Title: Quotable
Author: Mia Augustine
Genre: Small Town Romantic Suspense
Book Blurb:
Being hot and adorable does not excuse illegal behavior… Genna Lyndsey, a short, too-skinny, wild haired waif with sturdy black glasses lives through books. She is not a people person. Her college days provided enough lessons to learn depending on others was not for her. Which was exactly when she resorted to spouting obscure quotes to keep people from getting too close. As an insurance fraud investigator, Rick Johnson is tasked into assessing the unusual number of claims filed by one Genna Lyndsey. He suspects the nerdy bookstore owner of sabotaging her own property for money. What his investigation uncovers, however, is an adorable introvert using weird idioms in an effort isolate herself, while someone else resolves to put her out of business—permanently. She's a hazard to his shins and his heart. Finalist ~ International Digital Awards
Rick turned his attention to the overflowing bookcases. The vast amount of books was staggering. He pushed a hand through his hair which sent water droplets flying.
Sorted by subject, practically two full bookcases, eight or ten shelves high, were dedicated to historical romance. Not just historical, mind, but Regency historical, medieval historical, American western historical, Tudor. He knew, because of the helpful little flags telling him so. Otherwise, he would have had no idea what the hell a historical was, medieval or otherwise.
Other shelves displayed contemporary thrillers—psychological and horror. Poetry. Reference. Cookbooks. Travel. Self-help, and... ah, hell!
Sexual therapy. Sexual dysfunctions. Sex enhancements. And one surprising title that caught his eye, How to Overcome Premature Ejaculation. Now he’d seen everything.
Curiosity got the better of him, and he flashed a quick glance around to make sure no one would surprise him by leering over his shoulder. Coast clear, he tugged the offending book from the shelf and flipped through the pages. Sexual sensory awareness. Okay, not so bad. Inadequate ejaculatory control, rapid ejaculations, plateau stage...
“But we would have a great time.” The raised whiney tone startled Rick and he thrust the book back in its place, irritated at the heat on his face. At least it was placed out of the reach of small children and little old ladies—up high at the rear of the store.
“Forget it,” she snapped. Their voices dropped to a murmur, and Rick heard a little bell signaling their departure. Guy-nerd’s, anyway. Apparently, Nerd-girl-wild-haired-waif stormed toward the back of the store, setting him in mind of a miniature hurricane, muttering furiously under her breath. Her fury was quiet but apparent. “‘Is this a dagger which I see before me?’ Ha! I only wish.”
Stifling a grin at this odd remark, he averted his gaze and continued a quick perusal of the shelves, moving off to an entirely different subject matter, of course.
Rick could hardly afford the ‘few more minutes’ when he finally spun in a circle at a loss. How the hell was he supposed to find some out-of-print books on Inductive Sciences in this mess? Putting off his search until the last possible moment had been a foolish oversight. He looked at his watch and winced. Twelve minutes.
Seeing no one around to help, he strode to the end of the towering bookcases and paused in the center of a wide aisle. An unsightly sofa covered in faded floral print looked perfect in the setting. Just then he caught sight of Girl-nerd-waif inside a doorway at the back of the store, down on her hands and knees, slinging water about with an already soaked towel.
“Excuse me,” he said. “If it’s not too much trouble, I need help finding something?”
Startled out of obvious concentration, she glanced up at him from her position on the floor. Brows drawn, she didn’t bother to conceal her exasperation behind the black nerdy glasses. He fought a sudden grin at the picture she made, somewhat adorable, in fact. But he was in a hurry. He cleared his throat. “I’m, uh, looking for History of the Inductive Sciences, From the Earliest to the Present Times, in three volumes, by William Whewell,” he said. He kept his tone polite and gave her a gentle smile. She wore worn jeans and a rumpled tee. Poor thing, minimum wage was tough.
“History of the Inductive Sciences?” she repeated, cocking her head to one side. She stood and wiped her hands over her dusty jeans.
“Yes. And I’m in a bit of a hurry.” He kept the smile in place, an effort as he glanced at his watch for effect. Definitely running out of time. Ten minutes to be exact.
He frowned at her gaping look. She needed to shut her mouth. The full lips were too distracting. Only why should he care, he couldn’t guess. He should be thinking of Ramona’s.
“Yes. History of the Inductive Sciences, From the Earliest to the Present Times, in three volumes by William Whewell,” he said again, a bit more slowly this time. He was starting to doubt her intelligence. It was a long title, after all. “Is there someone here able to help me find them?” Looking past her into what he’d originally thought was a stockroom but was in fact, a small office. Those black, sturdy-nerdy glasses, he and his friends from high school had called them, failed to hide brilliant dark blue eyes. The glasses slid down a small, upturned nose.
She pushed them up with a delicate finger, drawing attention to, he wasn’t sure, but it looked like a streak of dirt crossing her left cheek.
“You mean Reverend William Whewell’s History of the Inductive Sciences, the mathematician born in 1794, known for coining the phrase ‘scientist’? The one who wrote Astronomy and General Physics: Considered with Reference to Natural Theology?” Her brow was still furrowed. Her obvious bemusement was in direct contrast to her reference of the author in question. It occurred to him that she might be having fun at his expense.
His eyes narrowed on her, considering the possibility. She didn’t appear to be laughing at him. Breathing in willed patience, he let out a slow stream of air. Did she have the books or not? She was still talking, however.
“... co-founder and President of the British Association for the Advancement of Science.” She didn’t even pause. “You know, he also wrote on mechanics, architecture, and moral philosophy. Have you tried the internet?”
Did she ever take a breath? He followed her to the checkout counter, his gaze on the sway of her hips, subtle but alluring. He palmed a hand over his face. He really had no time for thoughts like these. “Look, miss, all I wanted was a used book. This is a used bookstore, right?”
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What makes your featured book a must-read?
A book nerd genius who uses obscure quotes as a shield? Crazy, right? A hero who cannot believe this waif is the one who stirs his blood. She’s clueless, until she’s… not. This was such a fun book to write. Creating the town (which is diagramed in the book). I loved it and I know you will too.
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Author Biography:
Mia Augustine graduated from the University of Central Oklahoma with a BA in Management Information Systems and Vocal Music minor. She writes about courageous heroines and the heroes who adore them. Mia loves rain, hot chocolate, karaoke, and her cattle dog Angel.
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