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His Christmas Violet by @reginajeffers is an Indie Reads event pick #regency #indiereads #giveaway


His Christmas Violet: A Regency Second Chance Romance


Regina Jeffers


Regency romance; Second Chance Romance; Mature Couple Romance; Historical Fiction

Book Blurb:

His Christmas Violet: A Second Chance Regency Romance

Sir Frederick Nolan stayed true to his late wife through all their years of marriage, but now he is widower and has waited the proper mourning period, he sees no reason he should not finally know the happiness of having Lady Violet Graham at his side. He meant to marry Violet when he was fresh from his university years and she was but a young lady; however, the realization she was perfect for him had come too late, and Violet had already accepted the proposal of Lord Graham.

Lady Violet Graham never strayed from the love she held for Sir Frederick, but she had proven herself a good wife to her late husband, serving dutifully as Lord Giles Graham’s chatelaine and presenting him three sons. Now, her widow’s pension and the use of the dower house will provide her the only freedom she has ever known as a woman. She cannot think to become another man’s “property,” even when that man is the only one she has every loved. Enough is enough when it comes to having no voice in her future.

They have been in each others’ pockets, so to speak, since they were children, but how does Sir Frederick convince Lady Violet to marry him, when she is most determined never again to permit any man dominion over her person, even though they both know they would be great together?


The last of her words had barely left Violet’s lips before the door to the tea room opened, and Sir Frederick Nolan stepped inside. His muscular frame and dark countenance were impressive enough to draw the attention of the room’s occupants, including Violet’s. His eyes scanned the room until they collided with her steady gaze, and then his smile turned up the corners of his lips. Surprisingly, or not so surprisingly, there had been a time they had often been in company. Sir Frederick, or “Freddie,” as her brother George had called him, had been George’s best chum, and the three of them had grown up together in another shire. Frederick and George had been inseparable, and she had followed them about, attempting to be a part of all their schemes. As a girl of twelve, she had professed her “love” to Freddie, but he and George were beginning their first university terms, and Frederick had had no use for “a silly girl.” Heartbroken, she had sworn never to speak to him again. Later, he had had second thoughts and had come to call upon her; yet, she was then betrothed to Giles. At the time, it had felt like sweet revenge to offer her denials of his hand. Ironically, Frederick had then married one of Violet’s childhood friends, Alice Wooden, and, as luck would have it, the estate he inherited had proven to be the second largest one in the same shire as was Giles’s. Not unlike Giles’s barony, Sir Frederick’s baronetcy was an important part of the shire, and she and Giles had often spent time with Sir Frederick and Lady Nolan. During those brief interludes, Violet realized her attraction to the man still existed. In those instances, she had felt guilty for pining for something which was not meant to be. Unfortunately, for her, the man had an unspoken power over her. Even now, awareness zinged through her veins as he approached the table. Violet unconsciously licked her lips, her mouth suddenly quite dry. Emily turned in her chair to view what, or rather who, had captured Violet’s attention. She heard her friend say, “What about him?” Like it or not, Violet frowned in what could only be jealousy, that is, if she dared to present the emotion she was experiencing with a name. Sir Frederick stopped before her, removed his hat and bowed. “Good afternoon, my lady. Mrs. Bowers,” he said politely. “Might I join you?” Emily responded before Violet could gather her wits about her. “Please do, sir.” Violet noted Emily’s use of coquettish tones, and she turned to her friend to present Emily a “how dare you” glare, but Emily was too busy batting her eyelashes at Sir Frederick to take note of Violet’s disapproval. Thankfully, Frederick had yet to present Emily more than a cursory glance. Instead, his attention had landed fully on Violet, and she resisted the urge to squirm. He adjusted his chair and sat between her and Emily before motioning the owner to deliver a fresh pot of tea. “And what are you ladies doing in town?” Violet said, “I was just about to ask the same of you.” He smiled at her. “I came to speak to my man of business and thought I might also call in at the stable. You see, my lady, I am seriously considering in acquiring both a new horse and a new wife. I wish to make certain the lady will be provided for properly.” His news was a shock for Violet, but, before she could compose her thoughts, Emily asked, “You have already chosen a new mate?” Her friend appeared quite dumbfounded by the possibility. “I have, ma’am,” he said simply. “Have you made an offer of your hand?” Emily continued to question him. He glanced to Violet, but appeared quite satisfied in answering Emily’s inquiries. “I have yet to win the lady’s permission to court her, but I pray she will agree. She is the only woman I might consider marrying.” “I . . . I see,” Emily stammered, as she gathered her belongings. “Then . . . then I wish you success, sir.” She turned to Violet. “I despise leaving so suddenly. I just took note of the time and realized I promised Mrs. Williams I would call upon her today about the charity’s need to assist the poor.” Violet knew Emily had already called upon the vicar’s wife on this day, but she assumed her friend knew a bit of mortification for flirting with a man who meant to marry another. “I am sorry you must leave so soon. I shall send a note around later in the week, and we may continue our conversation then.” Emily nodded her agreement and rose quickly. Frederick also rose to bid her a ‘“Farewell,” and within seconds Emily was gone. “That was odd,” Sir Frederick said as he resumed his seat. “Was it something I said which offended her?” Violet frowned again. “Emily is at sixes and sevens since her widowhood. The Williamses provide her counsel, and she finds the church’s charities worthy of her time.” Frederick tilted his head in serious consideration. “Then she was truly flittering with me? I assumed so, but I did not want to appear presumptuous.” “Some women are lost without a man’s guidance,” Violet observed. The tea arrived, and their conversation paused until they were alone again. “I assume you are not one of those women,” he observed with a lift of his brows. “If you are asking if I ever see myself remarrying, I would be remiss if I did not dissuade you or anyone else foolish enough to ask. Lord Giles Graham was a good man, but you and I are both aware my late husband was also a very regimented man, who despised any sort of spontaneity or disorder. You have known me since I was a child and will likely realize ‘perfect order’ was often difficult for me. Therefore, I do not wish to place myself under the rule of another man.” Feeling a bit uncomfortable with her statement, Violet sipped her tea before saying, “Now, tell me, who is the fortunate woman on the receiving end of your affection?” He chuckled easily. The sound of his laughter rumbling about in his chest brought a shiver of awareness to Violet’s spine. “After your most eloquent speech, I should likely be silent on the subject, but, as I know how ‘spontaneity’ is part of your nature, you will recognize a certain plainspoken tendency as part of mine.” “I do,” she murmured, waiting with anticipation for his pronouncement. “Then you will hear my honesty when I say, I have no wish to remarry unless my next bride is you, Lady Violet.”

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Available to Read in Kindle Unlimited!

What makes your featured book a must-read?

Everyone roots for the “lovers” in a romantic tale to have a second chance at finding love. After all, the Hallmark Channel® has perfected such tales. What makes this second chance so important is the couple involved are in their 50s, a time when “finding love” is not considered romantic by some standards. Yet, Sir Frederick Nolan is what we all consider the romantic hero to be. He is a bit bold, still handsome, and more than a little ruthless when someone means to harm Lady Violet. Her ladyship, on the other hand, is playing “hard to get,” for the last time she gave her heart to Sir Frederick, he crushed it quite soundly.

Giveaway –

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Open Internationally. You must have a valid Amazon US or Amazon Canada account to win. Runs December 13 – December 21, 2022. Winner will be drawn on December 22, 2022.

Author Biography:

Regina Jeffers, an award-winning author of historical cozy mysteries, Austenesque sequels and retellings, as well as Regency era romances, has worn many hats over her lifetime: daughter, student, military brat, wife, mother, grandmother, teacher, tax preparer, journalist, choreographer, Broadway dancer, theatre director, history buff, grant writer, media literacy consultant, and author. Living outside of Charlotte, NC, Jeffers writes novels that take the ordinary and adds a bit of mayhem, while mastering tension in her own life with a bit of gardening and the exuberance of her “grand joys.”

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