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Regency Summer Scandals is a Summertime Books Event pick #regency #ku #summer #giveaway


Regency Summer Scandals: A Regency Romance Summer Anthology


Arietta Richmond, Victoria Hinshaw, Janis Susan May, Olivia Marwood, and Regina Jeffers

Genre: Regency romance; historical romance fiction, romance anthology; scandals; women authors, British historical fiction

Book Blurb:

Five fabulous Regency stories to keep you reading all summer long!

This anthology contains:

Loving Lord Lindmore by Regina Jeffers

A Heart for an Heir by Arietta Richmond

Sister to Scandal by Janis Susan May

Beyond Scandal by Victoria Hinshaw

Lady Matilda Heals a Hero by Olivia Marwood

Short Blurb for “Loving Lord Lindmore” by Regina Jeffers


Lady Cora Midland, a highly-spirited country beauty, offers no pretensions, which win her many admirers, despite her lack of knowledge on how to manage the beau monde.


Lindmore reluctantly assists his grandmother in bringing Lady Cora out in Society. Yet, what appeared to be a daunting task becomes a transformation the earl does not expect.

When Lady Cora is on the the verge of marrying another, Lindmore fears time will expire before he can speak his own proposal.

Excerpt from “Loving Lord Lindmore” from Regina Jeffers

The coachman frowned and cleared his throat. “Lord Lindmore did not wait in the coach, my lady. I believe he is within the house.” Mr. Vickers face turned red in embarrassment.

Cora lowered her voice. “Then who is in the second coach?”

Mr. Vickers’s lips twisted in disapproval. “From the crest on the side, it is Lord Truist.”

“Truist?” she questioned. “Is he within also? I thought I noted the coach rocking with movement.”

Again, Mr. Vickers appeared uncomfortable. “I cannot say with any assurance, my lady.”

Cora took another quick look around. “‘Something is rotten in the state of Denmark. That one may smile and smile and be a villain.’ Assist me down, Mr. Vickers.”

“It is likely best you remain within, my lady. Lady Lindmore would have my hide if her grandson’s and Lord Truist’s shenanigans brought scandal to your door,” the coachman pleaded. “I will assist Flauton, and we will be on the road again. No more than a quarter hour.”

Cora ignored his protests. “I shan’t speak of this to the countess.” She released the door latch. “Whose house sets along the lane?”

From behind her, Mrs. Evans added, “It belongs to the Widow Lawrence.”

“Oh, no. Oh, no,” Cora gasped. “Mr. Schroder is heading this way with a bouquet of flowers. He cannot find Lord Lindmore within and Truist standing guard. They are up to no good.” She swung the door wide. “Assist me down, Mr. Vickers. When Mr. Schroder appears, assure him you and Mr. Flauton have just finished the repair. Then come ahead of him to fetch me and his lordship where we took refuge inside out of the warmth, while you completed the work.”

“Lady Cora,” her companion complained. “You cannot think to enter that woman’s house.”

“I plan to enter and so shall you. Now, fetch one of the jars of conserves we brought for her ladyship and climb down.” With a shooing motion, she sent Mr. Vickers to assist the earl’s coachman while Cora boldly strode across the road to pound on Lord Truist’s door. “My lord, I wish to speak to you. Now, sir!”

Truist dropped the window from the way to say sweetly, “My dear Lady Cora, I did not realize you were in the Lindmore coach.”

“I have no time for your double speak, Lord Truist,” she ordered. “What have you offered Lord Lindmore to enter Mrs. Lawrence’s house?”

“I am injured by your accusation,” he began, while holding a hand to his heart as if wounded.

“Then be uninjured,” she argued. “Whatever it is you offered, I shall expect you to pay the debt or else I will see it quietly spread about London that you are not a man of your word. More of a man lacking in honor. Now, be from here immediately before I change my mind and call foul just to be contrary.”

Truist grinned, “I liked you better before you became a fishwife, Lady Cora. I will call upon you at Lind Hall once you are settled in with the countess. Adieu, my dear child.”

Cora did not appreciate being called a “child,” especially as she was set on correcting a very childish prank of two supposedly grown men. She turned to set a quick pace up the lane leading to the house. Catching Mrs. Evans’s elbow, she directed the woman along with her. She explained, “We have perhaps a quarter hour, at best, likely less before Mr. Schroder makes his call on the widow. We must set the scene inside so as not to send the man’s hopes plummeting.”

“Cora,” Mrs. Evans protested, as she juggled the jar of conserves. “A lady cannot interrupt what surely transpires within.”

Cora paused briefly before turning their steps towards the house again. “If I do not, the Lindmore name will be attached to a bit of a scandal. The countess shall not be permitted to bring me out in society. Equally as important, we shall face our own share of gossip as we are at the scene of this tumult. Now, assist me as I ask.”

Mrs. Evans’s pace increased, and she had knocked on the door before Cora could set herself a plan.

“Yes, ma’am. Miss.”

“Lady Cora wishes to speak to her cousin. Immediately,” Mrs. Evans demanded in that special voice all former governesses have perfected.

The man servant stepped back in response. “I fear Lord Lindmore is in consultation with Mrs. Lawrence,” he managed.

Cora had no time for niceties. “Listen carefully. Mr. Schroder is walking this way. We saw him on the road. He should be here in approximately ten minutes, depending on his pace. You,” she grabbed the conserves from Mrs. Evans’s hands, “are to bring up four cups and plates. Splash a bit of tea in each. Open the conserves and spread a bit on whatever the kitchen has available to create a scene of four people enjoying tea and bread and butter or whatever while his lordship’s coach is repaired.”

“There is no tea made, my lady,” he argued.

“We are not actually going to take tea,” she said in slow syllables so he might comprehend what she required of him. “Tell the cook to have tea ready for Mr. Schroder. Just splash a bit of dregs in each cup to ‘pretend’ we all had tea.”

“Yes, my lady.” He started away, but Cora caught his arm.

“First, tell me where I might discover your mistress and Lindmore.” Despite the chaos, Cora found herself beginning to smile. Going to London would answer one of her questions if she was brave enough to view the scene within.

“The last door along the hall. Mrs. Lawrence’s sitting room.”

“A sitting room?” Cora murmured. She was thrown for the passing of several heartbeats. She had always assumed the act of begetting a child took place in the bedroom, but she quickly supposed neither the Earl of Lindmore nor Mrs. Lawrence were considering a union of more than flesh. After all, Cora had observed the milk maid and one of the stable hands in various stages of undress and the throes of desire upon three separate occasions. Only once had the pair shared a bed, in the loft where the stable hand slept each evening. Shortly afterwards, the pair married, for the girl was with child.

“Lady Cora?” Mrs. Evans caught Cora’s hand. “You have no need to do this. We will return to the carriage and permit all involved their due.”

Such was tempting, but she liked Mr. Schroder and wanted to view him knowing success. Therefore, Cora strode purposely down the hall and pounded on the door. “My lord! Mrs. Lawrence! I am coming in!”

Buy Links (including Goodreads and BookBub):

Available on Kindle Unlimited

What makes your featured book a must-read?

Regency Summer Scandals is a great summer beach reach: FIVE stories, from some of the best Regency authors writing today, for the price of one. These stories are the perfect escape from the world, and, like all good romances, the reader will find the characters falling in love, most assuredly, resisting doing so, but falling despite their best efforts not to. Toss in a bit of “scandal,” and the stories are designed not to be put down.

Giveaway –

Enter to win a $25 Amazon gift card:

Open Internationally. You must have a valid Amazon US or Amazon Canada account to win.

Runs June 20 – June 28, 2023.

Winner will be drawn on June 29, 2023.

Author Biography:

A writer penning more than 60 novels, Regina Jeffers is the award-winning author of stories with dashing heroines and daring heroines, all set in the Regency or early Victorian era. A Smithsonian presenter and a Martha Holden Jennings Scholar, Jeffers has been honored with multiple awards for her tales: She writes full-time, skillfully enveloping her readers in the hearts and minds of her characters. She will have you cheering for her characters, will likely make you cry, will have you laughing aloud, as well as wanting more.

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