Title: N. N. Light's Book of Daily Inspiration
Author: N. N. Light
Genre: Inspirational, Motivational, Self-Improvement, Personal Growth
Book Blurb:
"Spread the Light and inspire others to do the same." -- N. N. Light In 2013, we wrote a mission statement and started a blog. We wanted to test a theory. Could one person (or in our case, one couple) use uplifting words to create change? The answer is a resounding yes! People from all over the world responded to our short inspirational thoughts of the day, and our following grew. What started out as a few people promoting kindness and goodwill turned into a movement. In every city, there are Light-Bearers making a difference and we want you to join us. Everyone needs inspiration. It doesn’t matter what spiritual belief you hold dear, you have the Light inside you. Kindness, compassion, empathy, encouragement are all attributes of the Light. In this book, you’ll find a ninety-second inspirational thought for each day of the year. You’ll be inspiring people to spread the Light daily with our collection of inspirational thoughts. From giving of yourself to simply smiling, these are easy concepts for anyone to apply!
December 1
We need to forget what we think we are, so that we can really become what we are. – Paulo Coelho
Are you holding yourself back? Do you look at yourself and say, "I can't do that because it's not me"?
I love this quote because it really speaks to the heart of the matter. Who we think we are is not necessarily who we are meant to be. We have to forget our current identity and be open to who we are meant to be!
Nothing is ever impossible!
Today is December 1st and I say it is the perfect time for a transformation! Be like a butterfly and transform into who you are meant to become!
Buy Links (including Goodreads and BookBub):
Get an e-copy for $1.99 (50% off) and a print copy for $12.99 (30% off)!
Universal Link: https://www.books2read.com/nnlightinspiration

Why is your featured book a must-read?
Almost a decade ago, we started a blog. We started writing inspirational posts in order to inject the online world with some positive thoughts. We never imagined it would explode into what it became. In 2018, we published N. N. Light’s Book of Daily Inspiration. It’s 365 days' worth of inspiring thoughts to start your day.
2020 has been a year none of us expected or anticipated. The world is forever changed as are we. We all could use a personal life coach uplifting us when we need it. This is the perfect book to gift for everyone on your gift list as well as giving it to yourself.
Grab an e-copy at all retailers for more than 50% off ($1.99).
Grab a print copy at Amazon for more than 30% off ($12.99)
Enter to win an e-book bundle of all 27 books featured in the Black Friday Book Deals:
Open Internationally.
Runs November 27 – December 2, 2020.
Winner will be drawn on December 3, 2020.

Author Biography:
N. N. Light is the award-winning husband-wife writing team, commonly known as Mr. N and Mrs. N. Books are their addiction and lifeblood. Life is meant to be lived; cherish the exciting moments, and relish in those all too brief moments of relaxation. They are here to live their own lives, read as many books as humanly possible and live it passionately. N. N. Light's Book Heaven serves as a vessel to project their passions, and clue in their loyal readers as to what inspires them in this crazy world. So, sit back, relax, and read on. Most of the time you can find them on Pinterest or getting new book recommendations on BookBub and Twitter. They're proud to be indie authors and are members of ASMSG and Independent Author Network. In addition to being authors, they're also book promoters/reviewers, social media marketers/influencers and the owners of N. N. Light Author Promotions. They both love books, have ever since they were young. Matching up books and readers is something that gives them great pleasure.
Social Media Links:
Website: https://www.nnlightsbookheaven.com/
Goodreads: http://www.goodreads.com/nnlight
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/NNP_W_Light
Pinterest: http://www.pinterest.com/nnlight
Amazon Author Page: https://www.amazon.com/author/nnlight