June is traditionally wedding season and it's when most weddings take place. Why June? Who knows but it probably has something to do with the gorgeous weather. We love weddings, especially in romance books. Readers love them too. We thought it might be fun to celebrate bookish weddings. So, we've decided over a five-day period, we want to feature your books with weddings in our Celebrate Weddings Bookish Event.
Do you have a book featuring a wedding you want to promote with us? The wedding can take place in the beginning, middle, or the end. It can be historical, contemporary, or futuristic (think science fiction, fantasy, dystopian, post-apocalyptic). The wedding scene can be a small part of the plot or the main plot point. This event is open to all genres, all heat levels, fiction or nonfiction. It can be a new release or backlist. It can be in any format (e-copy, print, audiobook). If you have a boxed set or are taking part in an anthology, it qualifies. I'm not picky here. If you think your book would make for a great wedding season read, then please sign-up. If you're not sure, drop me an email with your book's title and link and I'll let you know. This event will be marketed as a Celebrate Weddings bookish event.
As an added incentive, you get a free customized graphic ($11 value) to use. To see an example, please scroll up to the very top of this email to see the graphic.
On June 15-20, we want to feature your books: e-copy, print, or audiobook. If you're featuring your book on sale during these dates, this is a great opportunity to gain more sales. Same goes if your book is a freebie, on preorder, or a new release. Note: Your book does not have to be on sale to participate in this event.
We want you to participate. There's no limit per author. The price is $11 USD per book. You won't find a better deal than that.
The giveaway is an Amazon gift card. The amount of the gift card will depend on how many authors participate. The more spots we fill, the bigger the prize for readers. Part of your fee goes towards the gift card. Oh, and no worries, we will take care of awarding the prize to the winner.
Click the link below to be taken to our general contact page. Put "Celebrate Weddings Bookish Event" in the subject line so I know which event you're signing up for. Please be sure to include: author name, book title(s), how many book spots you want to secure, and your Paypal address.
Please pass along this invitation to your author friends. We'd love to have their books, too.