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  • N. N. Light

Photographs in Time by @SeganTerry is a Black Friday Deal pick #99cents #99c #blackfriday #mystery

Title: Photographs in Time

Author: Terry Segan

Genre: Time Travel Mystery

Book Blurb:

How far would you go to find love?

Sami and Jimmy have devoted their lives to uniting couples across time. Women, whose search for happiness eludes them, pin their hopes on the promise of a perfect match in the past.

But someone is watching. And he isn’t following the rules.

As Sami and Jimmy near completion of their contract, disaster strikes a third time. They seek guidance from predecessors long dead, only to uncover dark facets of a process they once believed in. Are they truly doing these women a favor by sending them back, or are they meddling with a fate not meant to be?

As the clock ticks down, they find their own relationship in jeopardy. Can this menace be stopped before he eliminates their future happiness? Time will tell.


Carney still held my hands. I ripped them free with such force, I almost fell backward before regaining my balance.

“Welcome to my humble abode,” he said.

From the looks of my surroundings, we were in a study or converted bedroom. “Where am I?”

“Don’t you mean when are you?”

His words slammed into me like a freight train. When had he taken me to? Location wasn’t as important. Since I was basically luggage on this journey, I wouldn’t be returning to where we started in 24 hours. Carney had dragged me with him on his return trip.

“You look confused, my dear. Maybe you should lie down.” The tight smile on his lips oozed with malice as he savored my discomfort.

Backing farther away, I looked about for clues that might point to where and when he had taken me. The room was sparsely decorated. There were two portraits hanging on the wall with smiling couples. Could those be the only successful matches he and April made? Bumping into something behind me, I glanced back over my shoulder and saw an oak sideboard table. On it sat the twin of what Jimmy brought back—a Family Slide. So close, yet it might as well have been miles away.

“Come,” he said.

My focus returned to my abductor as he reached for me. I visibly recoiled at the thought of his callous touch again and dropped my hands to my sides.

“As you wish,” he nodded. Turning and walking to the door, he retrieved a key from his pocket and unlocked it. Seems he wasn’t taking any chances while off on a journey. Opening the door, he stood aside and gestured for me to go through.

With no other option, I walked into the hallway. Obviously, we were inside a house—quite a large one from the number of doors off the walkway. I made sure to keep Carney in my sight. As he followed me, closing the door behind him, he turned and locked it again.

“Can’t be too careful these days. You never know who might wander in while I’m out and about. Hmmm?” He rambled casually as he dropped the key back into his pocket.

“Why did you bring me here?” I asked, amazed at the steadiness in my voice.

“Just trying to teach your Collector a little lesson.”

“Which is?”

“I will continue to take things away from him until he gives me what I want!” The anger in his voice scared me. His constant swirl of emotions broiling under the surface was disturbing. Trying to figure out an escape would be even harder since I never knew what to expect. One moment he chatted reasonably, and the next his ire soared out of control. Even more reason for me to maintain a calm exterior.

Looking at him, I asked, “Where to from here?”



He walked past me to the next door on the left, which had a dead bolt on the outside. As he swung it open, the hinges creaked in protest. Glancing behind me I saw the staircase going down. Before I could act on my next thought, Carney grabbed my arm and yanked me toward the open door.

Buy Links (including Goodreads and BookBub):

Read Photographs in Time for only .99!

What makes your featured book a must-read?

Photographs in Time pulls together three great concepts—time travel, mystery, and romance. Populated with interesting characters, some you’ll love to hate and others you’ll be rooting for until the end, it’ll keep you turning pages late into the night. Grab your copy for only .99 and take a journey through time.

Giveaway –

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Open Internationally. You must have a valid Amazon US or Amazon Canada account to win. Runs November 25 – November 30, 2022. Winner will be drawn on December 1, 2022.

Author Biography:

Terry Segan resides in Nevada. The beach is her happy place, but any opportunity to travel soothes her gypsy soul. The stories conjured by her imagination while riding backseat on her husband’s motorcycle can be found throughout the pages of her paranormal mysteries.

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