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Musk Rain by Terri Branson is a Fall Into These Great Reads pick #paranormalromance #romanticsuspense #fallreads #giveaway

N. N. Light



Musk Rain




Terri Branson




Paranormal Romance / Romantic Suspense





Seven years ago Phoebe promised her dying Cherokee grandmother she would solve this riddle: "Take care of the land and the land will take care of you." Now she fights her former brother-in-law Jack for possession of her home and farm near Oklahoma City. Just as she is ready to give up, a sexy and mysterious Native American martial artist named Alex offers to help. Who is Alex and what is his connection to Jack? Why does Jack want the farm? Why has her grandmother's ghost appeared after all these years? Instead of one riddle to solve, Phoebe now has a fistful of them.




A sensual aroma warmed Phoebe's nostrils.


She looked over her shoulder and found a man watching her from the other end of the aisle.


Dressed all in black, from denim shirt to jeans to dusty sneakers, he made a striking appearance. Long limbs complimented a solid six-foot frame. Shoulder-length coal-black hair was woven into a sturdy single braid. A tan complexion and handsome features denoted Native American ancestry mixed with something else. Thick lashes framed intense gold eyes. His aroma was primal and exotic, as if nature had poured musk into the rain clouds and sprinkled in a few pheromones just for good measure.


Offering a smooth smile, he broke eye contact and ambled forward, like a panther stalking prey through the rain forest, his movements powerful yet agile. In fluid motion, he brushed her with a shoulder. Then a hip. And did not apologize for either.


Usually Phoebe objected to men intruding into her personal space, but this implied panther's kiss was nothing short of orgasmic. She took a deep breath to shake off a silly schoolgirl flush, and then turned. To her surprise, he was gone. Only the scent of him remained to coat the store. That black-haired panther was not like anything she had ever seen on the edge of the Oklahoma prairie


After stuffing the old paperback into the nearest slot, Phoebe walked to the front of the store. The tiny brass bell hanging over the door had not rung. He should still be in the store somewhere. Forgoing any pretense of nonchalance, she stalked the length of the store and peered down straight aisles. In the far corner she found only Twyla.


"Where is he?" Phoebe demanded with an odd mixture of confusion and annoyance.


Setting down an armful of books, Twyla headed to the front and slipped behind the counter. "Where's who?"


"You didn't see him?" Phoebe followed, sliding up to the old counter and leaning her arms on its scuffed surface.


"What did you see? Another ghost?"


Phoebe shook her head in absolute certainty. That was no ghost.


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What’s your favorite thing about autumn?


After hot and humid summers on an Oklahoma farm, tending cattle and gardening and filling barns with haybales for the coming winter, the cool winds and rains of autumn were welcome. It was a time when things slowed down and insects trilled on cool nights.


What inspired you to write this story?


I grew up on a farm in central Oklahoma, a child of mixed Cherokee, Choctaw, and Scottish heritage. Like many kids with similar ancestries, I had lighter eyes, hair, and skin. I was constantly out-of-step with most social groups, not native enough for some but too native for others. Being of mixed heritage is a blessing, but it can also be a challenge. Because such racial mixtures are common in my region, I wanted to tell a story that shows how real people deal with such issues, both the good and the bad.


Giveaway –


One lucky reader will win a $100 Amazon gift card.



Open internationally.


Runs September 1 – 30, 2024


Drawing will be held on October 1, 2024. 




Terri Branson is an author, an editor, a graphics artist, and a website designer. After earning an associate degree in math and science, she turned to the studies of creative writing and graphic design. As well as dabbling in photography, she creates graphics for books, websites, coloring books, and more. She has sold articles on the craft of writing and conducted writing workshops. Publications include adult coloring books, children's books, fantasy, non-fiction, romance, and science fiction.




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