Life has been a crazy, challenging, wonderful, and awe-inspiring trip, so far! Rarely the same one day to the next, but that’s what makes it interesting to me – the possibility that life can, and does, change. I didn’t understand the significance of that reality for decades even though I was always in a state of flux, unhappily going from one emotional crisis to another. Despite that, professionally I was successful, so it helped that I had something positive to focus on. The idea that I could be proactive rather than reactive to make meaningful change and take my life in a different direction seemed impossible at first. It raised a few questions which I later came to understand as avoidance. “Do I really need to do anything at all…I’m sort of coping? Isn’t everyone living the same drama, on the same treadmill, and in that same state of stress and confusion?” Then, not for the first time, the Universe stepped in-as it does when we procrastinate. My life was turned upside down and inside out.
Any confrontation with a life-threatening illness is a wake-up call; the Universe telling you to reconsider your actions and direction. I decided to listen, to follow my heart not only my head.
Having a life-long fascination with the mind-body-spirit connection, it made sense to retrain as a psychotherapist and life coach, to apply what I learned to my own healing, recovery and long-overdue emotional development. That choice has enabled me to support others’ journey to happiness and well-being by integrating the core principles of meditation, neuroscience, and positive psychology upon which my healing process and this book are grounded. I quickly became passionate about my new direction and haven't looked back since!
So many things have changed, increasingly for the better. True, it wasn’t the easiest of transitions in the early days. I was accustomed to being in control, not in sync with ‘the flow of the Universe’, and definitely not trusting of it. My go-to operating system was left-brained, analytical, practical, and efficient. I was my own worst enemy intent on keeping emotions suppressed for fear of complete collapse. Predictably, it happened anyway.
I’ve been blessed with countless fun and enlightening experiences as a consequence of my decision to follow my heart, not my head. Without doubt, the highlight is a 7-month sabbatical in Nepal spent in daily meditation opening my mind to new creative ideas, learning how to ‘be’ not just to ‘do’. Among them are the techniques which have brought rapid, remarkable change to every aspect of my life, and the lives of countless others, and prepared the groundwork for Bright Mind, Happy Heart, Best Life.
I urge you to join me in a journey of self-discovery you won’t regret. There will be no downside, just the opportunity to live as your True Self, to enjoy a life of harmony, fulfillment, and vitality.
Thank you, Deanna. Readers, scroll down to read all about her insightful book and start your transformation today.

Title: Bright Mind, Happy Heart, Best Life
Author: Deanna LoTerzo
Genre: Self-Help, Wellbeing, New Age, Health Mind-Body, Popular Psychology, Psychology Emotions,
Book Blurb:
Bright Mind, Happy Heart, Best Life is a game-changer! It uses simple, proven techniques grounded in mindfulness, neuroscience, and positive psychology to rapidly move you beyond limiting thoughts, fears, negative emotions and destructive behaviors.
It raises the bar on what it means to be fully empowered, resilient and happy, no longer defined by your past; lifelong optimism, love and joy is well within your reach.
Discover 5 paradigm-shifting facts in the first four chapters that will forever alter the way you see yourself, your potential, and your world.
Learn how to use Emotional Inventories - a unique resource included in these chapters: Reclaim Your Identity, No More Secrets: Surviving the Aftermath of Abuse, De-Mystifying Eating Disorders & Weight Loss.
Read inspirational stories and case notes of amazing transformations to newfound self-assurance, vibrant health and happiness.
Access powerful, but unbelievably easy exercises to help you explore your innate creative intelligence and expand your consciousness.
Set aside all preconceived notions that solutions need be complex, hard-learned and rigid. Those don't apply here. The key to rapid, radical and lasting transformation is simplicity!
Let’s dive right in. Emotions, feelings, thoughts, and beliefs are a form of intangible energy – much like electricity, which is fluid, multi-directional, and harnessed for diverse purposes. It’s not something we think about often, even though subconscious thoughts and emotions account for over 90% of our interactions with the external world, every day. Typically, they claim attention only when our routines, relationships, and lifestyle are either rudely interrupted by disappointing or unwanted events, or by happy accidents and other life-affirming experiences. Something as simple as doing or being the recipient of an act of kindness can totally change the way you feel and think – in an instant. Think about it. What that means on a grander scale is that constructive interplay, creative ideas, and inspired solutions can also be communicated as effectively.
I was reminded of that fact and its potential, while sitting up in my hospital bed, post-surgery, reflecting on life – as one does when faced with a not-so-optimistic prognosis. I wondered what I could do to reverse the outcome. The idea that I could be proactive in my post-surgical treatment plan, instead of reliant on traditional methods, was radical and overwhelming at first. I seriously doubted that I would make it. Still, the thought persisted. What emerged was a plausible plan to reverse-engineer the emotional trauma I had experienced since early childhood and which continued to undermine my mental and physical health. When that plan settled into my bones, I felt inspired and optimistic.
Here’s my reasoning. From neurobiologists, we learn that sensations relayed from our senses inwards to our brain and throughout the nervous system travel at speeds up to 270 miles per hour. That’s faster than a blink of an eye. It made sense to me that those same systems can function in reverse to release misguided thoughts, limiting beliefs, and corrosive emotions — and at the same rate. Why not? The fact that I am still here is a testament to that reality. If you’re not having a WOW moment right now, you should be! You are probably asking yourself: If this is true, why are we not doing it? The answer, in a nutshell, is this priceless gem from Albert Einstein, and he should know: “We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”
Bright Mind, Happy Heart, Best Life heals and transforms lives. It shares my unique program of mindful tools and techniques that take you down the path of self-exploration and transformation using a powerful series of comprehensive glossaries which interpret emotion and behavior. Through them, misguided thoughts, self-sabotaging behaviors, and corrosive emotions are replaced by life-affirming options to support your new goals and direction, enabling you to live as the luminous being you were born to be. The key to its effectiveness is its simplicity. It’s not complicated. It’s proven. Results are immediate and lasting.
The reason many self-help programs and positive-thinking books largely disappoint is that they totally disregard the need to lay a proper foundation for sustainable change. I use the analogy of gardening. For a new season of growth and new seeds to take firm hold, soil needs to be free of weeds and other impediments that limit the seeds’ capacity to germinate. Only then are we rewarded with vibrant colorful blooms. In the same way, weeding all that ails you in order to seed new thought patterns and optimism is empowering and freeing beyond imagination. It means you no longer need to be defined by your past mistakes, guilt, fears, and other corrosive emotions. You do not have to feel hopeless or helpless ever again, or feel like a victim.
You will soon discover what it feels like to enjoy fuller freedom of expression without being limited by false perceptions or triggered by certain people or circumstances. It means that you will have creative control over the evolution of your future and that of your loved ones. There’s no going back. Even better news is that it will take you no longer than a day to get your head around the process and to see real results. Rapid, radical, and lasting transformation is what I’m offering, not a quick or temporary fix. That’s a promise.
As a life coach, I’ve had the privilege of sharing the contents of this book with countless others for over eighteen years. Its effectiveness is evidenced by endorsements from workshop participants, private clients, and health professionals whose lives have been transformed well beyond expectation or recognition, as has my own.
It worked regardless of their starting point and without unwanted side effects. I share their stories and my own throughout the book as evidence of what is truly possible. Empowered, resilient, and self-assured, each is now aligned to their deeper nature. With newfound clarity of thought, more effective problem solving, and a heightened sense of well-being, new creative goals are being achieved and surpassed. Self-destructive habits are a thing of the past. Broken, unfulfilling, or abusive relationships have been cast aside, often with loving kindness, or healed and strengthened. New loving and nurturing relationships are firmly anchored. Fractured families and friendships have become more cohesive, respectful, and accepting; work-related challenges have been more easily and appropriately addressed and overcome. For them, life is just easier and more satisfying. They are freer and more expressive, knowing they are in control of a vibrant, happier future. That can be you, too.
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Author Biography:
Deanna LoTerzo's success as a psychotherapist, life coach, and spiritual mentor spans 18+ years and is attested to by health practitioners and clients from all walks of life.
“Previous to immersing myself in the writing of Bright Mind, Happy Heart, Best life, while fully committed to the Management Services & Recruitment industry I was forced into premature retirement due to life-threatening illness. Having to contemplate a different path mid-life and post-recovery was seriously destabilizing.
In spite of my predicted demise, I recovered vibrant health and joy which continues to this day. Without hesitation, I attribute my recovery solely to holistic therapies which focused on healing emotional imbalance and mental stress. Not surprisingly, I then decided to retrain as a psychotherapist and life coach. That choice has enabled me to integrate the core principles of meditation, neuroscience, and positive psychology upon which my healing process and this book are grounded. I quickly became passionate about my new direction and haven't looked back since!
Fast forward. I’ve happily made the transition from workaholic frenzy to meditative calm, from a hearty European diet to veganism, from designer business suits, hose and heels to leggings and denim, from fruity Merlot to fruit smoothies, from hours spent on lush green fairways to similar on a purple yoga mat, from relentless researcher to writer, and from buttery French pastries to gluten-free vegan brownies. With absolutely no regrets. I'm healthier, more creative and happier than I've ever been, and wish the same for you.”
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