Title: Planting the Seeds of Love: A Novella
Author: N. N. Light
Genre: Sweet Romance
Book Blurb:
The day her grandfather died, Sally’s life changed forever.
Twenty-Two-year-old Sally Rayton returns to the family farm she deserted four years ago to bury her grandfather. Her plan: to settle her grandfather’s estate and return to her life in the city with her boyfriend, Trevor Mattson.
Her childhood friend, Jack Smith, has other ideas.
Jack convinces Sally to transform the farm into a brewery and fulfill her grandfather’s dream while keeping the Rayton Farm in the family. Sally works side-by-side with Jack while Trevor is hundreds of miles away in the city. The more time she spends with Jack, the stronger her feelings are for him. Sally’s torn between her new feelings for her best friend, Jack and her boyfriend, Trevor.
When Trevor shows up to propose to Sally right before Christmas and finds her in Jack’s embrace, she’s unsure which man she loves. Will it be her best friend and farmer, Jack, or will it be rich, successful Trevor? City or Country… only Sally’s heart knows what’s right and true.
Watch the trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uPaHDQDL0RE
"I know, I'm sorry. I wasn't thinking." She swallowed.
"No kidding, you weren't thinking," Jack bellowed.
Sally winced.
"Stop yelling at her," Trevor snapped.
"You." Jack pointed his index finger at Trevor. "Stay out of this."
Doc cleared his throat.
"You cut yourself and passed out. In the snow. Marcus was the one to discover you. He called for an ambulance and brought you in, along with Trevor."
Sally closed her eyes, as memories flooded her.
"Sally, I was so scared when Marcus told me." Trevor's voice cracked. "So much blood..."
"Trevor, that's not helpful," warned Doc.
"Sally?" Jack asked.
"Hmmm," she replied.
"I think we should let her rest, gentlemen." Doc began to usher them out when Sally spoke.
"How did you know I was hurt, Jack?"
Tension filled the room. Sally opened her eyes, searching Jack's gaze.
"Marcus called me." His shoulders fell but his eyes never wavered.
Sally knew there was more to it than that. When she was seven, she fell out of a tree during recess. Even though Jack was two years older than her and had a difference recess time, he found her. She broke her leg. He stayed with her until the ambulance came. He told her later he saw her fall in his mind and had to save her because he was her knight in shining armor.
"Weren't you at your brother's house?" Sally stared hard.
Jack's eyes widened.
"Jack, doesn't your brother live three hundred miles away?" asked Doc. "How did you get here so quick?"
Jack raised an eyebrow but remained silent.
"It's like before," whispered Sally.
Jack stared back at her, stunned.
"What happened before?" demanded Trevor.
Sally shook her head.
"I'm tired. I think I'll rest." Sally turned her head away and closed her eyes.
Doc ushered them out.
"I was too late to save you," whispered Jack.
Sally trembled slightly.
He turned out the light and closed the door before she could respond.
Buy Links (including Goodreads and BookBub):
Universal Link: https://books2read.com/plantingseeds
Amazon US https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01581XM50
Amazon CA https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B01581XM50
Amazon UK https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B01581XM50

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Here's what readers/reviewers say:
"I don't usually read romance novellas (or romance in general, call me hard-hearted if you want to), but this is a sweet coming of age novel which makes you wish too could come back home." - Author Ann M. Noser
"I found N. N. Light’s book refreshingly honest in its character development while still laying out those adult themes of desire, loss of control and jealousy." - L. Paul
"For a short story, this one is so well-developed and full of wonderful characters, it was a pleasure to read. " - K. Westrope
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Author Biography:
N. N. Light is the award-winning husband-wife writing team, commonly known as Mr. N and Mrs. N. Books are their addiction and lifeblood.
Life is meant to be lived; cherish the exciting moments, and relish in those all too brief moments of relaxation. They are here to live their own lives, read as many books as humanly possible and live it passionately. N. N. Light's Book Heaven serves as a vessel to project their passions, and clue in their loyal readers as to what inspires them in this crazy world. So, sit back, relax, and read on.
Social Media Links:
One link to rule them all: https://bio.link/nnlightsbookheaven