Forever Night
Stephen B King
Thriller Suspense
Book Blurb:
Paul Williams is an ex-SAS soldier who suffered physical and psychological injuries during an Afghanistan battle. After his wife Amanda leaves him, Williams begins a search to find and murder her. The army has trained him never to fail, never give up, and survive at all costs, and he is determined to succeed on his final, sacred mission. Using disguises, Williams passes for "normal" but he strikes ruthlessly when he finds any woman who resembles Amanda because he is incapable of mercy.
Williams has quickly become the worst serial killer in the State's history, and Detective Inspector Dillon Bradley heads a task force to stop him. But Williams has his own agenda and intends to cause as much havoc as possible. He will succeed in locating Amanda or die trying and take as many police officers as possible with him.
It would be truthful to say that once we finished dancing on that first night, long ago, when I first met Amanda, I realized I had never known true happiness. I know to most people that would be an unbelievable statement to make, but it is true. The feeling of sheer excitement, just being with her was unchartered territory for me, both scary and exhilarating at the same time.
She slipped her arm around me, so I reciprocated. I was full of wonder for how she just fit into my arm, and how it felt so right that she was there, as we walked back to the table. I had nothing to gauge my feelings by—people talk about love, but I had never experienced it before. I was not even allowed a pet as a child. I hated my parents and had never had school friends, so what was love? To me love was something talked about in stupid songs or women’s magazines, and I never had any inkling it would ever apply to me.
It was enough to say that with that one touch from her, and in response when I put my arm around her, and touched her body, felt her warmth, I was overwhelmed with a want and yearning for her. I needed to own, possess, care for and protect her. I was excited, thrilled and almost as if I couldn’t breathe and, if all that means love, then I was at once completely and utterly in love with her.
At that point, she could have done anything to me, with me or for me and I would have gladly laid down my life for her. Even more unbelievable to me was that she liked me, and I struggled to comprehend that. Much later she seemed surprised that I would think something so ridiculous. She saw me in a totally different way to how I saw myself. She liked and was attracted to me. She said she respected the fact that I wasn’t trying to jump her bones like everyone else did, and she found my shyness incredibly cute. I laughed when she told me that. Me? Cute? That was not a word I could ever associate with myself.
We sat back at the table, where she slid her chair against mine and snuggled in. I felt so incredibly alive as I instinctively put my arm back around her. My thumb touched the side of her bra, and I was instantly harder than I had ever been in my life. Just the touch of her bra and I was in heaven, my mind racing with thoughts of what that bra contained. What was happening to me? What was that song? If this is a dream, I don’t want to wake up—well, that was how I felt.
Out of my peripheral vision, I watched a single bead of sweat roll down her upper chest and disappear between her cleavage and it took willpower not to bend my head and lick it off. That was another totally alien concept for me. God, I ached for her. She was a goddess, and I was a clown. What could she ever see in me? I’m not saying I had two heads, but I believed I was well and truly punching above my weight, as they say.
Sam had lined up more glasses of bourbon and kicked Johnno to waken him. Amanda picked up my drink, took a sip, then held the glass out for me too. I took a long pull and handed it back for her to finish.
She then snuggled in tighter, turned her head into me, lifted her face and whispered in my ear, “Tank, shall we get out of here? I want to be with you, just you, and I’m done dancing.” Then she licked my ear lobe and sucked it.
It was like a bolt of electricity running through my body, but in the best possible way. I shivered all the way down my spine. I had never felt anything like this and never been wanted by anyone except for my mother and that had always been horrible and sickening, and nothing, nothing at all like this. I took a deep breath and spoke, trying very hard not to sound like an overexcited schoolboy. “What did you have in mind? I’m bunking in a room with Johnno and Sam at the Hyatt, and that’s not somewhere I want to take you.” My voice tremored; I could hear it, which is laughable now, I know, but then I was a quivering mess. I would have crawled naked over broken glass to be with her. I had fought, shot and killed people and thought nothing of it, but I was jelly in her hands.
Buy Links (including Goodreads and BookBub):
Amazon: https://bit.ly/3NmhzHN
Goodreads: https://bit.ly/3WigdSr
Bookbub: http://bit.ly/3Dn5tth

November is a time to be thankful. What are you most thankful for this year?
I had a severe accident and almost lost the fingers of my right hand. Being right-handed this was a traumatic and frightening experience. The wonderful surgeons I had after three operations have been able to not only save my fingers, but got me enough movement so I can still type so I am able continue my writing passion. Believe me, I am eternally thankful.
Why is your featured book worth snuggling up to?
Forever Night is not only a thriller, a study of what made Paul Williams become a serial killer, and police procedural, but an exploration of two love stories. One love is to die for, the other, to kill for
Giveaway –
One lucky reader will win a $75 Amazon gift card.
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Runs November 1 – 30
Drawing will be held on December 1.

Author Biography:
I left school very early to join a rock band, and spent a few years writing poems, short stories and music. I’ve won two short story writing competitions, had poems published, and enjoyed being a long-haired rock guitarist before life got in the way and I settled down, married and had children. I’ve owned my own businesses and managed large vehicle sales dealerships and observed people from all walks of life. It is these observations which has aided in creating characters.
Among my inspirations to become an author are the other slightly more famous Stephen King, Stieg Larsen, Val McDermid and Leonard Cohen.
Social Media Links:
Website: www.stephen-b-king.com
twitter: @stephenBKing1
Facebook: @stephenbkingauthor