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  • N. N. Light

Genuine Fake by Susan Vaughan is a Salute Military Event pick #romanticsuspense #salutemilitary #giveaway

Title:  Genuine Fake


Author:  Susan Vaughan


Genre:  Romantic Suspense


Book Blurb:


Memories of leading his Army Ranger team into a deathtrap haunt security operative Boyd Kirby so he swears never to protect people. But when the woman he never forgot asks for help, he can’t refuse. Gemma’s request leads to a case of art forgery and murder attempts… on her. Sweating bullets, Boyd vows not to be distracted by her vibrancy and his desire. He damn well will protect her… with his life. 

Gemma Bellini believes managing her famous grandfather’s art legacy can redeem her for a scandal that makes her wary of men’s motives. Because of forgeries and attempts on her life, she needs Boyd. She remembers his sexy magnetism and sense of humor that masked pain. This strong man will investigate and keep her safe, but can she trust him with her heart? 

When sparks between them ignite to flames, the danger escalates—to their lives and their hearts.




Gemma’s heart fluttered against her ribs. Could it be Boyd? There’d been so much noise on his end of his call—voices talking over each other, laughter—she wasn’t sure what he’d said after she gave him the address.

The door swung inward and Boyd Kirby filled the space. His steel-gray gaze mapped the room before landing on her. He swept her head to toe, then nodded, apparently satisfied she was all in one piece.

And oh my, the man did fill out a tuxedo. The jacket molded the muscularity of his wide shoulders. The ends of a bow tie stuck out of his breast pocket, and the blinding-white dress shirt hung open partway, displaying smooth, solid muscle dusted with bronze hairs.

“Gemma, you okay?”

She was, now that he’d arrived, and that he came right away, tonight. Her whole being felt lighter as warmth bloomed in her chest, but apparently her brain had left the building. Finally she managed to say, “Yes, yes, I’m good. As you see.”

She took two steps toward him before she forced herself to halt. She’d promised herself to keep it all business. But damn, she wanted nothing more but to feel his strong arms around her.

“Thanks for coming, Boyd, but you didn’t have to leave a party. You could’ve waited until tomorrow morning.” She couldn’t help it, she had to touch him, to feel his solid presence. She gripped his forearm. Even through the jacket, his tensile strength and heat reassured her.

He shook his head. “Better I look this over tonight, so I can see things the way the ass— burglars left them.”

She huffed as she swept an arm to encompass the mess. “The way they left this place all cattywampus, assholes perfectly describes them.”

At her easy use of the word, a rascal’s crooked grin deepened sexy laugh lines framing his mouth and eyes. Heat flashed low in her body.

“Assholes it is then.” He tilted his head and placed his big hands on her shoulders. “No bruises, nothing broken? You said on the phone they nearly knocked you down the stairs.”

His warmth seeped into her, further easing the tightness. She might have black and blue on her hip. And a nightmare or two. But she firmed her jaw and her stance. She refused to be the weepy damsel in distress, especially if he’d left a date to come to her rescue.

“Nothing. Really.”

“I’d have been here sooner, but I couldn’t leave the shindig Devlin sent me to. And first I had to take home the client. Nearly midnight but traffic on the Beltway was like rush hour.”

Client, so no date then. Not that she was interested.

“Nice tux. Looks made for you.”

“Yeah, thanks. Actually feels comfortable, not like a vise. For security details among the rich and famous, I used to rent, but Mr. Devlin said I needed a suit tailored for my ape shoulders. Well, he didn’t exactly put it that way, but my mom would.”

She wouldn’t call him ape shouldered, but hunk came to mind. And buff. Laughing, she said, “Mr. Devlin was right.” She wobbled a little as he lifted his hands.

“Hey, you’re exhausted.” He righted one of the overturned deck chairs and brushed fingerprint powder off the wooden arm. “Sit before you fall over.”

“Yes, Dad.” But she sat. Gratefully, smiling at his Boston no-R ending on over. Oh my, it was good to hear his voice again. “Why didn’t you want me to introduce you?”

He dragged the other chair over next to her and curved an arm along her chair back. She leaned closer, but short of snuggling against him.


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What makes your featured book a must-read?


GENUINE FAKE is an emotional journey for both hero and heroine, two of my favorite characters. I loved writing this book and hope readers see that on the pages. Reviewer Wild Women Authors Reviews says, “...filled with a serious relationship…well-written characters who possess realistic goals,motivation, and conflict…. spiced with danger and suspense—up the rung on the fantastic read meter. Susan Vaughan continues to keep us entertained with her novels of non-stop action and suspense… terrific read.”


Giveaway –


Enter to win a $20 Amazon gift card:



Open Internationally.


Runs May 22 – May 28, 2024.


Winner will be drawn on May 29, 2024.


Author Biography:


Occasional bouts of insomnia led to Susan Vaughan's writing career. When she couldn't sleep, she made up stories to fill the long dark nights. Her favorite books have always been mysteries and romances, so the mix in romantic suspense was a natural. Her stories throw the hero and heroine together under extraordinary circumstances and pit them against a clever villain. Besides curling up with a good book, Susan enjoys walking her dog, boating, traveling, and gardening. A former teacher, she is a West Virginia native, but she and her husband have lived in Maine for many years. She is the author of 16 novels and one children’s book, another on the way. Find her at or on Facebook at or on Twitter @SHVaughan.


Social Media Links:


Twitter: @shvaughan or

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