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Cherry Blossom Serendipity by Zelda Benjamin is a Salute Military Event pick #sweetromance #salutemilitary #giveaway

Title: Cherry Blossom Serendipity


Author: Zelda Benjamin


Genre: Sweet Romance


Book Blurb: 


A chance meeting lands dating columnist Lexi Anderson an invitation to the most sought-after D.C. event. Seeking inspiration for her spring column, she agrees to accompany an older gentleman she met at the Vietnam Memorial.

Everyone lets go at the Pink Tie Dinner. Navy Commander Steve MacDonald is no exception. He’s attracted to Lexi and disappointed she’s returning to New York in the morning. He makes a plan guaranteeing he’ll see her during New York’s Fleet Week.

Lexi has shared with her readers that she never gets involved with a man in uniform. When the magic of the evening disappears, will Lexi hold tight to her dating rule?




Steve dropped his grandfather off at a local deli for lunch with friends and proceeded along Constitution Avenue toward the Department of Navy Building. He meant no disrespect, but as he entered the building, he was glad for the time alone.


“Good morning, Lieutenant.” He removed his cap and stopped at the desk outside his office. “Anything exciting happen while I was gone?”


Without looking away from the computer screen, a short lieutenant, hardly visible, pointed toward the corner table. “I procured you a pink bow tie for tonight’s event. Even the navy makes exceptions during cherry blossom season.” She swiveled her chair. “How’s your grandfather, Commander?”


“He’s wearing a matchmaking hat again.” He straightened the sign on her desk. Lieutenant Mia Rivers was the best assistant he’d ever had. “How come you and Andy never fix me up?”


“We’d never do such a thing. You have the power to reassign me to Alaska.” She faked a shiver.


“Why would I do that?” He leaned against the corner of the desk, flipped his cap, and caught it midair. “Would you consider shining those silver bars, and, if Andy doesn’t object, join me tonight?”


“At the Pink Tie Dinner?” She straightened her shoulders.


“Mia, it’s an invitation, not a command.”


“Andy never minds when I accompany you to events, but tonight I have to say no. Dawn has a cold, Timmy has a science project, and the nanny is off.” She half smiled and shrugged. “Is the situation with Sam that bad?”


“Things would be easier if I had a date.” He heaved a long breath. “Grandfather met a young lady at the Vietnam Wall. Since Grandmother passed last year, he’s been obsessed with finding me a wife.”


“I could do a security search on the lady.” Mia raised a brow. “Did you get a name?”


“Great idea.” He reached into his pocket. “I’ve got her business card.” He glanced at the name. Damn Sam for putting him in such a situation.


Mia held the card to the light and did a double take. “Wow, you met the columnist, Lexi Anderson?” She sucked in a breath and placed the card in front of her screen. “I’ve seen her bio shot. It’s much nicer than the photo you showed me. She’s very attractive.”


“She’s not bad-looking.” Lexi’s a ten compared to previous matches. “Maybe Grandpa’s skills are improving.” He gave a noncommittal shrug. “You’ve read her articles?”


“Lots of women do. Lexi’s writing is clever and often reflects on personal experience.” She opened a drawer and reached into her purse. “She recently wrote a bestselling book on the history of dating.” She placed a copy on the desk. “Depending on the outcome of the evening, you could get a mention in one of her articles or perhaps her next book.”


“My grandfather said something about being the inspiration for her next piece.” In his position, Steve couldn’t be involved with someone whose life was an open book. “Is she a kiss-and-tell kind of girl?”


“Not at all.” Mia shook her head. “Women quote her all the time.”


“Did she say something I might have heard?” Do I want to know? 


“I doubt it. She appeals mostly to women.” She leaned back and crossed her arms. “Look through the book. It’s very interesting.”


“I don’t have the time.” He glanced at the title, From Courtship to Dating. “Catchy title.”


“Since you don’t have time for the book, how about an article? See for yourself what her writing is all about.” She refreshed the screen and moved her fingers across the keyboard. “If I let you sit at the same table as a potential security risk, I’d fall short of my duty.”


“Don’t be funny.” He frowned. “Security is a serious matter.”


“Yes, sir.” She cleared her throat. “I doubt she poses a threat to our operation.” She showed him the screen. “Here’s one you might find interesting.”


He glanced at the article. “‘Why I Don’t Date Men in Uniforms.’ That’s not so original.” He crossed his arms and looked closer. “She seemed more intelligent than such a clichéd statement.”


“Perhaps it’s the man, not the uniform she’s objecting to.” She glanced sideways. “You should read the article and find out. You might be able to prove her wrong.”


“Send me the link.” He cleared his throat, not wanting to sound interested. “I’ll read it later.”


Buy Links (including Goodreads and BookBub):






What makes your featured book a must-read?


If you like feel-good romance and short reads, Cherry Blossom Serendipity is for you.  Although, Lexi and Steve are not looking for romance, they soon realize they are meant for each other. Responsibilities separate them until a chance meeting at a New York City food truck reunites them during Fleet Week.


Giveaway –


Enter to win a $20 Amazon gift card:



Open Internationally.


Runs May 22 – May 28, 2024.


Winner will be drawn on May 29, 2024.


Author Biography:


Zelda Benjamin is the author of the Love by Chocolate series and Highland Falls series.  She lives in Florida with her husband and a very active Labrador mix. She worked as a nurse and wrote articles for various nursing journals. She always loved telling stories and expanded her repertoire to include writing romance novels that feature contemporary themes with sweet and sensual undertones, always concluding with a delightful happily ever after. When not writing she loves to travel with family.


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