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DNA Demons N Angels by @Zaberbooks is a Mystery/Suspense pick #uf #romance #pnr #giveaway

Title: DNA Demons N Angels

Author: Katie Zaber

Genre: Urban Paranormal Romance

Book Blurb:

It’s weird how every woman reacts differently. How each pregnancy differs.

Mine is definitely unique.

My sense of smell became stronger, picking up the faintest odors, and my stomach was in constant turmoil. Those were the first signs.

And then I started eating. And eating. If I don’t, I get a migraine and people’s faces become blurry. Electronics seem to malfunction in my presence. And the nightmares—they don’t stop.

Something is changing my body.

Something that should have never happened.

Something that my husband and I had prevented from happening.

Something people say is miraculous.

The bigger I get, the more frequently I encounter people who become possessed. And the more often I wind up questioning if I am carrying a miracle baby.

The closer I get to the due date, the more I love this child and the more confident I am that I will protect my baby from anything.

Even its fate.


“She’s sexy. You think she’s single? Hmm. On the way out, I’ll try to snag her number,” Melisa says. A whiff of cocoa butter hits my nostrils as she turns to ask me about the nurse who won’t pay any attention to her.

“She’s rocking a ring,” I say, pointing. Melisa knows she doesn’t have a chance with the nurse, but she’s trying to distract me from the reason we are here. She’s also here to keep me from running out of the doctor’s office and driving far away. God, I hate needles. I hate all of this. “I swear, if one more person says something about me giving birth to a Christmas present, I’m going to start swinging.”

“Evie, stop it. The nurse doesn’t know what’s going on with you personally. Some of these women would love a Christmas baby to parade around and dress up as a present or ornament or star or any of those weird things modern moms like to do because everything has to be a picture on social media.” Melisa rolls her eyes, finished with her mini rant.

I don’t want a baby. I’ve never wanted that kind of responsibility or someone feeling how I felt as a child, a burden. None of this was part of my plan. I just wanted to have fun and live life freely. The thought of planning out a Christmas baby to impress my imaginary friends at the next social lunch-in serving finger sandwiches and tea makes my stomach flip. No, that’s not the life I wanted, and it’s not the life I’ll live. Melisa is the only friend I need and the only one I’ve ever been able to count on.

We have already discussed the what-ifs, if it isn’t Jim’s child. How I would move in with her and she would be the best auntie to my little raspberry. I keep telling her it’s not possible for me to be pregnant with anyone else’s child, but she keeps replying that she isn’t judging. I’m uncertain if she believes me or not. But it’s nice to know she will never judge me.

Even with her here, I feel alone and outnumbered as I sit and wait for my name to be called so they can take my blood and I can finally prove I haven’t cheated. That I’m faithful to my husband. Afterward, he will finally hug me and tell me everything will be all right. Then Melisa will start planning a baby shower for me. She has been pestering me about what kind of theme I want for the shower. Asking how I would decorate the nursery if it’s a boy or a girl, but the truth is I can’t begin to think about that. Some little part of me is terrified that the baby isn’t Jim’s, but I also know that it is beyond impossible. The sperm had to come from somewhere and he is the only man I’ve slept with for the last six years.

“Everild Beeatrix Petersen.” A nurse straddling the threshold of the waiting room door calls my name, but I’m too nervous to move.

“Everild,” Melisa says with a snicker, knowing I hate my full name. “Come on. I’ll come with ya,” she says, grabbing my hand so I can’t flee. Bitch knows me too well.

“Well, that was easy. Only a little bit of blood drawn—and you’ll have the results in three to five days. That’s fast. But damn, I wish it was immediate so you and Jim could go back to normal,” Melisa says as we walk back to her car, parked two blocks away from the doctor’s.

“I just want this over and done with. I want everything the way it was.” In my heart, I know it won’t ever be the same.

A greasy-haired man with a mangy beard shuffles past. A junkie, from the looks of his face and the track marks on his arms. Big black bags hide under his bloodshot eyes; his skin is jaundiced and covered in welts that resemble pepperoni. The ripped red and brown flannel shirt he has on looks like it hasn’t seen a washing machine in months, if ever. I give him a polite smile as we walk by. I always feel bad for those who end up like him. Was it mental illness, lack of support, or desperation that led him here?

The junkie halts. His facial expression is one of recognition, but how would he know me? Damn it. Does he know my parents? His pale gray eyes don’t leave my face as he twitches, appearing to be on the verge of a seizure. Suddenly, he releases a wicked laugh that gives me instant goose bumps. Not like an evil villain, but like an insane person ready to kill indiscriminately.

“The devil is alive in you! The devil is alive in you! I see it in your eyes!” He points at me, rambling, obscure words. “Hail, our mother queen! Hail her prince! Rejoice! The end is near!” Then he lets out a sinister laugh that makes my blood run cold.

“Shut the fuck up, you freak!” Melisa screams at the insane man who rocks on his heels with his hands over his head, yelling hallelujah.

I run to Melisa’s car. She takes a step and then turns around to make sure he isn’t about to attack us while she’s huffing at him. Every few steps, she checks over her shoulder to make sure he isn’t stalking us. The whole time, her right hand is wrapped around her pepper spray. She’s got good aim. He still stands in the middle of the sidewalk, arms outstretched, chanting in tongues.

My hands tremble against my stomach as if instinctually protecting my unborn child from the lunatic. I didn’t think to place my hands there. Even in the car, driving down the highway, miles away, they are still holding my belly.

I don’t know why.

I look into the vanity mirror in the passenger visor—my eyes are bright green, like jade stones. All I can hear is Jim’s grandmother’s judgmental voice and those eerie words.

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What makes your featured book a must-read?

If you like suspense and mystery with a touch of paranormal, but want something other than the normal murder mystery, this is the different story you’ve been waiting for. Filled with twists and surprises you’ll never see coming, from the beginning of Eve’s pregnancy all the way until birth, this story will keep you reading.

Giveaway –

Enter to win a $45 Amazon US or Amazon Canada gift card

Open Internationally. You must have an active Amazon US or CA account to win.

Runs August 9 – August 18, 2022.

Winner will be drawn on August 19, 2022.

Author Biography:

Katie Zaber, author of the series Dalya and DNA, is a fantasy author whose imagination knows no bounds. As a child, her parents read stories about Atlantis and other fictional places that she dreamed of exploring, fueling her love of history, adventure, and fantasy. She loves to spend what little free time she has winemaking, baking, and reading. When she has a full day to herself, you can find her at the beach or at a winery. Her favorite meals are the ones her boyfriend cooks, and she loves spending quiet nights at home with him, binge watching new fantasy shows or play video games.

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