2020 Is Here...
Let’s take your book marketing to the next level!
We're so excited to share our big news. In addition to our monthly author events, we're launching themed mini events. These events only last for five days and the price is lower than our regular author events. For $8 USD per book, you're promoted with other themed books. The giveaway is a little different than the monthly author events. Instead of pooling the money together for gift cards, each author will donate one e-copy of the book they're promoting. There will be a Rafflecopter showcasing all the books featured in the event.
Here's the schedule for 2020:
January 13-16 Book Series Starter (This is perfect for authors who want to get new readers for their series.)
February 26-29 Historical Fiction and Romance to Read on Leap Day
March 15-18 Irish/Ireland Books (If your characters are Irish or if they travel to Ireland, your book qualifies.)
April 16-19 99 cents Books (If your book is on sale for 99 cents or is normally 99 cents, your book qualifies.)
May 20-23 Women's Fiction Books
June 9-12 June Wedding Books
June 18-21 Father's Day Books (We want fathers to be the main character in these books. Nonfiction works too.)
July 1-4 Canada Day/4th of July Books (Setting has to take place during these dates. Military fiction/romance works here really well.)
July 19-22 Beach Reads
August 12-15 Mystery and Suspense
September 14-17 Young Adult
October 9-12 Cozy Mystery
November 10-13 Kindle Unlimited Books
December 8-11 Indie Authors
You can sign up for any of these events 30 days to three days prior to the event. Be advised that it's first come, first serve. These events have a limited amount of spots so be sure to sign up on the first day, if possible.
Here's the sign-up dates:
Book Series Starter (open now)
Historical Fiction and Romance to read on Leap Day (open January 26)
Irish/Ireland Books (open February 15)
99 cents Books (open March 16)
Women's Fiction Books (open April 20)
June Wedding Books (open May 9)
Father's Day Books (open May 18)
Canada Day/4th of July Books (open June 1)
Beach Reads (open June 19)
Mystery and Suspense (open July 12)
Young Adult (open August 14)
Cozy Mystery (open September 9)
Kindle Unlimited Books (open October 10)
Indie Authors (open November 8)
To sign up for the January 2020 mini author event, please click below and fill out a request on our website's contact page. Be sure to list which event you're signing up for, how many spots you'd like to reserve and your Paypal email address. Any questions, feel free to send an email.