay smiled and extended her hand. “Sheriff. Good to see ya.” Being a former First Daughter, she had met so many people over the years, she could not possibly remember them all. Not to risk offending people by not recognizing him or her, she had adopted what she referred to as her “tofu” greeting. The folksy “good to see ya” greeting, like tofu, went with every occasion.
Virgil removed his sunglasses with his left hand and firmly shook her hand with his right in one smooth motion. “Howdy, ma’am.” He turned to his deputy. “This here’s Deputy Doug.”
Good Lord! Virgil Gus had the most dazzling eyes… deep sea green… much like her own. Mercy!
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What makes your featured book a must-read?
Arid Sea is book two of the Spider Green Mystery Thriller Series. If you have read Fruit of the Poisonous Tree then you “must read” Arid Sea. If you are planning book three, Deception Pass, then you “must read” Arid Sea!
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Author Biography:
Norm Harris' first novel debuted on an Amazon bestseller list in 2002. It was a one-and-done, but now he's back with a plan to publish the Spider Green Mystery Thriller Series from the first mystery/thriller of days gone by.
Except for time spent in military service, he is a second-generation Seattleite (that's what they call those who dwell in the shadow of Mt. Rainier), with his legal beagle son, K-K, and five giant tropical fish.
Norm's stories spring from his memories of people who he has met and places and the places he has visited as he traveled the world. Diversity, inclusion, and equality are foremost in each story. "Fay is an admirable, tough, brilliant protagonist." said one reviewer. Said another, "Lt Commander Faydra Green from the JAG Corps is a “take no prisoners” protagonist..."
Watch for his four upcoming first quarter 2022 novels, "Fruit of the Poisonous Tree", "Arid Sea", "Deception Pass", and "The Girl Who Knew Death" in what he hopes to be an award-winning mystery thriller series. And in late 2022 his fifth book in the series "Rain and Wind and Fire".
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