Title: Lost Among the Stars
Author: Vicky Burkholder
Genre: Futuristic Romance, Science Fiction Romance
Book Blurb:
Amanda Ki's humanitarian trip to Xy-Three is fraught with assassins and saboteurs who are popping up faster than she can deal with them. Caught up in a web of intrigue, kidnapping, and terror, Mandy joins forces with the captain of the Phoenix, Declan Chalmers. Declan is tall, dark, handsome, and probably the most arrogant, dictatorial man she has ever met. He's also one of the few people she can trust. Declan doesn't know what to expect from the VIP who heads up a million-dollar enterprise, when she boards his ship. The tiny, exotic, and packed full of grit woman is not only drop dead gorgeous and smart, she's also deadly when it comes to martial arts. A skill he wants on his side when the space craft is sabotaged. Thrown together, the two form a tight bond, but if they aren't careful, they could end up dead.
My Review:
In a world where space travel breeds kidnappers, spies, and stalkers, Mandy teams up with Declan in order to save the mission and their lives. The last thing Mandy needs on this trip is a stalker, not to mention an unknown saboteur. Someone doesn’t want her to complete her mission. Betrayal on all sides, she doesn’t know who she can trust. Mandy joins forces with handsome captain Declan of the Phoenix. While she can’t stand his arrogance, he knows how to handle himself, his crew, and his ship. As more accidents happen on the Phoenix, Mandy and Declan share a deep bond. If they make it through this mission, Mandy may be forced to confront her feelings for Declan…or maybe not.
Lost Among the Stars is a science fiction romantic suspense, unlike anything I’ve read before. With the blending of science fiction and romantic suspense, I was hooked from the very first page. The plot moved at a nice easy pace with intriguing characters, an intricate set of action scenes, and a romantic subplot, all set in space. I connected with Mandy and was 100% invested with her and her plight. The sparks flew between her and Declan setting the foundation for the romance. This space opera romance is a bestseller in the making for two reasons: riveting narration and intricate world-building. The world Vicky Burkholder has created is a science fiction reader’s dream. There’s a fair share of space politics but the technology truly captured my imagination. Brilliantly written from start to finish Lost Among the Stars is a must-read. Highly recommend!
My Rating: 5+ stars
Buy it Now:
The Wild Rose Press: https://www.thewildrosepress.com/bookauthor/vicky-burkholder
Barnes & Noble: Lost Among the Stars by Vicky Burkholder | NOOK Book (eBook) | Barnes & Noble® (barnesandnoble.com)
Goodreads Page: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/1264928.Vicky_Burkholder
Author Biography:
As her alter-ego, Vicky has multiple homes all over the universe. She looks human - for the most part - but when she starts writing about characters being able to move things or flicking fire from their fingertips, or changing the course of rivers, people tend to get a little freaked out. She found the one guy out there in the universe who loves her for who she is and they've been together forever and raised four wonderful (now) adults. Her career includes work as a technical writer/editor, a stringer for the local newspaper, and an editor and copy editor for various publishers. At various times in her life, she has been a teacher, a secretary, a short-order cook, a computer specialist, a DJ, and a librarian. When not editing or writing, she can be found in the kitchen creating gluten free goodies for her family.
Social Media Links:
Website: http://www.vicky-burkholder.com
Amazon Author Page: https://www.amazon.com/Vicky-Burkholder
Twitter: https://twitter.com/vickyburkholder
Reviewed by: Mrs. N