Title: No Cowboys No Angels
Author: Petie McCarty
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Book Blurb:
Kellen Brand's inheritance turns out to be a whopper -- one dilapidated farm in West Virginia and one guardian angel!
Since Kellen is convinced no sane woman would choose to live in Riverside, she vows to sell her farm and quick. Her handsome neighbor Luke Thornton must block the farm sale or risk exposure of his family's secrets. While Kellen has located one potential buyer, she faces a town full of objectors. Someone is trying to frighten her off, and Luke is forced to step in and rescue her more than once.
Unfortunately, Kellen can't seem to stay out of trouble. She stumbles onto a clandestine hazardous-waste-dumping operation next to her farm, and she prays Luke has one more rescue up his sleeve. It's her only hope of staying alive.
Unless her mother really did leave her a guardian angel…
On the south side of town, Luke gave Windsor a little nudge to speed him up since Grandfather’s property was close. Horse and rider slowed to make the turn at Laden Mill Road, and Luke gazed out over the grassy pasture before he gave Windsor his head again. The grassy pasture belonged to him now and looked in desperate need of a good mowing. If he didn’t get someone to cut it soon, he or Hank would have to do it, and neither of them had the time. He reined in Windsor at the entrance drive and scanned the barn and then the house.
His jaw sagged. Someone stood on his front porch and peeked in his windows—a red-haired someone. He gave Windsor a poke with his heels, and the horse leaped forward in response. Galloping down the entrance drive, Luke reined in hard at the bottom step and startled his trespasser.
“And you are on my front porch because?” he barked, while holding the skittish stallion in place. Windsor had had his head, and he wanted it again.
Kellen’s eyes went wide with guilt. “I was just—”
“Snooping?” Windsor sidestepped to the right, forcing Luke to twist around in his saddle to hold eye contact.
She stiffened and her brilliant green eyes flashed with temper. “I was not! You-You—” She stamped her foot.
“Owner?” he said, unwilling to let her off the hook for an instant. Not when he had her good and cornered. Thank God, Windsor kept him so busy he didn’t ogle her like a schoolboy.
“No, I was going to say—”
The horse reared and pawed the air, effectively cutting her off. Of course, Luke’s little heel nudge and rein tug instigated the ostentatious display. He swiftly turned the horse back around so he could face her.
“So, why are you here? On my front porch. Peeking in my windows.”
She gave him a glare fit for the devil. “I was not peeking. I was trying to see if anyone was home.”
He waited.
Her eyes narrowed. “I didn’t want anything.” She hesitated. “I wasn’t doing anything.”
“Well, if you didn’t want anything and you weren’t doing anything . . .” He eased the powerful horse right up next to her though she stood her ground on the bottom step. “. . .then you must need a ride home.”
He snatched her off the step before she could answer and counted on the little spitfire having the presence of mind to swing her leg over the horse when Windsor took off. She didn’t disappoint him. The stallion streaked for the break in the tree line, and she clung to him like a tick on a coon dog. The feel of her arms around his waist had his heart rate matching Windsor’s rhythmic gait once again. Through the tree break and across her unplowed fields, they galloped.
He should slow the horse on the uneven ground. He really should. But if he did, Kellen would loosen her death grip on him.
The sure-footed stallion galloped across the fields as though he knew right where Luke was headed. He waited to the last possible second to rein in the black horse at Kellen’s front steps, then reached around at the same time to slide her off Windsor’s back. Once her feet touched the ground with her balance assured, he tapped his heels to the stallion and cantered back across the fields. He didn’t dare risk a backward glance and spoil his memory of the ride with another hard glare from the beauty.
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Why is your featured book a must-read?
No Cowboys No Angels is a cozy romantic mystery with suspense and kicks off the Mystery Angel Romances series. An angel hidden in every book, waiting for the reader to figure out who.
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Author Biography:
Petie spent a large part of her career working at Walt Disney World—"The Most Magical Place on Earth"—where she enjoyed working in the land of fairy tales by day and creating her own romantic fairy tales by night, including her new series, The Cinderella Romances. She eventually said good-bye to her "day" job to write her stories full-time. These days Petie spends her time writing sequels to her regency time-travel series, Lords in Time, and her cozy-mystery-with-romantic-suspense series, the Mystery Angel Romances.
Petie shares her home on the Cumberland Plateau in Tennessee with her horticulturist husband and an opinionated Nanday conure named Sassy who made a cameo appearance in No Angels for Christmas.
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