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  • N. N. Light

Deception Pass by Norm Harris is a Spring Break Bookapalooza pick #thriller #timetravel #giveaway

Title: Deception Pass

Author: Norm Harris

Genre: Mystery/thriller/military/legal/time travel

Book Blurb:

She should have followed the rules. “Rule 2: Always double-tap.” Now a girl must travel back in time to that never never land of spies and samovars. To the land of bears, bombs, babushkas, and borscht to finish the job. To the land where anything can happen and often does.

On course in the Pacific, an American ship experiences an event unlike anything that any ship has ever undergone.

Faydra “Spider” Green has had a storied career as a Navy lawyer, juggling being the daughter of a former U.S. president. She has successfully navigated complex diplomatic situations, pulse-pounding legal investigations, and dangerous military missions, managing each time to save the day. But now, a man who had nearly cost Fay her life has seemingly returned from the dead. Now, hellbent on revenge, he poses a threat to Fay and national security. Fay will have to go to extraordinary lengths to stop him, even tampering with the bounds of time and space.

“Norm Harris is a brilliant author who knows how to write thrillers. This is my first Norm Harris book, and it won’t be my last. If you’re a fan of pulse-pounding thrillers with a twist, pick up Deception Pass.” N N Light, Amazon “Vine™ Voice” reviewer.


Fay awoke with a start. Noting the time (03:35 A.M.), she snapped on the lamp placed on the nightstand to the left of her bed. As she sat up, she clutched the bed covers up and under her chin. Her body, warm from sleep, grew cold when her dilated pupils refocused on the man dressed in black who was sitting on a chair placed several feet to the left of her bed.

“Shaman!” Fay croaked and cleared her throat. “Long time no see, my dear assassin. Although I seem to have just met you in my dream.”

A slight grin formed on the man’s lips. He said nothing.

“You ever think to first warn me with a phone call, maybe send an e-mail or text…or ring a doorbell, Jon?”

“Not my style, Commander. Good to see you again.”

“Jon, could I offer a cup of coffee?” Fay asked.

“Thank you. I don’t drink the stuff. However, I can get you one, if you would like,” the man replied.

A shocker. Jon knew how to make coffee? This could be interesting. “Okay, Jon,” Fay said. “You may get me a cup of coffee.” She realized she had just asked a confirmed assassin to make her a cup of coffee. This is insane! She added, “Jon, only coffee. No cream, sugar, or poison. Okay?”

“Okay, got it. Coffee black, no cream, sugar, or poison,” Jon repeated. “I will be back.”

“It seems every time we meet, we are either meeting in my bedroom, you are shooting me, throwing me away in a desert, or we are rescuing damsels in distress somewhere in the Czech Republic.” Fay paused. “Crap, Jon, we do lead one fricked-up life.”

Jon smiled. “Yeah, you are a classic yourself, Faydra.”

“Those were the good old days, right, Jon? So, what’s on your mind? You’re not back in the assassin game, are you?”

Buy Links:

Amazon US Kindle eBook:

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If money were no object, where would you go for a Spring Break vacation and why?

Route 66. I would like to begin in Palm Springs and drive as far as I can go in three days.

Why is your featured book a must-read this spring?

There are three in the series. If the trip is long, then there is enough reading here to fill the time.

Giveaway –

One lucky reader will win a $75 Amazon US or Canada gift card

Open internationally. You must have a valid Amazon US or Amazon CA account to win.

Runs April 1 – 30

Drawing will be held on May 2.

Author Biography:

Norm Harris’ first novel debuted on an Amazon bestseller list in 2002. It was a one-and-done, but now he’s back with a plan to publish the Spider Green Mystery Thriller Series from the first mystery/thriller of days gone by.

Except for time spent in military service, he is a second-generation Seattleite (that’s what they call those who dwell in the shadow of Mt. Rainier), with his legal beagle son, K-K, and five giant tropical fish. Norm’s stories spring from his memories of people he has met and the places he has visited as he traveled the world. Diversity, inclusion, and equality are foremost in each story. “Fay is an admirable, tough, brilliant protagonist.” said one reviewer. Said another, “Lt Commander Faydra Green from the JAG Corps is a “take no prisoners” protagonist...”

Watch for his four upcoming first quarter 2022 novels, “Fruit of the Poisonous Tree”, “Arid Sea”, “Deception Pass”, and “The Girl Who Knew Death” in what he hopes to be an award-winning mystery thriller series. And in late 2022, his fifth book in the series is “Rain and Wind and Fire.”

Thank you for reading, and if you enjoyed the stories, please consider leaving a review!

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