Title: Harnessing Light
Author: S.B. Goncarova
Genre: Non-binary love story/poetry/travel/ inspirational
Book Blurb:
Can one create a love so bright, that it crosses distance and time? In this enduring love story, Harnessing Light is the journey of one woman trekking across the world in a search to find home, peace, purpose and love. In a quest that transcends physical limitations, Harnessing Light beckons us to our own, to discover what the true search really is.
My Review:
Rare is a book that can mean anything to anyone and still be a classic read. This is a rare book. With a style of prose and poetry not seen since Jim Morrison wrote his work, this is a book that dares you to explore.
It is almost impossible to define this work. That is the beauty of this book. This book is better enjoyed if the reader decides what the book means to them.
How many times do you pick up a book and are driven to an interpretation by the blurb or the jacket cover? Here the author presents thoughts, oft without clear cohesion, but all brilliantly presented.
This could be a book about longing; this could be a book about long-distance love. This could be a book about fighting injustice. This could be a clarion call for battling the climate crisis. This could be a book about dealing with parents as people. This could be a book about women's rights. This could be a book about nature.
Whatever you decide the book is about, you will be right. This is a great read if you are willing to just let each sentence take you wherever it wants to go. A book that would be a nice companion on a rainy day or on a day when you need to let yourself go.
Everyone should read this book as this book will mean something different to everyone.
Outstandingly original work, a true pleasure to peel back the layers like it's a Faberge Egg.
My Rating: 5 stars
Buy it Now:
Amazon (US): https://www.amazon.com/dp/0984555811
Adlibris (Norway): https://www.adlibris.com/se/bok/harnessing-light-9780984555819
Bookvoed (Ru): https://www.bookvoed.ru/book?id=10259716
Fishpond (Australia): https://www.fishpond.com.au/Books/Harnessing-Light-Goncarova-S-B/9780984555819

Author Biography:
S.B. Goncarova is a writer and visual artist based out of Montréal. She has been the grant recipient of the Puffin Foundation and Barbara Deming Memorial Fund. Her visual work can be found in the Archive of Digital Art, Danube University, Austria, PS1 MoMA Contemporary Art Center Digital Archive, The Elizabeth A. Sackler Center for Feminist Art, the Brooklyn Museum, the Brooklyn Art Library, and Rutgers University Special Collections.
She loves creating sound compositions for films, combining almost-whispered spoken word with nature sounds, city soundscapes and meditative music. She is currently working on some short video pieces for her ASMR youtube channel called Abba ASMR, which feature segments from Harnessing Light. (Her nieces call her Abba.)
Her next book, "Education of a Diva," is due out in 2020 by Clay Grouse Press.
Social Media Links:
Amazon: Harnessing Light
Facebook: S.B. Goncarova
Twitter: @studiogoncarova
Instagram: sb_goncarova
Goodreads: S.B. Goncarova
Reviewed by: Mr. N