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Compromise by Marsha R. West is a Christmas in July Fete pick #secondchance #romanticsuspense #christmasinjuly #giveaway

N. N. Light



Author: Marsha R. West


Genre: Second Chance Romantic Suspense


Book Blurb: 


Widowed, shop keeper, and transplanted Texan Jessica Allen fights to protect the Green in the New Hampshire town of Tidbury, settled by her late husband’s family. New Hampshire of the beautiful fall leaves and sometimes brutal winters. She’s angry to learn developers plan to use Worley Construction, a company she holds responsible for her husband’s death. When a member of the board of selectmen is murdered, family and friends encourage Jessica to run for the seat. Will threats force her to compromise her principles?

Developer Jeff Hudson wants to build a retirement center on the Tidbury Green. Despite Jessica’s opposition, he believes he can convince her of the need for the center and that its place on the Green will leave plenty of room for all of the town’s activities. But has he partnered with an unsafe builder? How much money will he lose if he breaks the contract to please Jessica? Her position on the board of selectmen may cause a conflict of interest and force them apart. Will more people have to die to save the Green?


Will Jessica be forced to compromise to find her second chance at love?




“Can I give you my pitch?” Jeff Hudson asked.


“Of course. I think that’s part of the job. Listening to everyone, and that includes developers.” Jessica hoped that didn’t sound too harsh.


After blowing on each bite, Jeff shoveled in several. “The owner does make the best chicken pot pie. Man, I could eat this every day.”


“Sorry to report it’s only available one day a week. You lucked out to be here on the right day.” She stirred her pie, hoping to cool it faster.


“Are you telling me there’s a special every day of the week?”


“That’s it exactly. Check out the sign over the register.” Jessica notched her head in that direction.


“Oh, my gosh, she has meat loaf with garlic mashed potatoes. Pot roast with carrots and potatoes. I must be dreaming. Those two and this pot pie are my all-time favorites. I believe I’ll enjoy staying in your town, Ms. Jessica Allen.”


Jessica laughed. She couldn’t help it. A big man, Jeff obviously liked to eat. “Well, you’ll never be disappointed here, and at one time or another you’ll run into everyone in town. Visitors, too, depending on how long they stay. The chef at the Tidbury Inn is quite good. Different kind of food, but definitely delicious.”


“Looks like I’d better not skip the exercise routine, because I intend to thoroughly enjoy every single bite of this delicious meal.” He laughed before inhaling another mouthful.


Jessica continued to enjoy her pot pie at a more leisurely pace. She’d eat lighter tomorrow to make up for the calories. Sometimes a splurge was called for.


Several minutes passed while they ate in silence or mostly silence, except for their moaned enjoyment of Molly’s pot pie. Finally, Jeff set aside his plate. “What can I say? More than good. Maybe the best chicken pot pie I’ve ever eaten. Can’t wait for next week.”


Jessica laughed. She’d ask for a doggy bag for her leftovers. She never managed to finish one of Molly’s pot pies.


Jeff wrapped both hands around his coffee mug. “So, let’s talk business for a minute or so.”


Jessica tilted her head acknowledging his plans.


“If my retirement center had been built on the green, Molly’s parents wouldn’t have had to move to Florida.”


“Will your retirement center moderate our winters?” Jessica gazed at him over the rim of her teacup.


Jeff burst out in a large guffaw, making folks in the café turn and smile at them. “No, I admit the center can’t do that. But being right on the green, everything would be an easy walk for her parents.”


His smile did something to her middle. A surprisingly pleasant experience.


“I grant you that, Jeff. So, you understand the green is where everything happens, right? You can see that for yourself with the Fall Festival spread out the way it is. We seriously need all that space for our festivals. We have an event every other month or so.” She signaled Molly to bring her a to-go box.


“Have you sat down to take a look at the plans?” Jeff plopped his elbows on the table and leaned toward her.


“No, I haven’t. I assume the current members of the board have though.”


“Yes, they have. It’s important for you—and the other candidate—to look over the documents, too. Do you have any spare time tomorrow? Can you fit in a stop by the board offices across the green? I’ll have space to spread them out, and you can take a good look at what I’m proposing.”


“Let me talk with Lori. If she can come in for an extra shift, we can make it happen. When exactly did you have in mind?”


“I’m at your disposal and can meet you whenever. I believe you have my cell number since you invited me to visit.” His smile ticked up only on one side as if he didn’t want it to show.


“Yes, I do.”


“You call and tell me what works best for you, and I’ll be there.”


“Okay, I’ll do that. I think the first vote on plans for the retirement center is supposed to happen sometime in November, and they’re planning to swear us in right after the election.”


“You keep saying swear ‘us’ in. Isn’t this election for the one position to fill the term of the guy who killed himself?”


“Yes, though, I’ve heard speculation he didn’t take his own life. And I don’t want to act cocky about winning, so I say we, meaning one or the other of us.”


“Okay, I understand. I hadn’t heard anything other than the selectman had taken his life. Have they decided natural causes?”


“No.” Jessica looked at her hands clasped on the table in front of her, and then she glanced up. “The sheriff thinks it may be murder.”


“Huh. Wasn’t expecting to hear that in this quaint little town. Does the sheriff have any suspects?”


“Not really. Everyone loved Lonnie Melton. It’s been a real blow to the community, not to mention his poor wife.”


“I can imagine.” Jeff’s eyebrows drew together forming a deep V above his eyes. “So, are you taking extra precautions?”


“Extra precautions? Why should I do that?”


“Because someone went to a lot of trouble to drop a squirrel in your shop. And you just told me the guy you’re running to replace was possibly murdered. That demands you take extra precautions.”


Buy Links (including Goodreads and BookBub):



What I love most about the holiday season:


For me the holidays begin with early fall. My youngest granddaughter’s birthday is September 5; lots of times it falls on Labor Day. Then mid-October brings my younger daughter’s birthday and on the same day, we celebrate my older daughter’s wedding anniversary. October 31 is of course Halloween, but it’s also the birthday of one of my SsIL. And then we’re rushing full tilt into Thanksgiving, by which time in Texas we’re beginning finally to feel like fall. And then we’re full on into Christmas. I love that frequently at the same time we’re celebrating Christmas and Hanukkah with all the decorations and wonderful Hallmark movies. (Yes, I’m a fan.) What I love best about all of these is when our temperatures finally cool. Texas Summer heat can last easily into October, frequently mentioned in my books.


Why is your featured book a must-read to get you in the holiday mood?


I mentioned Hallmark Christmas movies in the paragraph above. My intention with COMPROMISE was to write a Hallmarkish type Christmas story. This book has lots of elements of a Hallmark Christmas movie, but it also has a murder on page 2. LOL I didn’t see it coming, just boom, there is was. This book is one of my three books celebrating my love affair with New England.


Giveaway –


One lucky reader will win a $100 Amazon gift card.



Open internationally.


Runs July 1 – 31, 2024


Drawing will be held on August 1, 2024.


Author Biography:


I’m a retired elementary school principal, a former school board member, and theatre arts teacher, and write Romance, Suspense, and Second Chances. Experience Required. I live in Texas with my supportive lawyer husband and Charley, a deaf, Chihuahua/Jack Russell Terrier. Our two daughters presented us with three delightful grandchildren all who live nearby.


The theme of my eight books is always second chances. I even named my four-part series The Second Chances Series. I believe in Happily Ever Afters. My husband picked up a plaque for me on one of our several trips to Maine that states my philosophy exactly. Everything will be all right in the end. If it’s not all right, it’s not the end. The Heroines and Heroes in my books range in age from 40 to late 50s and their parents and children often play supporting roles.


I’m a member of North Texas Romance Writers, Texas Authors Institute, and the WORD BY WORD Blog. I send out a monthly newsletter and give away an e-book to some lucky commenter.  I enjoy making presentations to groups, and I’ve taught two Silver Frogs classes on Indie Publishing for Texas Christian University and this fall will teach my third. My books can be found on AMAZON, B & N, KOBO, and iTunes, plus lots of other places. Print books are also at Texas Authors Institute and Amazon. Blurbs for each of my books with buy links can be found on my website where you can also sign up for my  NEWSLETTER  MRW Press LLC (


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©2015-2025 BY N. N. LIGHT. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. (2015-17 on Wordpress) 

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