Dalia Dupris has been a book lover as long as she can remember. Dalia’s BA in English Literature from UCLA and Master’s degree in Social Work, from the University of Southern California, in addition to years of experience as a licensed psychotherapist, contribute to her creation of relatable and complex characters.
In her spare time, she enjoys bike riding along the California coast with her husband, and hiking with her daughter. She loves hearing from her readers. Their words of encouragement inspire her to continue creating memorable characters, who will make you laugh and cry and keep rooting for them until the very last page. Subscribe to her website for a chance to learn more about Dalia and her books.
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Title Orange Blossoms-Love Blooms
Author Dalia Dupris
Genre Contemporary Romance
Publisher The Wild Rose Press
Book Blurb
Strong-willed Elaine Hart is determined to save Hartland Ranch, her family's California orange groves. After the recent ending of a turbulent relationship, she vows to keep her professional and personal life separate, even though she's attracted to the man who holds her family's fate in the palm of his hands.
Serious-minded banker, David Cole, has two goals- collecting on the delinquent ranch account and resisting his attraction to the unpredictable and beautiful Elaine Cole.
When a series of circumstances brings them together, they must decide if they will continue to suppress their emotions or succumb to passion and take a chance on a forever love.
First this.” He leans over, pulls me into his arms, and gives me a scorching hot kiss that sends an electric current through my body.
“I like that,” I say, when I finally come up for air. This man’s kisses are even hotter than his massages, but I need to focus. “Seriously, I wanted to be headed back home tonight. That’s why I left so early.”
“Well, that’s not going to happen.” He smiles mischievously. “You’ll have to spend the night.”
“No, I can’t possibly do that.” I think of Morgan and all the tasks I need to complete at home, including the sorting out of my father’s things, which I haven’t been able to force myself to do. I had planned on a quick turnaround trip. “Morgan will be worried.”
“Morgan’s a big girl. I’m sure she’ll be fine without you for one night. “Why don’t you call her now?”
“I don’t know.” I’m not sure how Morgan will feel being alone in the house for the first time since our father’s death. I turn away from him, quickly dialing Morgan’s number, while in the distance I see a tow truck heading in our direction. She picks up on the second ring. I quickly explain the situation and she assures me that she could use some time alone. “You’re right. Morgan encouraged me to do whatever I have to do. She said she’ll hold down the fort.
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TikTok: @daliadupris8
Title Anything but Love
Author Dalia Dupris
Genre Romance
Publisher The Wild Rose Press
Book Blurb
Known as the anything but love girl, Morgan Hart has two passions, travelling and having fun. After reassuring her French lover, Marcel, that their relationship will resume unchanged when she returns, she’s ready to begin her Cape Town adventure, only to find that her friend Amber is a no-show at the airport, and Morgan’s stuck with having to travel solo, that is, until she falls into the lap of widowed single father, Dakar Ngosi, whose good looks and charm have her questioning her resolve to living life unattached and carefree.
Dr. Ngosi is beyond annoyed when a seemingly inebriated Morgan slumps down beside him in the airport lounge where he’s waiting with his sister for their flight. When his sister volunteers him to show the lovely American the sites of their country, his irritation grows, but he soon discovers that Morgan is as enticing as she is beautiful, and he must decide if he’ll stick to his vow to never love again or pursue the American woman whose captured his heart.
“I can't believe this.” She rubs her hands together. “'I've been planning this trip for so long.” She holds up a finger. “First, one of my best friends is a no-show.” She adds another finger. “Next, my plane departs without me on it, and, three, now this!” She quickly reads my card, and when it sinks in that I'm a doctor, she grabs hold of my arms and looks up at me with desperation. “You've got to help me. What am I supposed to do now?”
As her voice rises, several of the tourists and hotel staff glance in our direction.
“Sorry.” Speaking in a normal tone, she continues, “How can I get around town now? There's so much I've planned.”
“Let's get to your room and we'll see what we can do.” God help me; this woman is enticing. I know what I'd like to do with her once we get to her room and it has nothing to do with her swollen ankle.
Flinging her slender arms around my neck, she says, “Oh, thank you. I'm so grateful.” Perhaps realizing what she's just done, she abruptly drops her arms and looks down.
As we make our way to the elevator, I struggle to control a desire that has long been dormant. The restraint and discipline I have mastered has evaporated since this luscious woman fell into my lap. Once I'm alone in the room with her, I don't know what might happen.
A man can only hope.
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Title A Whirl with My Mocha-Chocolate Swirl
Author Dalia Dupris
Genre Contemporary Romance
Publisher The Wild Rose Press
Book Blurb
Rebecca Layton, returns to her beachside hometown of Sunnyville, California, determined to explore the possibility of rekindling her past relationship with the love of her life, Raymond Colton, only to discover that he has moved on, and is now engaged to Leigh Ann Sims, a best friend from Rebecca’s past. Rebecca must decide if she’ll graciously accept that Raymond’s love now belongs to another or if she’ll fight for the only many she has ever loved.
Raymond Colton harbors resentment towards Rebecca for abandoning him to pursue her dreams of life in the big city. But now she’s back, more beautiful than ever and dating Army veteran, Miguel Montoya. Raymond’s heart has been broken more than once, and risking more heartache with Rebecca isn’t a gamble he’s willing to take.
Rebecca can’t say no to Raymond’s father’s request for her marketing expertise to help salvage his family’s failing business, Colton’s Ice Creamery. Developing a social media strategy is no problem for Rebecca, but while working with Raymond, deeply buried wounds from their shared past, must be healed before they can embrace the possibility of a brighter tomorrow.
“What are you doing here?” The familiar voice is deep and steady with a coldness that rattles my determination to confront the mistakes of the past.
Does he think I don’t belong in my hometown because I went away to college and didn’t immediately return after graduation? “This is still my home.” Straightening my shoulders, I resolve not to allow Raymond to intimidate me the way he did his opponents on the football field. With a sinking sensation, I know that returning to Sunnyville with expectations of re-igniting a past passion with him may never happen, but I’m not going to slink away like a frightened child. I have questions that need answers—if not now, then later.
“We didn’t see you for two summers.” He spews out the bitter words as he avoids looking at me. “Guess you were too busy with your big-city life.”
“We need to talk.” I hold my hands out, squelching the apprehension surging through me as if I’m about to jump off the diving board into the deep end of a pool, unable to swim and without a life vest.
“I’m busy.” Shrugging his broad shoulders, he abruptly stands and heads to the sink. Grabbing a cloth, he swipes the clean counter.
“Really?” I scan the almost-empty creamery and place my hands on my hips. “It doesn’t appear to be overflowing with customers.”
“Looks can be deceiving, can’t they?” A muscle twitches along his strong jawline.
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Title Soft Lies & Hard Truths
Author Dalia Dupris
Genre Romance
Publisher The Wild Rose Press
Book Blurb
Heartbroken and mortified by mean-spirited taunts and social media pictures of her looking like a hot mess at her ex-boyfriend’s wedding, Leah James decides to accept her friend, Miguel Montoya’s, offer to take a road trip to their hometown of Santa Lorena.
Miguel, ex-Marine, turned fitness trainer, is done pretending that he doesn’t have strong feelings for Leah. From the moment he laid eyes on her, he knew she was the one, and now this trip provides the perfect opportunity to take their relationship to the next level.
Will shocking lies, deceits, and half-truths dampen the fiery sparks of passion that ignite when Leah and Miguel are forced to share a cozy honeymoon cottage, or will they overcome their fears and build a brighter future based on honesty and love?
“I have a suite at the inn. Come home with me.”
Her eyes narrow as she shakes her head. “I couldn’t inconvenience you.” She runs a finger through her hair. “I don’t want to be a nuisance. I’ll figure something out, even if I don’t know what it is yet.” Her voice trembles even though she sounds determined.
“You could never be a nuisance. I’m staying in a cottage. It’s big enough for two people.” I quickly decide not to mention that it’s the honeymoon cottage; I don’t want her to think I’m trying to make a move on her when she’s vulnerable. “I promise you that the place is spacious.” I notice the shadows under her eyes, and the faint scattering of freckles across her nose. “Say yes.”
“Okay. I’ll do it.” Her head falls back against the seat. “I’ll stay for one night. I need time away from the situation at my father’s house. A good night’s sleep won’t hurt either.”
“No problem.” Leah in the honeymoon cottage; that’s what I call temptation. It’s going to be one long night and a true test of my willpower. She doesn’t suspect that she stole my heart almost twenty years ago and there’s never been anyone else. Is this the time to come clean and let her know that my interest in her isn’t platonic?
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