Title: Requiem
Author: P.L. Parker
Genre: Science fiction romance
Book Blurb:
The rebels are losing the intergalactic war.
They need a prototype of the Deg’Nara’s latest weapon, a planet-killer, to survive. A covert operations team is tasked with finding and retrieving the weapon. Their mission is proceeding as planned but goes horribly wrong when Ashyr, a space pirate, swoops in and literally tears the weapon from the team’s hands.
Cam can’t let that happen. Impetuous, reckless, and determined to retrieve it at all costs, she throws herself onto Ashyr’s ship and the battle begins.
Both excited and sad, Cam stared out the viewing screen, watching and waiting for the rebel techs’ arrival. She looked forward to being back with the team but leaving Joss—and Ashyr—filled her with melancholy and deep-seated loss. Joss was her best friend and Ashyr, well, Ashyr had carved out a place in her heart. Not that he knew he had, but she knew. Just thinking about leaving and possibly never seeing him again caused her heart to ache.
Why do I care! She’d barely seen him since they arrived at the Mogishada fleet several cycles ago, mostly passing in the hall or catching brief sights of him across the way in the immense cafeteria. He was avoiding her and she couldn’t understand why.
She leaned against the viewing pane, relishing the coolness against her forehead, the action centering her and easing somewhat the dismal direction of her thoughts.
I should be ecstatic! Not down and disheartened. Being back with the rebels where she belonged was a good thing. What she wanted. She’d keep busy, involved. Work up a good sweat and go to bed, too tired to dream about what might have been. Ashyr was a pirate and he had no real affiliations other than those loose connections with others of his kind. Mooning over him wasn’t doing her a damn bit of good.
So why did it hurt so much?
“Ashyr’s looking for you.” Thrall’s husky voice startled her from her reverie.
She leaned back, fingers rubbing the faint moisture from her brow. “Why?”
He shrugged. “Didn’t say. Just said if I saw you to let you know he wanted to speak to you.”
That familiar thrill of anticipation coursed through her veins. It also irritated her that the mere mention of his name set her female parts thrumming.
“And I’m supposed to just jump when he snaps his fingers?” She spun on her heels, planning to escape.
He caught her arm before she could move away. “He wants to talk to you about something. I don’t know what but maybe it’s important.”
Important? What could be important now that the Mogishada had the kraebek? That was the only reason he was here! Against her better judgment, her innate curiosity kicked in. Didn’t hurt to at least find out what he wanted.
“It’d better be important,” she muttered. “Where do I find him?”
Thrall spoke into his wrist com. “I found her. She wants to know where you want to meet.”
Ashyr’s voice clicked on. “I’ll meet her at her quarters.”
Cam slanted a glance in Thrall’s direction. “Does he even know where my quarters are?”
“I do,” Ashyr’s voice replied. “Meet me there in five.”
Thrall’s fingers slid across the wrist com, ending the connection. His lips curved in a slight grin as he studied her stormy features. “Relax! It could be something good.”
“Meet me there in five,” she snipped, mimicking Ashyr’s voice. “Like I’m holding my breath and just waiting for him to call.”
In all actuality, she was, but no reason for him to know that. Wasn’t like she had anything better to do anyway.
Thrall waved one hand as he strode away. “Do yourself a favor and be nice.”
“I’m always nice,” she protested. “Most of the time anyway.”
She caught his derisive snort as he rounded the corner.
Jerk! She could be nice. Very nice if the situation warranted but Ashyr hadn’t been the easiest guy to get along with.
Buy Links (including Goodreads and BookBub):
New Concepts Publishing: https://www.newconceptspublishing.com/product-page/copy-of-deg-nara-four-requiem
Barnes and Noble: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/degnara-book-four-pl-parker/1139114780?ean=2940164857769

What makes your featured book a must-read?
If you like science fiction romance, space pirates, determined women and hunky males, Requiem might just be the one for you. Lots of action, adventure and romance.
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Author Biography:
I write stories with alpha males and strong, determined women. I also like happy endings! I am a dreamer, an avid reader of fiction, a sometimes gardener and an inept crafter. I live in Idaho. I have three sons, two daughters-in-law, a granddaughter and little grandson. Over the years, I taught and performed dance but as time passed, I decided to try my hand at a new endeavor - writing. I enjoy life and all its promises.
Social Media Links:
Website: https://www.plparker.net/
Blogspot: http://plparker.blogspot.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/PLParker