Title: Second Time Love
Author: Laura M. Baird
Genre: Mainstream Seasoned Romance
Book Blurb:
After losing her husband of thirty years, Grace, at the age of fifty, thought all she'd ever feel was grief and loneliness. She certainly never thought to feel love again. After being convinced to take the trip of a lifetime, a surprise encounter with Cole has her rethinking her feelings—especially when he ignites a passion unlike anything she's ever experienced.
Will Grace allow herself another chance with this second time love?
The journey to Fiji had been exhausting. Half way through the flight, Grace felt like a see-saw, once again questioning her decision to take the trip. After she finally arrived, she felt as if she could sleep for a day.
She’d been escorted to her bure—the little private hut at the resort—and once her luggage had been deposited and the attendant departed, she collapsed on the bed and drifted away.
Soft caresses from a fragrant breeze brought Grace awake, and the gentle lapping of the ocean’s water beckoned. She rose from the bed, taking a moment to orient herself, and saw several hours had passed. Walking out the sliding glass door, she meandered through the grove of trees toward the beach. She kicked off her shoes and sunk her fuchsia-painted toes in the still-warm sand, lifting her face to the late-afternoon sun. It felt glorious, much better than the cool, rainy days that had persisted back home.
The all-inclusive resort where she was staying had bures scattered about and nestled amongst groves, allowing a certain level of privacy. Although numerous resorts and accommodations dotted the Fijian islands, she still felt like the only woman left on earth. And that was what she wanted for now.
Feeling thankful for the push to come on this trip alone despite her wishy-washy thoughts, her mind grew more peaceful. Grace began to realize that while she would always have Michael’s memories and the love they shared, she’d be able to continue on with her life. His memories now brought sweetness instead of misery and sadness.
A welcomed breakthrough.
Grace spent three days close to her private oasis being completely lazy. She had enjoyed time in the sun and water, as well as relaxing in a hammock, reading one of the many books downloaded on her Kindle. The particular romance she was currently reading certainly had her wondering what it’d be like to share this paradise with a companion, a companion of the warm, male variety.
And to her initial horror and surprise, it wasn’t Michael’s face she pictured in her fantasy.
“Well, I’m not that ready to move on,” she admonished herself.
Suddenly feeling restless, she decided to take a walk along the beach and clear her head. After spending these days not doing much, she was ready for some movement. Dressed in one of her new bathing suits, she slipped her sheer cover on, not that it provided much more than making her feel better in her mind. She chuckled at herself before setting her reader aside, and set out.
The calmness of the beach was like a balm on her soul, the beautifully clear ocean water hypnotic and inviting. She walked its edge, allowing the small surf to roll over her feet and ankles, and earning her a glimpse of shells and starfish along the way. When she had walked so far as to round the small peninsula and catch sight of another resort, she decided to turn around and make her way back.
The sound of laughter had her turning again. She saw a little girl in a pink bathing suit running her way, long, blonde hair billowing behind her. As well as a shirtless man who was giving chase. Grace watched as the man would get close enough to playfully swipe the girl’s behind, then feign fatigue before catching up to her again. Her antics of darting left and right, and the giggling brought a smile to Grace’s face. Before she realized she had remained rooted to her spot, watching the delightful scene, the little girl was suddenly in front of Grace, running around her like they were old friends.
She smiled down upon the girl who decided to clutch Grace’s legs and hide behind her.
“Don’t let him find me,” she whispered before giggling.
When Grace looked up, a strikingly handsome man stood before her. He wore only swim trunks that showed off his tanned and muscular body. His gaze was uncertain as it roamed her face, almost as if he’d been stunned. He opened his mouth, hesitated, and then finally spoke. “You, uh, you wouldn’t happen to have seen a little girl running around here? She’s about this high,” he continued, holding his hand close to his waist, “with long, blonde hair.”
Grace’s gaze was drawn to his defined abs and those delicious dips running toward his hips that his low-slung shorts revealed. She suddenly blushed when she realized where her concentration had been. As she peered back to his face, his eyes held such intrigue that something compelled her to play along.
“I’m sorry, but no little girls around here. Just me.” She smiled. And was rewarded with a knee-weakening smile in return.
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It’s about the possibility of finding love later in life: a seasoned romance. Love is for everyone no matter their age or life’s circumstances.
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Author Biography:
Laura took her love of reading and turned it into a love of writing. While continuing to work as a dental hygienist, she became a published author, bringing readers stories with sexy romance, fun and emotion, along with thoughtful topics. She and her husband of thirty years still enjoy being goofy together, and hope to fulfil their dreams of worldly travel.
Social Media Links:
Website: https://www.laurambairdauthor.com
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Bookbub: https://www.bookbub.com/profile/laura-m-baird
BookandMain: https://bookandmainbites.com/LauraMB/bites
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LauraMBairdauthor/
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Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/LauraMBaird
Twitter: https://twitter.com/LauraMBaird