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5+ stars for Hawk (Redemption Riders Book 1) by AG Kirkham #bookreview #mcromance #romance #alphamaleromance #mustread

N. N. Light

Title: Hawk (Redemption Riders Book 1)

Author: AG Kirkham

Genre: MC Romance, Contemporary Romance, Alpha Male Romance


Book Blurb:


Hawk is meant to lead a club of his own and with the guidance of his good friend and mentor, Guard from Satan’s Pride, the Redemption Riders were born. Devoted to his club and brothers, he doesn’t have the time for a woman in his life. However, when the right woman comes along, you make time.

Etain is coming off a bad relationship and isn’t looking for another man or love. She wants to get her life back on track and focus on her career. Hawk is a force she wasn’t prepared for, and her emotions run wild every time he’s near and now that she works for him, she can’t avoid her feelings.A rival club threatens to invade the Redemption Rider’s territory and Etain’s ex refuses to accept the breakup. Can they survive the storm?


My Review:


Hawk is president and founder of Redemption Riders MC. From the first moment he laid eyes on Etain, he knew he wanted her as his woman. He fell hard and fast but gives her the space she needs. Now, a rival MC is encroaching on Hawk’s turf and the gauntlet is thrown. Hawk and the boys have a plan to get ride of Gunner and his gang. Hawk has Etain to protect and the town he’s grown to love. Will it be enough or will Etain flee at the sight of trouble?


Hawk is book one in a new series by AG Kirkham. It’s got everything I love in a MC romance with characters that leap from the page, action, biker slang, descriptive narration, and romance that’ll melt your heart.


Let’s talk about these characters. Hawk is a hero with a soft heart and a very protective vibe. His character is tough, loyal, and does the right thing. Sure, he makes mistakes, but he owns up to it and fixes them quickly. He falls first and his love is a beacon. I couldn’t get enough of him.


Etain is a feisty redhead who speaks her mind and gives her ex-boyfriend walking papers when she discovers he cheated on her. She’s wicked smart and good with numbers. She also had a protective streak which makes her perfect for Hawk. I connected with her right away.


One of the things I enjoyed most in this book is seeing characters from AG Kirkham’s other two series (Satan’s Pride and Dark Reign). I hope more cameos appear in future books.


If you love dark MC romances, you’ll love Hawk. The writing is realistic, gritty, with unforgettable characters. I can’t wait to read more in this series!


My Rating: 5+ stars


Buy it Now:   





Author Biography:


I was born in a small town in Italy. My parents are loving people; and true traditionalists. I grew up being a chatterbox of a child and evolved into a quiet and shy teenager. I was definitely not the life of the party. As a matter of fact, I never wanted to go to any high school dances or any activities the school offered. I was good with being alone. I had to grow into my own and I eventually became the fun loving, open-minded and creative person I am now. I love the ‘me’ I have become and I am grateful that this is where I have landed.


Writing is my release and I have escaped in my imagination to some incredible places meeting the most awesome characters. I also wanted to be a rock star but anyone who has ever heard me sing kindly convinced me that I do not have any talent. (In other words, I suck at it.)


Although I have been writing since I was in grade school, and I am a hopeless romantic.


GUARD is the first book in a seven book series. In 2019, WAR (Book 2 in the series) will be launched. Each book introduces characters who you will learn about in the next series.


Why I write romance? I thrive on two individuals connecting in mind, body and soul. The understanding of wants and needs and placing them as a priority and not out of fear of losing them or because you feel you need to concede; you do it because it feels easy and right in your own heart.


My other passion is cooking! I enjoy making meals for my family and friends and bantering around the table. I have colourful people in my life and they all add to my rainbow. I love music! I like it all, depending on my mood.


And lastly, I love to travel. I want to enjoy all that life has to offer. I want to meet people, learn from them and create the most fantastic, sexy love stories. If I can do this overlooking the ocean and feeling the breeze wash over me then I have my heaven on earth.


Stay tuned for more novels in the Satan’s Pride motorcycle club and Dark Reign mafia romance series coming soon!


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Reviewed by: Nancy

©2015-2025 BY N. N. LIGHT. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. (2015-17 on Wordpress) 

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