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At Her Request by Micki Miller is a Backlist Bonanza pick #regencyromance #regency #romance #wrpbks #backlist #giveaway

Title:  At Her Request


Author:  Micki Miller


Genre:  Regency Romance


Book Blurb:


Lady Olivia has had some ill-fated ideas in the past. This, however, might take the prize for the worst.

Olivia and her friend, Elspeth, set out late at night to catch a rumored demon in their net and send it home. Instead, they catch a man.

Lord Derek Durham, Marquis of Durnhaven, walks the park late at night and alone. Since the day of the fire, when half his face was disfigured, it’s the only way and time he’ll venture outside the walls of his mansion.

It is Olivia’s nature to rescue every person or animal in need, and Derek’s need is great. No matter his resistance, she will not rest until she sees him happy and restored. Olivia never expected to fall in love. Neither did Derek.




     “And just what kind of a man,” Derek said. He took another step toward her. Little more than a foot of night now separated them.


     He appeared to be even taller than his usual towering height. Maybe even a little menacing. The handsome man she knew him to be was awash in displeasure, stamping a bitterness to his countenance. 


     “What kind of a man,” Derek repeated. “Do you think would want such a dull woman for a wife?”


     He’d been drinking. That’s what it was. She could smell the brandy now. She recognized the slight sway of her body. Before her brother married Dove, she’d seen him come home in this condition many times. A man not himself. She didn’t like it then, and she didn’t like it now.


     “You’re drunk,” he said, gripping her shoulders. “But I’ve come to believe there isn’t enough brandy in the world to wash you from my thoughts.”


     Before she could question his strange statement, Derek bent down and kissed her. The shock of it kept her silent for a moment, or maybe it was the pleasure. 


Buy Links:


What makes your featured book a must-read?


Everyone has had low times, and everyone has made mistakes. Wouldn’t it be great if the the two could combine and create a happily ever after?


Giveaway –


Enter to win a $25 Amazon gift card:



Open Internationally.

Runs August 20 – August 27, 2024.

Winner will be drawn on August 28, 2024.


Author Biography:


I'm a sucker for romance novels, especially historicals, Regency being my favorite, and I’ll read anything Dean Koontz writes. I lived most of my life in Las Vegas, even bussed tables at a buffet on the Strip. So many stories!


Social Media Links:


Twitter:  @millermwriter

1 Comment

N. N. Light
N. N. Light
Aug 21

Thank you, Micki, for sharing your book in our Backlist Bonanza!

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