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5 stars for Pay Me To Do Nothing! by @Otto_Bocktopus #humorous #fiction #memoir #newrelease

Title: Pay Me To Do Nothing!: How a Lazy, Broke and Tired Boy Found His Calling

Author: Otto Bocktopus

Genre: Humorous Memoir, Humorous Fiction

Book Blurb:

You probably never met anyone who thinks like Otto – laugh your way to a new life perspective!

People always told Otto that working hard would lead to being more successful and that being more successful would lead to being happy. But that wasn't true. Shake your head at his antics, chuckle at his tales, and come away with a whole new perspective on companies and work and laziness and happiness. At his first job, Otto Bocktopus busted ass and made $3.35/hour. Last year, like most years, he was paid about $700K and he did nothing. He does only what he wants, yet he is always getting paid. How did he get from there to here? And, can you? -- If you believe that working hard will lead to being more successful and that being more successful will lead to being happy, and you find yourself planning to work hard your whole life until around the time your body starts to fail, then this book can teach you the fallacy of your thinking and help you find true happiness. Told through the lens of his outrageous work experiences, Otto will make you laugh and make you think. You may shake your head at his antics but you will come away with a whole different way of thinking about companies and business leaders and work and laziness and happiness. -- Don't miss out on the hilarious online quizzes at the end of each chapter! Test your understanding of Otto's perspective and laugh! Check out the quiz on Otto's website.

My Review:

A truly original book that may be the first to sing the praises of slothfulness. Presented as fiction, this book has the feel of a memoir. Not unlike a classic ep of Dragnet, the names have been changed to protect people from more lawsuits.

A compelling tale of greed and laziness. Two concepts that are outside the typical box. There were a number of times this reader read what the hero did and thought...I sort of did that. He programmed Cobol but did nothing so he could skate through. My approach has always been to do the work in thirty minutes that is scheduled for four hours and relax the other three and a half hours.

The lead also offers the advice to never drink soju. Hey, I drank a half a liter of cherry soju one night and survived. My tongue was red for three days and I was hungover for two, but I survived!

There are times the hero did have to do some work which shows being completely indigent won't even cut it in this world. He has found a way to get to a relaxed life early. This reader did to by getting out of the working for others early and enjoying the life of running a biz. That is good but hard to achieve advice. Being your own boss WAY outdoes working for someone else.

A fun book with some interesting online quizzes as a bonus after each chapter. Every person working in the world will want to read this book. A book that will have a lasting impression on society.

My Rating: 5 stars

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Author Biography:

At my first job, I busted ass and made $3.35/hour. Last year, like most years, I made about $700K and I just did nothing.

Now I travel where and when I want because that is what makes me happy. I have visited 42 countries, eaten costless gourmet meals, and consumed thousands of bottles of wine. I cycle and hike and swim and do yoga and stay fit. I live where I want. I work when I want. My travel and vacation time, not my work time, is vast, yet I am always getting paid.

How did I get from there to here? How can I make serious money without doing much of anything at all? How can I be on vacation and at work, forever? How can I live like a trust-fund baby when I am not one? And, can you?

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Reviewed by: Mr. N

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