Title: Holiday Hitchhiker, Christmas in Angels Glen
Author: Delsora Lowe
Genre: Contemporary Sweet Romance (Small Town)
Book Blurb:
Two strangers, one snow-worthy vehicle, and a cozy cabin in a blizzard
Cole Peters is ready to escape the bustle of the wildlife management symposium and the overpopulated conference complex in Reno, and get back to his solitary, mountain cabin in the state park.
What he didn’t plan was a road trip with a stranger, clad in the most unnatural, fluorescent colors, who hops into his truck. With a blizzard approaching, how can he say no to a “hijacker” in tears?
Addy Adams had a rough night. Fired, no place to escape to, and a missing car service, how can she get to her parents for Christmas before the blizzard shuts down the roads? Now stranded on a highway, in a white out, with an accident up ahead, did she trust the right man?
Can two strangers find friendship and more, while stuck in a log cabin with a sweet and welcoming couple and their two kids who are super excited about the arrival of Santa? And will Cole and Addy make their way to their respective homes in time for Christmas? Or will they realize they were meant to celebrate together during the magical season?
Despite the headlights beaming bright, Cole squinted to locate the edge of the road. The wipers, even at full speed, were struggling to keep the snow cleared. His stomach churned. And the distress wasn’t from the two dogs he’d inhaled. They were down to a slow crawl. At least his top-of-theline snow tires kept traction.
He sucked in a deep breath of lemon and spice, more pronounced as the heater blasted, and exhaled slowly. He was used to this kind of driving, but usually on back dirt roads where the only thing he might run into was a grizzly stupid enough to wake in the middle of hibernation mode. Or an elk lumbering through deep snow. The difference was he had a passenger under his care. They should be near Angels Glen, and a safe haven from the storm. But with slow motion movement and the familiar markers blurred, his sense of location was totally off. And who knows if they’d find shelter.
A warm palm clasped his wrist. “You okay?”
“Tough to see. If you keep an eye out the window on your side, that will help.”
“Of course.” Addy’s voice raised an octave and her reply was shaky.
Time to think about curtailing this trip and easing both Addy’s and his stress. Trying to reach home tonight no longer seemed a priority. “My friend lives several miles away. Think the best bet is crashing there until daylight.” He activated Bluetooth before she could respond. “Call Buddy Matthews.” After four or five rings, worry gnawed his gut. They could be sound asleep and not hear the phone. He wasn’t sure he’d spot the right drive in this miserable onslaught of white.
“What the hell! Haven’t talked to you in a stone’s age. You must be snowed in and bored.”
Cole released a long-held breath. “Not bored. Driving in this dang blizzard and a few miles from your place.”
“Well get out of this mess. I’ll meet you at the end of the drive with my plow.”
“Deal. Can’t see shit. Maybe ten minutes out. Thanks, Buddy.”
Relief laced Addy’s sigh. He ached to take his hand off the wheel and enfold hers in his to give and absorb comfort on this treacherous trip. Although, grabbing her hand would probably freak her out. “No worries. We’ll make it. Done this a thousand times.”
“I-I trust you.”
Those three words pumped his courage into high drive.
Almost ten minutes later, he spotted Buddy’s truck idling at the end of his drive, the row of five amber lights on top of his cab serving as a beacon. “We’re here.”
Their breaths whooshed in harmony.
Buddy reversed to swing his truck around in the wide entrance. Cole eased up on the gas. By the time he reached the drive, he slowly and, thank the good lord, easily swung his truck into the cleared drive to follow Buddy home.
With their winter gear hung in the breezeway, boots stowed by the steps, and luggage set just inside, Cole now sat at the kitchen table. Tension had begun to ease the moment he stopped the truck. Buddy raised a brew and clinked bottles. They each slugged back liquid relief.
“So, tell me about Addy. When did you two meet? She seems perfect for you.”
He set his bottle on the table and raised both palms. “Slow down. We’re not a thing. I met her a few hours ago at the conference center.” Buddy’s gaze widened. “And you’re bringing her home for Christmas?” He waggled a brow.
“Not. Dropping her at her folks. Her ride bailed.”
They were interrupted by sweet and musical laughter ringing across the room. Through the archway leading from the kitchen to the living room, Cole spotted Addy, legs curled up in one of the easy chairs. Donna, Buddy’s wife, was snuggled on the couch by the fire. Each held a cup of still steaming tea.
“She’s friendly.” Buddy raised a brow and nodded toward the living room. “And beautiful. And snowed in with you.”
Cole couldn’t help tossing a glare.
Buddy flashed his palms. “Just saying. Could be kismet.”
“Ha. Fat chance. Try wrong place at the right time.” He stood to rinse and set his empty bottle by the sink. He’d known his pal long enough. He wouldn’t let this convo go. Time to escape Buddy’s meddling.
“Want another?”
“One’s enough.” He leaned against the counter. “I’m so tired, I’d probably faceplant on the kitchen floor if I imbibed.”
“Yeah, I’m betting Donna would have my—well you know—if she found us both unconscious. Especially when the baby starts howling in the middle of the night.”
“Man, it has been a while. We got us a two-month-old. Plus, you remember Abe? He’s going on four.”
Cole scrubbed his palm over his chin. “Geez. Already. Can’t wait to meet both in the morning.”
Buddy laughed. “Chances are you’ll meet Abe before sunrise. The little bugger is an early riser. What with being up half the night with Louisa, not much sleep gets done in our household.”
A little too domestic for him. He contemplated his childhood and being the youngest with four siblings. Plus Quil, the ranch manager’s son, who’d lived with them since before Cole had been born. Orphaned at age five, Quil was one more brother to add to the three he had, plus his pesky older sister. Cole flinched, then grinned. He missed his family, for sure. Maybe one of these years, he’d get back home. First, he had to prove himself.
A patter of footsteps, a waft of subtle lemon, a warm hand on his shoulder, and a musical voice pulled him from thoughts of domesticity. “What’re you thinking?”
Yup, not going there. “That it’s past time to hit the hay.”
Addy squeezed his shoulder. A shudder zipped up his spine.
“You did heroic work keeping us on the road. Thanks for getting me here safely.”
Buy Links(including Goodreads and BookBub):
Books2Read: https://books2read.com/u/mY8eaW
BookBub Author Page: https://www.bookbub.com/authors/delsora-lowe-93c6987f-129d-483d-9f5a-abe603876518
Goodreads Author Page: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/16045986.Delsora_Lowe

Share a holiday family tradition:
As a kid, living in the city, one of our family traditions was to cut down our own tree. This meant at least an hour’s drive out to tree lots in either Virginia or Maryland, both bordering Washington, D.C. Fresh, crisp air, but very rarely snow, greeted us, along with farm stands filled with fresh baked holiday pies, hot chocolate or cider, and crafted wreaths. We would haul a wagon along the paths between the trees, and after a family discussion pick our favorite. I don’t remember if my dad actually cut down the tree, or if someone at the farm did it for us. But looking back, I can’t imagine my dad, being a scholarly type, as the tree cutting type. After we strapped the tree onto the car, loaded up on fresh baked goodies, and enjoyed a hot liquid, we would go to an area inn and enjoy a meal. And then the fun began when we arrived home, got the tree situated in the tree’s stand, and dragged out all the ornaments.
Why is your featured book perfect to get readers in the holiday mood?
This book is a heartwarming read about two strangers thrown together during the holiday season to share a ride home in a blizzard. Although opposites, neither are excited about the holidays. When the snow piles up, they are forced to hunker down with a sweet family and their young ones who are super excited about the season.
The hero and heroine, who were not looking forward to the holidays, can’t help getting drawn into the excitement. As they each get to know the other, the two stranded strangers learn the meaning of being with family and enjoy the lead-up to the holidays with their gracious hosts and their young family.
The joy of Christmas is celebrated in different ways than their own upbringing and celebration. They each help the other to find value in their own memories and traditions, and learn to believe in the value of having family close during this special time.
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Author Biography:
Author of the Starlight Grille series, Serenity Harbor Maine novellas, the Cowboys of Mineral Springs series, and The Love Left Behind, Lowe has also authored short romances for Woman’s World magazine. This holiday season, look for both the novel, The Inn on Gooseneck Lane, and the novella, Holiday Hitchhiker.
Social Media Links:
Author website: www.delsoralowe.com Facebook Author page: https://www.facebook.com/delsoraloweauthor/community/ Amazon Author page: https://www.amazon.com/Delsora-Lowe/e/B01M61OM39/ref=ntt_dp_epwbk_0 Books2Read Author page: https://www.books2read.com/ap/8GWm98/Delsora-Lowe BookBub Author Page: https://www.bookbub.com/authors/delsora-lowe-93c6987f-129d-483d-9f5a-abe603876518 Goodreads Author Page: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/16045986.Delsora_Lowe Instagram: #delsoralowe / https://www.instagram.com/delsoralowe/