Title: Moonlight Becomes You
Author: Robert Herold
Genre: Supernatural Horror
Book Blurb:
The Eidola Project travels to Petersburg, Virginia, to investigate a series of murders in the Black community—rumored to be caused by a werewolf. Once there, danger comes from all quarters. Not only do they face threats from the supernatural, the KKK objects to the team's activities, and the group is falling apart. Can they overcome their human frailties to defeat the evil that surrounds them?
Doc Curtis fought for every reserve of strength and
managed to quicken his pace. He could hear them
shouting behind him and dared not look back, fearing it
might slow him just that much more.
He made it through the field and emerged onto a
rough access road running between the cultivated land
on one side and the woods on the other. The doctor
dashed across the dirt road and through the weeds and
scrub bordering its opposite side. The trees stood
twenty yards ahead. He would make it, find a thick
trunk to hide behind, and fire a warning shot. If he
could drive them off, it would be best. If not, he would
do what needed to be done. Life had reduced itself to its
most basic terms: kill or be killed.
Just five yards from the trees, a gigantic black
beast bounded from the woods and landed before him.
The doctor skittered to a stop, and his feet went out
from beneath him. The creature stepped closer,
looming. Its eyes glowed red, and the skin around its
muzzle drew back, revealing a mouthful of sharp canine
The Klan had come at him in two directions, the
doctor realized.
He raised his pistol and fired into the snarling face
above him.
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What makes your featured book a must-read?
Moonlight Becomes You earned two first-place wins from the Southeastern Writers Association, including Best Novel! The worldwide release date is 2/24/2021 and it’s available for pre-order (which helps its ranking) now! It’s a book you can really sink your teeth into—or the reverse!
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Open Internationally. Runs February 2 – February 9, 2021. Winner will be drawn on February 10, 2021.

Author Biography:
The supernatural has always had the allure of forbidden fruit, ever since my mother refused to allow me, as a boy, to watch creature features on late night TV. She caved-in. (Well, not literally!)
As a child, fresh snow provided me the opportunity to walk out onto neighbor’s lawns halfway and make paw prints with my fingers as far as I could stretch. I would retrace the paw and boot prints, then fetch the neighbor kids and point out that someone turned into a werewolf on their front lawn! (They were skeptical.)
I have pursued many interests over the years, but the supernatural always called to me. You could say that I was haunted. Finally, following the siren’s call, I wrote The Eidola Project, based on a germ of an idea I had as a teenager.
Ultimately, I hope my book gives you the creeps, and I mean that in the best way possible!
Social Media Links:
Animated Book Trailer (17 seconds!): https://youtu.be/SZovJ-MZQ5Y