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Run Girl Run by Ellen Y Mueller is a recommended read + a giveaway #yalit #yasuspense #giveaway

N. N. Light

Title Run Girl Run

Author Ellen Y Mueller

Genre Young adult contemporary suspense

Publisher The Wild Rose Press

Book Blurb

Sixteen-year-old Tracie lives in a house divided by fear and a family secret she has yet to discover. Her grandma gives her a hint and the tools to unearth the past. Are the clues the answer to her prayers? If so, she’ll take her younger brother and split. Her dream can’t come true quick enough.

One night, when her dad is in one of his violent rages, opportunity pounds on Tracie’s door. A male friend offers her an escape. But there’s a catch. She can’t sneak her brother out with her parents watching, and her dad demands her friend leave immediately. On a whim, she goes, too. After all, he just wants to keep her safe and swears to have her best interest at heart.

Caught in a current of lies and deception, Tracie’s swept farther from home than she ever expects. She can’t trust anyone, not even her mother. Exposing the secret may save Tracie and her little brother, but at what cost?


The guy who wore tattered jeans and sported longish hair escorted me to dinner. Black locks curled at his ears. I wasn’t sure if Cal’s looks bothered Mom more than his east-coast attitude. His jerky movements had her squirming in her chair at the dinner table more than once.

Jason and Cal scarfed down the meal, while the rest of us picked at our food as if Mom served live earthworms covered in tomato sauce.

Dad forked his lasagna and pinched off a bite.

“Tracie, you can’t impose on your friends.” “Debby wants me to stay with her,” I said.

“And why is that? You cried on her shoulder, didn’t you? You’re spoiled. I didn’t have anything when I was your age.”

“I’m happier at her house,” I said, avoiding Dad’s stare and wishing I could say Grandpa didn’t cover you in bruises.

“Debby has her own family. Whatever little fairy tale you two invented will come to a halt when she has her baby. She won’t have time for you.”

Cal wiped his mouth with a napkin. “I’ve been thinking about this too. Why don’t you let Tracie move to Texas with me until she graduates? I live near her old high school.”

Dad’s eyes widened like a hoot owl. “Oh, that’s why you’re here. You think I’ll let my daughter move in with you? She’ll be a mother herself in a couple months—”

“No, Mr. Bigelow. No one wants to hop in bed.”

Dad pointed at me. “You’re moving home tomorrow. If you argue, I’ll have a chat with Debby’s husband. I’m sure he’s tired of you.”

“Mr. Bigelow, you’re missing the point—”

Dad pushed his plate away and stood. “Tracie, you will move home tomorrow. Cal, you should head home tonight. Tracie will be busy with us.” He left the table and vanished into the living room.

Mom followed him, abandoning her dinner.

Jason swallowed the last of his tea and set the glass down. “I’m done. Anyone up for video games?”

“In a little while,” I said, knowing my twisting gut stopped me from having fun tonight. I gathered the dishes. “I’m not hungry.”

Cal chewed his last bite of lasagna and carried his plate into the kitchen.

Mom returned and pulled me aside. “You need to say your goodbyes. Otherwise, you know what will happen. I’ll finish clearing the table.” I found Cal in the hallway.

“Hey, I need to talk to you. Where’s your room?” he asked.

“I’m not allowed to have boys in there. Dad will get mad.”

Both Jason’s video game and Dad’s television blasted from the living room.

“Not even for a minute? It’s getting dark outside.”

Cal had a point. Everyone was occupied. After Dad’s speech, they didn’t think I’d break the rules.

We snuck into my room. With a soft click, I shut the door behind us. We took seats on the bed, since we had no chairs.

Cal ruffled his hair. “Are you moving back in here? Your dad is a maniac.”

“You heard him. I don’t have a choice. Debby will have her baby in a couple weeks, and I have nowhere to go.”

“You can live with me. My place is small, but we could make it work.”

I didn’t know him well. What if we didn’t get along after I went with him? Besides, Dad would call the law on us.

The door rattled, and my heart thumped when it flew open.

“You know boys aren’t allowed in here,” Dad said. “Dad, we’re just talking—”

“Shut your mouth, or I’ll shut it for you.” His posture stiffened.

We had to get out of here. Dad blocked the exit. Rather than challenging him, I stayed put. I could hear Cal breathing. He was no match for my father.

Dad glared at both of us. “Cal it’s time to say goodbye.” He stomped away.

I exhaled. It was safer with Cal here. Any other time, Dad would’ve stripped off his belt and whipped me. There was a five-minute window for Cal to leave before Dad threw him out and came after me next.

“He’s crazy. Come with me.” Cal sat on the bed’s edge, one leg dangling, ready to stand.

“I can’t.”

I could only imagine the trouble I’d start if I left with this boy.

“You can. You’re stronger than you think. What do you think he’ll do when I leave?”

He sounded sincere, but there was always a limit to how far someone would risk their own wellbeing. What would happen if Dad called the police? When lights flashed and sirens screamed, Cal might not stand by me. When the cops snapped handcuffs on his wrists for aiding a sixteen-year-old delinquent, he’d regret ever meeting me. The risk he faced was too much to ask of someone only three years older.

Mom knocked on the door and popped her head into the room. Her lips pinched downward, and her frown lines between her eyebrows deepened. “Come here.”

I was shaking but obeyed and met her in the hallway.

“Nothing will ever change. Get rid of him before your dad explodes.” She padded away to the living room.

My heart pounded in my chest while Cal waited, and the clock was ticking. He had to leave immediately, and I’d have to deal with Dad.

Cal was ready to bolt when I returned.

“Okay, I’ll go,” I whispered, hoping he knew what he was getting himself into.

Oh God, I’m really doing this.

Buy Links (including Goodreads and BookBub)

Giveaway –

We’re celebrating Run Girl Run with a fun giveaway.

Enter to win a $25 Amazon gift card.

Open to US residents.

Runs June 15 – July 20, 2023.

Winner will be drawn on July 21, 2023.

Author Biography

Ellen Y. Mueller is an American writer who was raised in the Midwest. For nearly three decades, she worked as a physician and surgeon. Before that, she served in the USAF and was trained as a war-time triage medic and a peace-time medical records specialist. While in college, she was employed as a veterinary technician.

From the time she was a child, she loved books and invented stories. Now she writes for both teens and adults. Her young adult, contemporary, suspense novel, Run Girl Run, is under contract with The Wild Rose Press. She also writes in other fiction and nonfiction genres such as fantasy, medical, and self-help.

When Ellen’s not writing, she reads, enjoys guitar music, and mentors other writers who dream of seeing their books in print. She’s been a member of the Northwest Arkansas Writer’s critique group, and Arkansas Ridge Writers for several years. She is married and loves living in Arkansas.

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