Title: Discovery of the Five Senses
Author: K.N. Smith
Genre: YA urban fantasy thriller
Book Blurb:
A suspenseful incident in a forbidden preserve heightens the senses of five friends. Sight, sound, touch, taste, and smell become super-gifts that forever change the world. But furious battles confront the boys as they try to understand their sensory super powers in a race to save mankind. With light beings and mysterious strangers complicating their plight, can the boys defeat the evil Druth before it's too late? Get prepared for the twisting and grinding of this award-winning, action-adventure story — an edge-of-your-seat narrative for young and mature readers alike.
And in the absence of even a hint of an exchange, Joaquin spun around and lunged at Ross. He grabbed him by the throat, knocking him down.
With brittle leaves and debris thrust upward, the two were enveloped in a dark, hazy hell as they engaged in a violent struggle for what seemed like an eternity.
Ross flared up. “Get the hell off of me!”
Joaquin persisted. “What are you going to do, Ross? Where are you going to go?”
Fueled by a rush of pulsating adrenaline, Ross ran frantically, stretching his quivering legs. His rich brown skin tightened as he pounded through the forest. He tried to ignore his thunderous heartbeat while scanning the pathways, searching for possible escape routes.
The violent exchange was the smoky glow at the end of a dark tunnel, and they had ventured across the breaking point inside this lush landscape.
At the same moment, on the other side of the preserve, Della Sato and Juson Yamada examined the stars on this warm summer night.
Juson stood beneath trees adorned with apple-green moss. “I know we’re not supposed to be in here, but look at this place.”
“I heard people got lost in here and they never came out,” Della said, pulling back. “Do you think that’s true?”
“No way,” Juson convinced himself, unsure of the validity of the tale. “If someone gets hungry enough, they’ll find their way out.”
“Our neighbor said there were weird noises coming out of here one night,” Della recalled, as she clutched her purse.
“That’s not true. It looks safe in here.” Juson took her by the hand. “Maybe their TV was up too loud. C’mon.”
Della grasped Juson’s bicep as she began to move her feet. Tiny lights greeted the couple. They set foot in the forest, walking and talking, looking for the perfect place to nestle. It was quiet, peaceful, and visually unlike what they had imagined.
With his feet tearing across the forest floor, Ross’s vision blurred, and he became lost in the darkness.
Joaquin’s labored breathing grew louder with each passing moment. He pressed his hands into the earth, feeling for the warmth of Ross’s steps. He lifted his hands into the air, distinguishing wind patterns offering clues as to Ross’s direction, validated by swaying leaves in the trees. Powerful nerve receptors in his fingertips quivered with the weight of his desires.
Forging ahead, he caught up with Ross.
He slammed Ross to the ground, wrapping his arm tightly around his neck. Joaquin’s long hair whipped and swung, practically covering them both, stinging Ross’s sensitive eyes.
Ross struggled against Joaquin’s grip but was unable to break free. He finally managed to drive an elbow into Joaquin’s ribs.
Despite fatigue setting in, Ross found the strength to circle behind Joaquin. He landed a ferocious blow to Joaquin’s back, knocking him down yet again.
But Joaquin took only moments to compose himself, his face returning to its expressionless state. His pursuit of Ross had resumed, and with furious determination.
Beneath the glow of the moonlight, the appeal of the curvaceous foliage mesmerized Della and Juson.
Resting among fallen leaves deeper inside the preserve, Juson looked into Della’s almond eyes and stroked her hair. “We’ll be married someday. It’s in the cards, you know. I really love you.”
Della smiled softly. “I love you, too.”
His solid, athletic frame meshed with her delicate figure. Hidden behind a massive leaf, their passion spilled over. They drew in close and kissed with animated fervor, but the sickening sounds of a brawl interrupted.
“What the heck was that?” Juson whispered.
Trying to determine the direction of the commotion, he pressed his hand over Della’s mouth. The look in his eyes signaled the need for silence. They peeked out briefly and saw the brutal fight.
As the fight continued, Joaquin landed multiple blows on Ross’s head and took a few in return. He charged forward, pushing Ross into a tree where a low, protruding branch punctured his torso.
“Aargh!” Ross grasped the wound, screaming. His torn shirt absorbed the blood spilling out of the gash.
Ross stumbled over a branch and fell, landing just inches from Della and Juson, his body pressing against the leaf sheltering the two.
Joaquin pounced on Ross, striking him in the face. He wrapped his hands tightly around Ross’s neck, pressing his full weight into the evil act.
Ross’s contorted face began to relax.
Saliva dripped from Joaquin’s mouth as he squeezed tighter.
Ross’s legs stopped twitching.
Joaquin waited for the end to arrive. The forest fell silent apart from his strained breathing.
It was over.
Joaquin collapsed beside the body.
Ross’s empty, wide-open eyes expressed the sheer horror of his fate.
Exhausted, Joaquin stayed there for a few minutes while the forest absorbed the intentional, malicious act. Pained moans escaped him as he stood rubbing his eyes, which were suddenly burning.
Unable to see clearly, he stumbled out of the forest, going anywhere the night would take him. His eyes burned a furious, deep red. He would remain in an agonized condition for three long days.
Terrified, Della and Juson guessed at what had just happened. The scared couple clung to each other, wondering what new horror awaited them.
The minutes seemed like hours, but they remained still, even as a bright light swept through the preserve. The light was sharp, electric against the blanket of darkness. It brought with it a clicking noise, which drove its way into their ears with a musical rhythm.
As the light zoomed in closer to Ross, it pounced against the leaf covering the two, then went dark as the clicks faded.
As the night progressed, Della and Juson found the courage to make their move. In disbelief, they ran home, holding a frightening secret in their hearts. A secret of murder, committed under a striking, glowing moonlight on the most fateful night of their young lives.
Buy Links (including Goodreads and BookBub):
Universal Link: https://books2read.com/knsmith

What makes your featured book a must-read?
The novel is called a ‘must-read page-turner’ for the cinematic, transformative experience of the adventure saga. For the eerie mystery of the preserve. And to grasp the true meaning of destiny. An unexpected, modern spin on good vs. evil envelops readers, providing a mysterious escape from a busy day.
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Author Biography:
K.N. Smith, winner of the “Best of” in the category of “Outstanding Young Adult Novel” at the Jessie Redmon Fauset Book Awards, is an author and passionate advocate of literacy and arts programs throughout the world. Her lyrical flair sweeps across pages that twist and grind through action-adventure and urban fantasy in edge-of-your-seat narratives. K.N. has over twenty-five years’ experience in communications and creative design as an award-winning consultant. Reading is still her foremost hobby. K.N. inspires people of all ages to reach their highest potential in their creative, educational, and life pursuits. Visit K.N. Smith at www.knsmith.com
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Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/authorknsmith
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/knsmith_author/