Title: Shortbread Cookie Princess
Author: Zelda Benjamin
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Book Blurb:
Sophia MacLennan Porter grew up in an environment of wicked duplicity with a stepmother who was nice to dad and mean to his daughter. A series of events brings her to the upstate New York town of Highland Falls and her late aunt's bakeshop. Highland Falls is a town of Scottish descendants, well-kept secrets, and the best shortbread cookies for miles. No one in this town is immune from the secrets of their ancestors or greedy developers.
When Ian Campbell, a handsome Scottish research professor appears in her life, she struggles with the chance to put romance on the menu. Sophia is more concerned with the future of her bakeshop than the lives of her dead ancestors. Reluctantly, she finds herself drawn into his investigation of the history of her family's clan.
“Who knows how many scraps of plaid have been preserved in mothballs and hidden away in family attics?”
His low voice held an edge of seduction. Sophia stepped closer. The underlying sensuality of his tone captivated her. In all the times she had dusted over the fabric, she never got close enough to inhale the faint scent of mothballs. She wrinkled her nose.
“You’re very lucky to have it.” Ian ran an index finger over a thin red line woven vertically down the plaid. “Highland dyers and weavers were highly skilled. It’s evident in pieces like this. Run your fingers along this line. Do you feel the thickness? The fabric was mended many times, perhaps torn by a sword or knife thrust.”
“Or it could have been caught on a rock.” Sophia reached out and touched the coarse wool.
“It’s possible.” Ian laughed. “If we settle for the simple explanations, we might never learn the history of the people who owned these valuable pieces. He placed a hand over her fingers, guiding her touch along the uneven weave. “This can likely date back before the British banned the wearing of kilts.”
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What’s the first binge-worthy book you read and why was it a must-read?
Outlander by Diana Gabaldon weaves historical-time travel with romance and adventure.
What makes your featured book a binge-worthy read?
The book has romance, ancestry, history, small town secrets, and a modern hero in a kilt. The characters are people the reader wants to be friends with. Foodies will devour the baking details.
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Runs August 1 – 31, 2023.
Drawing will be held on September 1, 2023.
Author Biography:
Zelda writes sweet sensual contemporary romance where there’s always a HEA. She loves to travel with family and immerse in the culture of the people, places and foods. Visit her website for more info and recipes. https://www.zeldabenjamin.com
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My most binge worthy author right now is Erin R. Flynn!
Sounds like a good book.
Thank you, Zelda, for sharing your book in our Binge-Worthy Book Festival!